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Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by pitboy415, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. pitboy415

    pitboy415 Pup

    input people..

    what do u think of these dogs pro's con's experience,etc..
    from what ive heard, (never owned one yet) they have alot of game to em.. i mean alot. you have ur fast lane heavy mouth dogs that will dam near destroy them in the first :45 but ofrn's tend to not give up from what ive heard. if they can take the abuse they'd be coo but whats ya'll input?
  2. brindlexpitt

    brindlexpitt Top Dog

    this topic has been covered at least 4 times i think.
  3. benthere

    benthere CH Dog Staff Member

    there is only 1 man whose word I would trust on ofrn dogs. he'll probably show up sometime in the near future.
    I will say most of what people call ofrn is garbage and does not deserve the name "bulldog"
    if you take the time to read a pedigree you will see that many good dogs of today carry alot of ofrn blood.
    jake wilder peddled the blood and many people emulate him to this day.
  4. pitboy415

    pitboy415 Pup

    i think there is alot of high quality ofrn's out there but due to how people almost ruined the strain i think the good breeders are not open to the public..
  5. benthere

    benthere CH Dog Staff Member

    <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->"i think there is alot of high quality ofrn's out there"

    only in stratton's books.
  6. pitboy415

    pitboy415 Pup

    hahaha lol
  7. Iron Mike

    Iron Mike CH Dog

    Re: for rn's

    He already showed up when it was first posted and chose to pass on committing again and again on the subject.
    Yup Stratton's books and the places of his acknowledgement. :D

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