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Game vs Ability

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Dream Pits, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. Super Sport

    Super Sport Big Dog

    Really to many other variables here to take into consideration, I said the father because he is proven at least to produce two good dogs. What are the production records of the two brothers? If neither has one and this is there first breeding, then I would go with the one that best complimented my female.
  2. The question was to choose between those 2 dogs, not their father, mother or anything else so.....

    I would choose dog 1 or the game one with ability. Because we strive to breed a "complete" dog and although dog 1 may not have as much of one trait as the other it is definately a better put together animal, so to speak. The best dogs IMO are the ones that show a high level of balanced traits in all aspects, not just one.
  3. Mayday81

    Mayday81 Pup

    nice gringo, i agree even though dog 2 is game as hell for some reason he isnt a gr ch like his bro not that title is everything only using it to prove that dog 1 has what it takes and dog 2 didnt, game is very very very important but as gringo said we strive to breed "complete" animals, try to produce better every breeding and take the breed a step forward dont take it backwards, this is MO but alot of good opinions here
  4. Super Sport

    Super Sport Big Dog

    I would agree with that with just the two choices.
  5. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    "Overspecialize and you breed in weakness. This brings a slow death to any yard."

    Not my words but from a man I really respect a lot.
  6. Bink

    Bink Pup

    Hard to say, being littermates the super game dog could produce dogs with ability and vice versa. But based on the fact that the GrCh has been "shown to be game" I would go with him.
    But in all honesty you would do your best to find a way to breed both.
  7. preme

    preme CH Dog

    thank you ss
  8. shortbedder

    shortbedder Big Dog

    Dog 2 is more game than any bulldog you have ever seen times 2

    What's there to think about.
  9. Trippy

    Trippy Banned

    "Dog 1 has an obvious advantage in ability and has shown to be game. Dog 2 will never be able to match Dog 1's ability but his gameness and heart is just unbelievable."
    If both dogs are game, but dog1 has a lot of ability compared to dog2... then breed dog 1 because it is superior to dog 2.

    Dog 1:


    Dog 2:
    No ability (-)

    I will choose dog 1. Unless you are saying dog 1 has never proved itself to be game? Just has a heart? :confused:

    If a dog is game. It is game. How can a dog be gamer than another dog? Thats like saying a asian man is more asian than his asian sister...

    How could a dog be gamer than another game dog? Game is game like black is black. And white is white. I dont understand, so please explain to me how a dog could be more gamer then another gamedog.(I dont mean to be rude. serious question) :)

  10. c-murda

    c-murda Big Dog

    There are infinite levels of gameness. Very seldom will 2 combatants have an equal amount of gameness. Yes. If a dog is game; it is game. But how game is said dog? Genetics is not as simple as black and white. Gringo gave that example because it was taught in school concerning Mendellian traits in fruit flies. Saying game is game is like saying sweet is sweet. And not being able to discern different levels of sweetness. As their are infinite levels of gameness from the low end of the scale to the high and every thing in between.
  11. liquorice kid

    liquorice kid Big Dog

    It doesent matter which dog you choose , they're littermates , these traits are going to be passed on to their offspring

    Just as one has ability and shown to be game , the other is extremely game and has heart

    who can be 100% sure

    best to best is more likely to give you what you want or give nothing at all
  12. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Just because they are littermates doesn't mean they will throw the same traits. You should breed to the titled dog becuase he has earned it more then the other dog. Every dog I own except 1 is off of a champion or Grand Champion. This is why my success rate is higher then most.
  13. In a "perfect world" both those dogs would be competing and I don't believe that dog #2 would be around long enough to live to be bred...
  14. hubbly

    hubbly Pup

    i'll go for no.2 coz a hog cannot teach himself to be game;gamer,but he can learn good ability!!
  15. Erie Outlawz

    Erie Outlawz CH Dog

    There are also other things to look at just because a dog makes Gr. Ch. doesnt really mean they are game just means they can bang take the dog in Wardogs pic Slammer isn't it 30 minute killer dont know he ever needed to show gameness because not much could stay with him. It does make more sence to go with the better pitdog as that is what you are trying to get though.
  16. ganja

    ganja Big Dog

    but Erie, isn't gameness something to look for to?
    having a good pit dog doesn't make it a good representant of the breed IMO. there is way more to the breed than just being a good fighter or having a hard mouth.
    a good pit dog doesn't equal getting in the pit and finishing a dog in 15-30 mins because of a hard mouth or great ability...
    it's good enough for some, but it could be way better for others...

    if I could choose I'd go with the game dog. as others said, ability is something your dog can learn along with experience in the [] but gameness is not...
    I feel gameness should be more important to look at then ability, but I wouldn't get a game dog with 0 ability neither... a good mix of the two would be the best way to go IMO :)
    depends on what female I wanted to breed the dog to also...
  17. Erie Outlawz

    Erie Outlawz CH Dog

    LOL hey we beatin on the same drum man Gameness is all you should be looking for its the hardest part if he has ability and a hard mouth thats a bonus!!!
  18. What good is having a yard full of deep game dogs if everytime you set one down it gets killed by a hard mouth cur?
    Seems to me like a real fast way to reduce your yard down to nothing.

    Having game dogs that can't compete is like having a race car with no wheels,, useless.
  19. ganja

    ganja Big Dog

    sorry, I must have misread :)
    my english is quite good but it's not the best neither ;)
    and I'm a chick, not a guy lol
  20. Erie Outlawz

    Erie Outlawz CH Dog

    lol sorry hon force of happen at least i didnt call you dude lol!!!

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