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Rough play

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by viegas703, Mar 1, 2010.

  1. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    Want to get your guys opinion on rough play, specifically with puppies(under a year old). Do you guys find it to be okay? Tug of war, barking with your dog and throwing him around while he barks and growls as long as he doesn't bite. I've always found it to be okay, obiously common sense is a big part of it but what your opinion on it? Does t promote any type of unwanted agression?
  2. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    be careful with tug. play is a good thing. if they bite to hard then discipline him however you choose to. let them be pups, lettem play
  3. Midnight Cowboy

    Midnight Cowboy Big Dog

    I thought you were having human aggression problems with this dog?
  4. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    his dog is really young if i remember correctly, and i think his dog was scared of people. from what i have heard his dog just needs alot of socialization.
  5. popper

    popper CH Dog

    i do all of the above except for throwing around
  6. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    viegas, I would not recommend rough play with your puppy since he is already having some problems with people. Would say NO any time he shows a slight hint of aggression or nips a human even if its soft nipping/teething/playful w/e. Which means no rough housing... I'd just let everyone be very gentle and nice with him and continue to socialize.... And Wouldnt do to much tug of war because of your pups teeth... But nothing wrong with tug of war as far as dominance issues go. If anything, tug of war will help your puppy know who is boss when he loses each time in tug of war.

    But as far as me. I rough play with my dog. I also rough play with my brothers. I dont see the difference if you are dog-smart. I dont go "all out" and punch my brother in the face when rough playing. My dog also does not go ape shit by biteing me and shaking etc.

    I give my dog choke holds and lift him up and push him. run from him. etc.
    I can get him to stop any time with a simple 1 word "stay." I have a video of me and him wrestling from last year... If needed I will post. Let me know if you wanna see it..
  7. venom

    venom Top Dog

    i've always roughed the hell outa my dogs. there isnt much u can do to hurt him lol
    i think viegas said his dog is just afriad of ppl he dont know, imo this dont have anything to do with his person bond with his dog. he said his dog is atatched to him lol so i dont think rough housing is gonna do any bad as long as its him.
  8. awol3656

    awol3656 Pup

    heres a vid of my girl playn wit my friends dog, have had no problems so far. they did this for almost 2 hours non stop lol

    <object height="340" width="560">

    <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/2fZFFpHbb08&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="340" width="560"></object>
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2010
  9. power

    power Pup

    I always played with my dogs. Some rougher than others. The dogs always knew I wasn't as tough as them and adjusted their play accordingly.
    Had one male that did something a little different. He would be standing about 10-15 feet from me. Whe I turned my back to him he would run and jump on my shoulders. For us it was play. Not so much for anyone watching as he rushed at me and jumped.
  10. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    I wouldnt be playing tug of wars a good idea right now, still got his puppy teeth at this stage with all that pulling he may break a tooth and you dont want that.
    its realy up to you to make the choice , you are the only one who realy knows wheather or not you think it would be ok considering his other issues.
    ive play rough as hell with my house dog , but the dog knows whats ok and what isnt and if i say stop she stops and it has never ever been anything but play for her.
    ive had a male who was goofy as hell and i couldnt with him he would just get too rough.
    so ultimately i think it depends on the individual dog.
  11. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    Thanks for the responses. As far as the people thing I've been REALLY pushing the socializing, he's now going up to people and letting them pet him. Even goes up to dogs at the petstore that growl and bark and him, he actually confronts them which is funny. We play pretty rough, sometimes he will accidently bite and I give a quick no and he stops, he knows when to stop. I dot over do with tugging because of his baby teeth. To jelet, I would not mind at all if you posted the vid. Would be interesting to see. Btw I have a grown dogie at my moms and we plays ROUGH and he never gets it's hand.
  12. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    heres the video..

    Click the play button on the bottom to make video play. dont click the play button on top. or it will get an error. this video is like a year old btw. I play x2 rough with him currently as I did in this video...

    <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allownetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid271.photobucket.com/albums/jj123/Jelet1/videos/Wrestlingfightpart1.flv" height="361" width="600">
  13. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    LMAO jelet wtf are u doing in that vid?
  14. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    I rough play with zoey every day pretty much :D I have bruises on my legs from her damn nails though but other then that I try to use commands in between rough playing just so she doesn't think it is a time to step out of line since I am acting like a maniac haha;)
  15. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    next time you want to practice your dancing you should consider crating your dog, youl find your less restricted!

    nice little dog.
  16. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    haha hello junkyard :) I haven't ran into you for a good moment.

    BEHAVIN Top Dog

    i don't find any sort of problem with playing except for that chain around the neck:rolleyes: loose the chain, but take the collars and chains off when they are playing or one of them is going to wind up with some broken teath.
    tug is fine so long as your not trying to lift the pup off the ground or anything stupid like that. these are dogs lol, young dogs in the wild tug and pull at flesh when learning to hunt and kill pray. think about it and use a little common sence.
    im not into ruff play with any, thats just me, and i really feel no need. your choice really. i most definately would avoid ruff playing around friends, showing how tuff the little fella is etc.... you know what i mean:rolleyes:
    that type of thing is a real no no in my books.
    i can't say anything else except common sence plain and simple.
  18. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    lol thanks i needed a good laugh this morning
  19. Belcher256

    Belcher256 Big Dog

    I always give my dogs hell, they love it. My wifes dog not so much. But my Husky and my old Eli Id roll around with. I'd always initiate it and they always knew not to rough play with anyone but me.

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