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Candlelight vigil for NC Wilkes County dogs

Discussion in 'Pit Bull News' started by cutt, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. cutt

    cutt CH Dog

    Candlelight vigil for NC pit bull dogs (Wilkes County, NC) that were killed or died after being held as evidence to bust the convicted dog fighter, Ed Faron...over 127 pit bull dogs were killed ...Where is this event: ...Raleigh, NC (hopefully Capitol steps)....Monday, March 2, 2009 at 7:00pm...candles, banners and dog collars (one for each dog that was killed or died) to represent the Wildside kennel dogs that are now dead. A bell or chime will sound and a collar will be placed in a pile until all of the dead dogs are represented...BSL and Animal welfare laws MUST be changed! Pit Bull Dog owners, we are asking for your support by attending this event.

    Please repost
  2. RR3000

    RR3000 Big Dog

    I like the idea,once ppl can put a face on it and see just how many collars there are.It might help to change these laws,and one day if all the collars of all the dogs that were killed be gathered and put on the steps of all capitals then maybe they might understand,what they are doing is wrong.Just a thought anyway.
  3. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    Thanks for posting. I was going to also.
  4. mseebran

    mseebran Big Dog

    that was a real sweet thing to do, wish I could have taken part.
  5. scratchin dog

    scratchin dog CH Dog

    Wish I could be there. :( I hope a lot of people show up for this one.
  6. boot

    boot Pup

    Who can I contact to gain more details about this event? Or is there another website with more info?

  7. boot

    boot Pup

    who is in charge of this event?

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