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**Ed Faron (Wildside Kennel) Interview

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by SMOKIN HEMI, Dec 16, 2008.



    Dog breed<WBR>er denie<WBR>s invol<WBR>vemen<WBR>t in fight<WBR>ing
    by Jule Hubba<WBR>rd
    The owner<WBR> of a pit bull terri<WBR>er dog kenne<WBR>l on Merti<WBR>e Road in Mille<WBR>rs Creek<WBR> charg<WBR>ed with felon<WBR>y dog fight<WBR>ing and baiti<WBR>ng Wedne<WBR>sday maint<WBR>ains his innoc<WBR>ence.

    In an inter<WBR>view today<WBR>, Edwar<WBR>d A. Faron<WBR> said he was a victi<WBR>m of entra<WBR>pment<WBR>, refer<WBR>ring to two men who came to his house<WBR> Monda<WBR>y and said they wante<WBR>d to buy pit bulls<WBR> for dog fight<WBR>ing. Faron<WBR>, 61, said he now reali<WBR>zed the two men were under<WBR>cover<WBR> offic<WBR>ers.

    Needi<WBR>ng money<WBR> due to diffi<WBR>cult econo<WBR>mic condi<WBR>tions<WBR>, said Faron<WBR>, “I took the bait and start<WBR>ed telli<WBR>ng them what I thoug<WBR>ht they wante<WBR>d to hear”<WBR> when they asked<WBR> for dogs for fight<WBR>ing.

    Faron<WBR> said he other<WBR>wise didn’<WBR>t knowi<WBR>ngly sell dogs for fight<WBR>ing. Autho<WBR>ritie<WBR>s haven<WBR>’t said that they belie<WBR>ve organ<WBR>ized dog fight<WBR>s occur<WBR>red on Faron<WBR>’s prope<WBR>rty on Merti<WBR>e Road.

    Altho<WBR>ugh he was convi<WBR>cted of dog fight<WBR>ing and sente<WBR>nced to a year in jail in Alama<WBR>nce Count<WBR>y in June 1989,<WBR> Faron<WBR> said he didn’<WBR>t engag<WBR>e in that illeg<WBR>al activ<WBR>ity now. He also said he didn’<WBR>t knowi<WBR>ngly sell dogs for fight<WBR>ing.

    Faron<WBR> empha<WBR>sized<WBR> the good care provi<WBR>ded for the 127 pit bulls<WBR> seize<WBR>d Wedne<WBR>sday at his Wilds<WBR>ide Kenne<WBR>ls.

    He said one of the dogs seize<WBR>d, a male named<WBR> Vadar<WBR>, had scars<WBR> from being<WBR> in dog fight<WBR>s befor<WBR>e he bough<WBR>t the dog. He said anoth<WBR>er one, a male named<WBR> Popey<WBR>e, recei<WBR>ved an eye injur<WBR>y from a tree root while<WBR> diggi<WBR>ng in the groun<WBR>d.

    Faron<WBR>, origi<WBR>nally<WBR> from Ohio,<WBR> said he becam<WBR>e invol<WBR>ved with train<WBR>ing dogs when he retur<WBR>ned to the Unite<WBR>d State<WBR>s after<WBR> servi<WBR>ng in the Vietn<WBR>am War in 1970.<WBR> He said he start<WBR>ed breed<WBR>ing pit bulls<WBR> in 1987 and start<WBR>ed Wilds<WBR>ide Kenne<WBR>ls after<WBR> movin<WBR>g to Mille<WBR>rs Creek<WBR> in 1996.

    Accor<WBR>ding to count<WBR>y recor<WBR>ds, Faron<WBR> has owned<WBR> about<WBR> 17 acres<WBR> on Merti<WBR>e Road since<WBR> 1998 and an adjoi<WBR>ning 7.4 acres<WBR> since<WBR> 2001.<WBR> The prope<WBR>rty is about<WBR> three<WBR> miles<WBR> from where<WBR> Merti<WBR>e Road inter<WBR>sects<WBR> with Vanno<WBR>y Road and about<WBR> five miles<WBR> from where<WBR> Merti<WBR>e Road inter<WBR>sects<WBR> with N.C. 18 North<WBR>.

    A MySpa<WBR>ce websi<WBR>te has video<WBR>s showi<WBR>ng pit bulls<WBR> and other<WBR> scene<WBR>s at Wilds<WBR>ide Kenne<WBR>ls. It also featu<WBR>res Faron<WBR> and Donni<WBR> “Don”<WBR> Juan Casan<WBR>ova, one of the other<WBR> two peopl<WBR>e charg<WBR>ed with felon<WBR>y dog fight<WBR>ing and baiti<WBR>ng Wedne<WBR>sday,<WBR> talki<WBR>ng about<WBR> the kenne<WBR>ls. Faron<WBR> said he is the legal<WBR> guard<WBR>ian for Casan<WBR>ova, who turns<WBR> 19 this month<WBR>.

    A websi<WBR>te for Wilds<WBR>ide Kenne<WBR>ls, at www. reneg<WBR>adewe<WBR>bdesi<WBR>gn. net, state<WBR>s, “No dogs bred,<WBR> raise<WBR>d or sold for illeg<WBR>al purpo<WBR>ses!<WBR>” and lists<WBR> exten<WBR>sive pedig<WBR>ree infor<WBR>matio<WBR>n for pit bulls<WBR> at the kenne<WBR>l.

    Faron<WBR> said he sells<WBR> pit bull puppi<WBR>es for an avera<WBR>ge of $500 each.<WBR> Wilke<WBR>s Sheri<WBR>ff Dane Masti<WBR>n said autho<WBR>ritie<WBR>s belie<WBR>ve Faron<WBR> sold dogs for aroun<WBR>d $<WBR>1,<WBR>200 to $<WBR>7,<WBR>500 each.

    He said he also start<WBR>ed the Appal<WBR>achia<WBR>n Pit Bull Club,<WBR> which<WBR> he said has dog shows<WBR> at the Taylo<WBR>rsvil<WBR>le Lions<WBR> Club Park in Taylo<WBR>rsvil<WBR>le.

    After<WBR> the Human<WBR>e Socie<WBR>ty of the Unite<WBR>d State<WBR>s relea<WBR>sed news of the seizu<WBR>re of the 127 dogs and the charg<WBR>es again<WBR>st Faron<WBR> and two other<WBR> peopl<WBR>e Thurs<WBR>day morni<WBR>ng, numer<WBR>ous peopl<WBR>e invol<WBR>ved with pit bulls<WBR> indic<WBR>ated their<WBR> suppo<WBR>rt of Faron<WBR> and their<WBR> belie<WBR>f in his innoc<WBR>ence on Inter<WBR>net blogs<WBR>.

    Kimbe<WBR>rley Thoms<WBR>on of the Pende<WBR>r Count<WBR>y town of Hamps<WBR>tead,<WBR> who bough<WBR>t a pit bull from Faron<WBR> and enter<WBR>ed pit bulls<WBR> in dog shows<WBR>, said she oppos<WBR>ed dog fight<WBR>ing and didn’<WBR>t belie<WBR>ve Faron<WBR> was invol<WBR>ved in that illeg<WBR>al activ<WBR>ity.

    In an e-<WBR>mail to the Wilke<WBR>s Journ<WBR>al-<WBR>Patri<WBR>ot, Ms. Thoms<WBR>on calle<WBR>d Faron<WBR> “a very compa<WBR>ssion<WBR>ate, good heart<WBR>ed, dog lovin<WBR>g breed<WBR>er. I’ve seen for mysel<WBR>f how much his anima<WBR>ls love him. I’ve watch<WBR>ed him hobbl<WBR>e with his bad knees<WBR> into their<WBR> lots to love on them,<WBR> as their<WBR> tails<WBR> wag so hard and they drenc<WBR>h his face with kisse<WBR>s.

    She added<WBR>, “We show UKC/<WBR>ADBA regis<WBR>tered<WBR> Ameri<WBR>can pit bull terri<WBR>ers for confo<WBR>rmati<WBR>on. We do not assoc<WBR>iate with dog fight<WBR>ers. I abhor<WBR> the pract<WBR>ice and would<WBR> not keep compa<WBR>ny with anyon<WBR>e who gave me the sligh<WBR>test incli<WBR>natio<WBR>n that they fough<WBR>t or sold fight<WBR>ing dogs,<WBR> as I love this breed<WBR> far too much.<WBR> I’ve grown<WBR> to love and admir<WBR>e Ed Faron<WBR> perso<WBR>nally<WBR> as well as profe<WBR>ssion<WBR>ally.<WBR> He breed<WBR>s for confo<WBR>rmati<WBR>on excel<WBR>lence<WBR> and has a great<WBR> love for the breed<WBR>.

    She calle<WBR>d Faron<WBR> “a walki<WBR>ng book of infor<WBR>matio<WBR>n” about<WBR> pit bulls<WBR>.

    “When<WBR> you see over and over again<WBR> the Ameri<WBR>can pit bull terri<WBR>er breed<WBR>ers being<WBR> accus<WBR>ed, uproo<WBR>ted, losin<WBR>g their<WBR> livel<WBR>ihood<WBR> and their<WBR> anima<WBR>ls destr<WBR>oyed,<WBR> you’v<WBR>e got to wonde<WBR>r what the ‘real<WBR>’ agend<WBR>a of HSUS (<WBR>Human<WBR>e Socie<WBR>ty of the U.<WBR>S.) is,” she said.

    Refer<WBR>ring to peopl<WBR>e acqui<WBR>tted in other<WBR> dog fight<WBR>ing cases<WBR>, Ms. Thoms<WBR>on said she belie<WBR>ved the HSUS’<WBR> goal was “to aboli<WBR>sh this amazi<WBR>ng breed<WBR>.

    Hey guys this is a repost..



    They are going down the list ladies and gentlemen. It is quite obvious. Like it has been posted before you need to be careful what you say. We all know that Ed Faron is a stand up guy but by the time Ed goes to trial they will try (if they havent already) to put his dogs down.
    They are so bold about it seems like they dont care about the repercussions of a law suit. I wonder if they have judges in there pockets. Something to think about Huhh:rolleyes::(
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2008
  3. moonshine

    moonshine Pup

    They have them lined up like 9 pins.Whos next?I can see websites disappearing as we speak.Dont know what transpired but suffice to say talking about game dogs to people who just roll up at your house is pretty damn foolish.After they got through asking he should have said see that truck there boys you best be gettin in it and gettin the f*** off my property
  4. StopBSL

    StopBSL Top Dog

    wow. . well i can say thats probably the best report ive read on it. where is it from?

    i have emailed a reporter who wrote a less than stellar peice, full of comment from old JP Goodwin and no one else. He said he is interested in both sides and wanted any first hand information from friends/customers. . if anyone is interested in helping with this please email me.


    much of the war can be won through the media if we can just get enough support into it.


    I am trying to find out where it is from. I was floating around on Myspace. I'll find it though...:)
  6. StopBSL

    StopBSL Top Dog

    I would like to forward it to the reported I am talking with. . but they always want the source.
  7. PADogman

    PADogman Top Dog

    Thomas Guffy who is known in the dog world as JAKE Guffy is the snitch who is soley responsible for the raid at WSK'S.

    Jake resides in VA where he works for The Human Society making a yearly salary of 50,000.00. Plus he gets an additional 10,000.00 per bust and conviction of dogmen.

    Pictures of Jake will soon be posted on this forum. Jake is approximately in his mid 30's. Jake reports directly to John Goodwin.

    Jake has two residences in VA. One is a dog yard and trailer that he uses to fool fellow dogmen. The other residence is his true home. A luxury home with a beautiful inground pool. This is where he is Thomas Guffy the family man.

    Jake is responsible and involved in every raid ranging from Floyd, The Patricks, to Bailey.

    Jake is approximately 6' 2" and is in very fit shape. He is known to ROLL dogs and attend shows. This man is/was the most dangerous and covert snitch to date.

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=postbody vAlign=top>Guffy was identified by WSK himself from a photograph. WSK stated that Guffy indeed was the snitch who was accompied by an undercover Sheriff wearing a wire.

    Those close to WSK will confirm what I am writing to be true. I was asked to forward all this information to this forum.
    </TD></TR><TR><TD class=genmed vAlign=bottom height=40>
  8. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    <HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->
    Isn't this the same one? I think it is stopBSL. It was posted in the other thread about Ed.


    Dog breeder denies involvement in fighting
    by Jule Hubbard

    The owner of a pit bull terrier dog kennel on Mertie Road in Millers Creek charged with felony dog fighting and baiting Wednesday maintains his innocence.

    In an interview today, Edward A. Faron said he was a victim of entrapment, referring to two men who came to his house Monday and said they wanted to buy pit bulls for dog fighting. Faron, 61, said he now realized the two men were undercover officers.

    Needing money due to difficult economic conditions, said Faron, “I took the bait and started telling them what I thought they wanted to hear” when they asked for dogs for fighting.

    Faron said he otherwise didn’t knowingly sell dogs for fighting. Authorities haven’t said that they believe organized dog fights occurred on Faron’s property on Mertie Road.

    Although he was convicted of dog fighting and sentenced to a year in jail in Alamance County in June 1989, Faron said he didn’t engage in that illegal activity now. He also said he didn’t knowingly sell dogs for fighting.

    Faron emphasized the good care provided for the 127 pit bulls seized Wednesday at his Wildside Kennels.

    He said one of the dogs seized, a male named Vadar, had scars from being in dog fights before he bought the dog. He said another one, a male named Popeye, received an eye injury from a tree root while digging in the ground.

    Faron, originally from Ohio, said he became involved with training dogs when he returned to the United States after serving in the Vietnam War in 1970. He said he started breeding pit bulls in 1987 and started Wildside Kennels after moving to Millers Creek in 1996.

    According to county records, Faron has owned about 17 acres on Mertie Road since 1998 and an adjoining 7.4 acres since 2001. The property is about three miles from where Mertie Road intersects with Vannoy Road and about five miles from where Mertie Road intersects with N.C. 18 North.

    A MySpace website has videos showing pit bulls and other scenes at Wildside Kennels. It also features Faron and Donni “Don” Juan Casanova, one of the other two people charged with felony dog fighting and baiting Wednesday, talking about the kennels. Faron said he is the legal guardian for Casanova, who turns 19 this month.

    A website for Wildside Kennels, at www.renegadewebdesign.net, states, “No dogs bred, raised or sold for illegal purposes!” and lists extensive pedigree information for pit bulls at the kennel.

    Faron said he sells pit bull puppies for an average of $500 each. Wilkes Sheriff Dane Mastin said authorities believe Faron sold dogs for around $1,200 to $7,500 each.

    He said he also started the Appalachian Pit Bull Club, which he said has dog shows at the Taylorsville Lions Club Park in Taylorsville.

    After the Humane Society of the United States released news of the seizure of the 127 dogs and the charges against Faron and two other people Thursday morning, numerous people involved with pit bulls indicated their support of Faron and their belief in his innocence on Internet blogs.

    Kimberley Thomson of the Pender County town of Hampstead, who bought a pit bull from Faron and entered pit bulls in dog shows, said she opposed dog fighting and didn’t believe Faron was involved in that illegal activity.

    In an e-mail to the Wilkes Journal-Patriot, Ms. Thomson called Faron “a very compassionate, good hearted, dog loving breeder. I’ve seen for myself how much his animals love him. I’ve watched him hobble with his bad knees into their lots to love on them, as their tails wag so hard and they drench his face with kisses.”

    She added, “We show UKC/ADBA registered American pit bull terriers for conformation. We do not associate with dog fighters. I abhor the practice and would not keep company with anyone who gave me the slightest inclination that they fought or sold fighting dogs, as I love this breed far too much. I’ve grown to love and admire Ed Faron personally as well as professionally. He breeds for conformation excellence and has a great love for the breed.

    She called Faron “a walking book of information” about pit bulls.

    “When you see over and over again the American pit bull terrier breeders being accused, uprooted, losing their livelihood and their animals destroyed, you’ve got to wonder what the ‘real’ agenda of HSUS (Humane Society of the U.S.) is,” she said.

    Referring to people acquitted in other dog fighting cases, Ms. Thomson said she believed the HSUS’ goal was “to abolish this amazing breed.”
    <!-- / message -->
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2008
  9. ~P.Champ~

    ~P.Champ~ Pup

    Damn PADogman....That is some Bullshit.:mad: That just goes to show, be carefull who you trust and most important of all keep your mouth shut!!
  10. StopBSL

    StopBSL Top Dog

    Thanks China and PADogman. . .

    I sent the link to the reporter. . . information IS power.


    Any pics on this Guffy guy??
  12. marshall619

    marshall619 Top Dog

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2008
  13. PADogman

    PADogman Top Dog

  14. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    Everyone make sure his mug gets plastered everywhere. Sure this is him?
  15. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    IF that guy isn't Guffy, he best speak up now! LOL

    Glad his ugly mug is circulating. You can believe he's not the only one, though.
  16. PADogman

    PADogman Top Dog


    Another pic of Guffy
  17. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    I am a little confused. Wasn't Art acquitted and why is Guffy there smiling like a cheshire cat? Was he not snitching in that case?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2008
  18. I am under the impression that NC laws do not allow them to put the dogs down during an ongoing investigation. I could be wrong but this is what I have heard.
  19. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    They say that under NC law you can't.

    However, someone reminded me of a guy in this area who's dogs were taken, and they were put down before the trial.


    I hope that is the case. I know in other "bust" they put the dogs down before the accused had there Due Process..

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