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colby dogs

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by machobuck, May 5, 2010.

  1. malakimax

    malakimax Big Dog

    I remember when I first go into the dogs I wanted to know what the best lines were at the time. Some people would tell me OFRN, or Mayfield, Stratton stuff, Colby, Zebo and Alligator. I didn't know who to believe. To a certain extent opinions vary because of the competitive nature of the dogs. I got my first SDJ in 1989, and soon after the American warrior, and American gamedog times. I poured over them to see what was being used, and what was working. Years obsessed with what was working-Talking to lots of dogmen, and traveling to many yards I started to find trends of dogs that were working, and what wasn't. What was being tested as a whole and what wasn't. You can never say never on any dog or line. You have to think in percents. Some lines are higher percents than others. If you got a good one from Lou than you got lucky. Lou hasn't tested his stock in a very long time, and it shows. The modern Colby line is some of the lowest percent stock out there. I know on this board it hurts a lot of peoples feelers- because they have a Colby dog, or read the Book. I think the up-and-coming dogman need to have a balance view of what general dogman think of the modern Colby line.
  2. BKNLS

    BKNLS Big Dog

  3. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

    That is the heaviest statement I've ever heard about the Colby dogs. Definitely something to think about.
  4. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

  5. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    i think to base an opinion on just what lou has on his yard is not the way to find out if the whole line is a dud when it comes to modern times, as with many other types of blood there are out there would be tons of people who have a yard fulll of colby dogs that still work today, for instance there are a shit load of people who own nothing but dogs off b sorrells, and are still very honest dogs. just because they are not on berts yard doesnt allways mean that the good blood isnt around, are they dogs that they themselves bred? no, but they are dogs that have been bred the right way from people who are keeping the blood alive and honest.
    i wouldnt write off any line simply because the original breeder is no longer in the game, there will allways be advocates of every line out there if you dig deep enough.
  6. big dan

    big dan Big Dog

    Malakimax you started just five years after i did.I just got thur pming a gentleman about Colby dogs.Lou breed a family of dogs by line breeding not inbreeding their is a difference.I believe that for a little while his dogs did get to where they may have lacked a little something and lou realized this so he went to inbreeding to tighten his blood up and regain what he lost.Pull up the ped of my dog in this post of pony boy,then click on robins ped she is a product of a half bother and sister breeding also look at where lilly 2 is on the ped also look at mo in the 4th gen his dam is a out cross the only one i know that lou ever did.Lou may not test his dogs anymore but pull up the peds in Robins ped and you will find that alot of if not most are owned by someone other than Lou,so who is to say that these dogs are not proven and they are not letting Lou breed up on them.Just something to think about.If you have been in the dogs since 89 you know how much paper hanging that was going on.i beleive some of these dogs that where winning were colby dogs with fake peds.people thatwas winning alot did not want other people to know what they was winning with cause they did notwant to go into the same blood and lose to them.It's like having a old family recipe you do'nt want anyone to know.Now i am not saying that all the Colby dogs are good .You get good and bad in all bloodlines.But I do beleive they are still goods dogs and better than most people give the credit for.JMO
  7. big dan

    big dan Big Dog

    Another thing BKNLS said his colby bitch is the best on his yard ,well let me tell you something thats saying alot,cause i've seen most the peds of his dogs and they come from the most respected dogmen in the us.I just want to pulicly thank him for allowing me to own such a great dog and i'm looking to the day I can sent him back one just as good if not better.Thanks man:)
  8. dillinger

    dillinger Pup

    You can't go wrong getting a dog directly from the source. Folks can say what they want, but for over 100 years, the Colby family has been producing show winners, weight pull, champs, and great family dogs. When the sport was legal, they were amongst the best. Don't let the naysayers fool you, Colby dogs are great dogs. Nothing has changed. Lou breeds 4 or 5 litters a year. Do the math, how many dogs a year is that? 40? Some to show homes, some to weight pull homes, and some to pet homes. The blood is still there. Pure Colby may not be the fast lane dog of choice, but crossed, it can't be beat. Look at Redboy dogs, how many pure Redboys can compete? And there are thousands of them produced a year.
  9. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

  10. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    Jelet no longer responds with written word:D
  11. budboy88

    budboy88 CH Dog

    i have a dog that i recently acquired hes heavy eli/maverick with 1/8 colby outcross and hes a damn good hog dog hes retired and living the good life as a fattened up stud


  12. gar

    gar Banned

    looks more like a heavy colby dog than a heavy eli /maverick
  13. budboy88

    budboy88 CH Dog

    yea a lot of people think hes a heavy colby dog. ive seen 3 other dogs out of his litter and they look like your every day eli dogs. Buck is producing mostly black standard looking eli looking dogs. (i think its the cropped ears and the brindle that makes him look heavy colby)
  14. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    the crop is a little tall for my liking, but thats a nice looking dog bb
  15. big dan

    big dan Big Dog

    [​IMG]jelet i thought u were not suppose to post ur personal picture of ur self on here.:dogkiss:
  16. Mr.Mixon

    Mr.Mixon Pup

    Get a Colby dog straight from a Colby family member or call them or e-mail them and ask them to refer you to someone whom keeps their line of dog that they trust. I keep Colby dogs. Did an outcross last breeding to some OFRN blood and enjoyed the outcross so much that I did it again on 5-5-10. We will see if it took and what the litter will hold.

    Best wishes in finding a dog of which fits what you are looking for. That is the thing, finding a American Pit Bull Terrier line that fits exactly what you want out of a dog.

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