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what do you think of this ped

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Red Nose, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Red Nose

    Red Nose Pup

  2. it's pretty? :confused: i would worry more about the individual pup/dog than the pretty paper but there are some good dogs in there...even though i'm not a huge fan of frisco dogs.
  3. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    i assume you are gettin this dog from somewhere in the middle east. thats where you said the best dogs are, right?
  4. Red Nose

    Red Nose Pup

    it shows in the ped right so they do have dogs
  5. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    The dogs in that ped are very Commercial. Nothing new anyone with cash can go to them yards and buy one. Nothing to blow your skirt up about. JMO I would not pay more than 250$ for a pup.
  6. websterz28

    websterz28 Big Dog

    I agree....but i wouldnt take one for free...topside is commercial junk and bottomside is known for manbiters!!!
  7. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    red nose, you sure dont understand sarcasm, huh? as for the ped you posted, pass....like i said....the best bulldogs are right here in the good ol USA:D.
  8. Red Nose

    Red Nose Pup

    yeah i would worry the same but as the breeder said that this dog can produce so i guess time will only say
  9. Red Nose

    Red Nose Pup

    yes that’s your opinion the male have produced as in his other ped he has two 1xw and one 2xw from the same litter and the female come from a line of champs with very good results in Europe I am not blowing a skirt or happy I am just asking for an opion that’s all
    and could they be commercial if the produce.<O:p</O:p
  10. Red Nose

    Red Nose Pup

    dont worry bro nobody is giving anything for free:D
    got the point about the ped
  11. Red Nose

    Red Nose Pup

    huuh sure do understand and I know <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">usa</st1:place></st1:country-region> have the best dogs <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
    all over, the dogs have been imported for the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">USA</st1:place></st1:country-region>... And most of them have been used for what they have been bred for with proofs in other countries and not kept on chains like the ones you have.<o:p></o:p>
    and btw i did not come here to fight or argue with you i had enough from u that thread was closed and I wont start one here <o:p></o:p>
  12. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

  13. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    Hey bud use them, You asked for an opion I gave mine 'What do I know I only had dogs bred like that and had to cull the shit out of them" Oh and I been to the yards to buy dogs that made your dogs. If you have 300 dogs yea one or two is bound to make it. I payed good money to tant only to get shy skittish bull shit I my self like the Chinaman stuff in your dog better than any of the other stuff But take them to the well too often and see what happens. And just though a few may win some dont meen shit I seen dogs that made Ch that never went on anything worth puting in the game. Any dog can make rank going up aganst a mallerd duck. What you need to do is get one and bet the farm on it LOL. Now I want you to read your peds real good YIS, J.J.Jackson
  14. websterz28

    websterz28 Big Dog

    the breeding has the potential to produce bulldogs, its just not my cup of tea the topside is pretty common(but potentialy good, dont know individual dog) and the bottomside produces bulldogs, but they would just as soon take a chunk out of your ass as another dogs...
    (i really like the bottomside as performers, but they arent pets, arent easy keepers, and are manbiters)
  15. Red Nose

    Red Nose Pup

    I do respect you opinion as the breeder have tould he produce good dogs lets us see timw will only show and i would really like to know about the dogs you like could you pls show a ped of what dogs you think are bred well or ones you like.
  16. Red Nose

    Red Nose Pup

    sure everybody has his own taste but to be honest i have visited a friend running the same line with many bottom side of the dogs from 30 the only manbiter was one and he sure was a pain in the ass but preformance was was hell oe a bulldogs thanks for the opion i think ill try my luck its either a good dog or not :)
  17. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    in my opinion, you are not only a fool, but you sound like Red Nosed Chump to me. but that is simply just MY opinion. which don't really mean sh*t.... ever....
  18. Red Nose

    Red Nose Pup

    nobody have asked for you sh*t opinion so keep it for yourself i am talking with triple j does that hurt u

    is it a war here or what iam asking for something and everybody is replying as if something is wrong iam not in war broo this is a forum.

    so i think you need to have a good lesson in respecting people retard as..
  19. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    Respect is earned, not given, around here pal. you wanna give me a lesson there son? how cute....
  20. Red Nose

    Red Nose Pup

    i am not supprised you know that respect is earned, not given
    u need to work for it old man


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