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Pup drinking lots of water

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Mehmetimx, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. Mehmetimx

    Mehmetimx Pup

    My pup jada drinks way too much water its becoming a problem, all she wants to do is drink, if i walk her in the rains she stops and drinks all the dirty puddles, in my house she drinks from the toilet and justs scratchs the sink hoping for water, Ive had her for 4 months now its becoming a problem, do I not give her water or do I give her as much as she wants??
    Its getting really annoying to walk her 8 times a day and clean up piss in the house in between those walks...:rolleyes:
  2. Crystal621

    Crystal621 Big Dog

    Have you talked to your vet? She may have a UTI
  3. Mehmetimx

    Mehmetimx Pup

    shes been to the vet many times but never for the water problems, whats UTI
  4. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    urinary tract infection
  5. Mehmetimx

    Mehmetimx Pup

    sorry for that im still a newb to the game world, and I dont think its a UTI she pees alot every time she goes
  6. Dreamer

    Dreamer Big Dog

    Huh? New to the GAME world??

    This is basic DOG stuff -- it's NOT unique to the "game" world or to Pit Bulls.

    Have you discussed with your vet how much water she drinks and pees? Has he done a urinalysis or blood work?

  7. Crystal621

    Crystal621 Big Dog

    UTI=Urinary Tract Infection; usually bacterial, sometimes crystals or stones.

    When a dog has a UTI they will [most of the time] drink a lot more water since it helps dilute the urine so it doesn't burn as much. It's also irritating to their bladder which is why they usually pee it right out.

    It could be something else, take her to the vet or bring in some urine so they can at least do a urinalysis. It's not normal for a pup to drink constantly and urinate so much, at four months old she should be able to hold it about five hours.

    Let us know how everything goes :)
  8. Mehmetimx

    Mehmetimx Pup

    well not game world, I'm new to even having a pup/dog.
  9. brat pack

    brat pack Top Dog

    I do know one thing, don't let your puppy drink from mud puddles. They can get a bacteria called ghiarrdia (don't know if I spelled that right) and it is bad news. Serious diarrhea and is hard to get rid of.
  10. performanceknls

    performanceknls Top Dog

    Does she have access to water at all times or do you regulate her water intake? If she doesn't have access to water she should, that could be the problem. If she does have water available all the time then it could be medical. Diabetes, thyroid, kidney's are all a possibility. She should be taken to the vet for blood work. I think her peeing all the time is related to the water intake not a UTI. Only lab work will show what is really going on. What you describe is not normal behavior. good luck

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