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game breed/house pets

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by carolinablu, Jan 14, 2009.


    ANCHOR Guest

    no, you have a young dog and yes that might be fine. DO YOU EVEN KNOW THE DOG I POSTED WITH THE CAT, YOU SHOULD. that is what i was refuring to. you all started out talk'n about game bred dogs together and that is what i was refuring to. you all want to keep steering around that fact. all good im not going to bother tying to put a point accross anymore as you are all beyond that. and you all sit there infront of your computers and wonder about all the crap you see happening with these dogs all over the world. if you cant comprehend what i was talking about, and come to an understanding of that, you aint got a hope in hell helping to keep this breed alive.
  2. rattler

    rattler Pup

    well said i totaly agree
  3. rattler

    rattler Pup

    ya wut colby said
  4. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    Obviously your the one with the comprehension issues. I have stated that I have had a multi-dog household my entire life and somehow that escapes you. There has been written documentation of Ch dogs that have gotten along with other dogs too, but that is not good enough for you.

    The male APBT I have may be young ( almost 2 ) but that doesn't negate the fact that the bitch in the photo he is laying with is 10y/o. That same bitch lived side by side with her brother for 5 years who was by far the most heated dog I ever handled and yet they got along peacefully. It can be done and has been done. Again nothing I reccomend to a beginer owner, I have been with the dogs for the past 38 years and have owned them all, from cold as ice to hot as hell and everywhere inbetween. Knowing what you have and how to handle them is important when successfully running a multi-dog house.
  5. I guess gamebred dogs and pet dogs coming from gamebred lines are two totally different things. I have got two ASTs coming from well knwon and famous gamebred lines but as ASTs have lost the pit appeal, they get on well together. Yet even if they are fine with the kids and with our old shepard, those two killed my third bitch last month which did surprise me as the two young respected the 7 year old one and the three of them were living in the house. I do know now that if I was about to get a third AST, I will have to use secured kennels. I can imagine that it must not be "easy" with gamebred dogs. As for me, I am quite satisfied with these:









    And soon, Athen will be married to The Blue Tiger I, Ch of Serbia
  6. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    Way off-topic... But,

    Whoa, that last blue dog posted is gorgeous.
  7. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    D's...yes, GR CH Virgil was fine w/ the house cat in his old age. everyone knows he was a monster w/ other dogs. in HIS case you would NOT have them out together. pretty simple concept really- know what you have.
    example- in MY house the only 2 dogs that are out together supervised are the 6 month and 3 month old m/f pups, my new 4 month old pup will have to be introduced onces she settles in. none of the other dogs play well with each other, so they are not allowed to intermingle. im not sure why this is so hard for you to grasp-responsible owners managing their dogs
  8. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    China and Tinker had only one issue when Tinker came to the home. That was the food bowl. That was resolved and now they live perfectly fine together. They are only seperated when no one is home, and that's not for very long.

  9. NOTK

    NOTK Banned

    i think people are confusing what a gamedog really is. Keeping more than one "gamedog" together off the chain hehehehe not happening. Those of you who think otherwise well maybe we're talking about two different things here. Anyone who has been around gamedogs will agree. A pretty pedigree with some nice ch's couple generations back aint what im talkin bout. if you're looking for a house pet i dont think a real gamedog is what you need.
  10. I just wanted to say that with AST petdogs it is already quite difficult, so I can imagine the problems with gamedogs.
  11. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    China, you don't make that dog wear that prong collar as a normal collor do you?

  12. dajuice

    dajuice Big Dog

    Dibo walked the yard with Howard Heinzle as he fed the rest of his dogs, he is the foundation behind most of today's line of APBT's. There are other examples of game bred dogs that got along with other dogs until called upon to to fulfill his task. As well there are examples of dogs that just exploded at the sight of another dog. Dogs have different personalities and tolerance levels. It's about knowing what you have and being able to manage them. Game dogs make wonderul pets, i've had a couple almost all my life and have never had a serious incident. Supervison is the key with dogs that will tolerate each other, and isolation is for those that wont tolerate another dog.
  13. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    In my expierneces I could in no way ever get 2 gamebred dogs of the same sex in my house together, they would kill each other, now other people may have different expierences with their dogs but i think you will go through 50 dogs maybe more before you find one that will tolerate another. dibo along with only a hand full of other known gamedogs that would be ok with other dogs are an exception to the rule, however you will find more dogs not wanting to tolerate another dog then you will find ones that will tolerate each other ( especially if one or both dogs have been shown before ). That is of course just my expierence with them, other people i'm sure have different opinions on this topic.... A game dog should never be left with another dog thats just reckless behavior in my opinion.....
  14. performanceknls

    performanceknls Top Dog

    I agree but if you train the dogs from puppies you can have a manageable dog around other dogs. They do not need to be friendly with every dog but they can tolerate another dog next to them without becoming unglued.

    You have 2 sides to this argument. Game dog people and Pet bull people. I think I'm in the middle. The only way to keep a game bred dog is not on a chain away from other animals. On the other side I think 2 game bred dogs living together could be a disaster if you are not smart about it. I would never allow my game bred dogs to play around the house with each other. I show my dogs and have to travel all the time. I cannot have my dogs at each others throat. I ask that they are civil around each other on leash and in a hotel room but that is the extent of their relationship. I would never let them out together because if they get into a fight it will ruin how I travel and they could really hurt each other.

    I have dogs that are ok together all the time but they are not from gamelines, they are pet bulls.

    Everyone will always have different OP on this but keep in mind they are APBT's and keep in mind what they were bred for. If you want a happy go lucky dog that gets along with other animals, get a poodle! :eek:
  15. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    The title of this thread is
    I am assuming that the OP meant game Bred not breed, either case the title of this thread is not Game Dogs. There is a huge difference between a game bred dog and a game dog.

    There have been well documented accounts of actual match dogs that have gotten along with other dogs, thats a fact so it CAN be done.
    The fact that we are talking about game BRED dogs not actual proven game dogs is the subject so I understand exactly what the topic is and am following along with the topic maybe some of you should be able to do the same.
  16. dajuice

    dajuice Big Dog

    Barney Fife conditioned gamedogs along side other bulldogs. These dogs were being put in shape to go in the [].. Some dogs wont tolerate it, some will. As well I agree a male/female pair is easier to manage then two bulldogs of the same sex.
  17. All these good looking pictures got me in the mood for some sharing....I told one of my boy's about them not being supposed to get along....the F@cker just winked at me....take a look

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2009
    Rollsroyce likes this.
  18. dajuice

    dajuice Big Dog

    Nothing came up bro
  19. Now, this is reality. Most game bred APBT will NOT get along with other dogs AND definitely NOT get along with dominant/aggressive type dogs....well, there might be few that will tolerate little ankle biters since their actions inflict humor into their daily routines.

    I certainly would not recommend ANYONE to attempt this. You have to realize how hard it is to separate two dogs that finally do not get along. Just imagine if you have never seperated dogs in full heat of the moment.

    The dogs are hot and would not hesitate to go into another animal if able.

    FYI, the dogs are tight Nigerino and Litle John. Very general description because I like it that way....just believe me that they are game bred (w/ the exception of my 10 yo but has been proven to be bulldog)

    You have to click on the links ....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2009
  20. Car.Girl

    Car.Girl Pup

    They are the best dogs in the world when it comes to being a family dog.
    They are high energy dogs and need lots of exercise and chew toys. They are stubborn so OB training is a MUST!!
    Thing is to..not just training your dog to be a member of the family but also showing your kids the right way to handle a dog. Your child should have do's and don'ts just like your dog will. Alot of people I see blame the dog for things when they should of been punishing the child for instead. Remember a dog's only defense is his teeth and vocalization. He cannot just come up to you and say "Mommy the toddler is being mean to me". Plus never leave your child unattended with a dog...any dog..no matter how big or small.all dogs are capable of biting.
    Good luck.

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