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i know chineman ?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Mr. Brownstone, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    yeah thats what i said... i was looking up el negro and i came across him.. dam that is a good looking dog. cant help but want go and looks if you can have both. i like the front end of rusty quite a bit but looking into both rusty and el negro it does not seem you will nec get that. i noticed a lot of dogs with a very narrow chest. again i get its all about performance but as by the example i used and in reading through various threads it seems you can get both. what i wonder is do you get both only cuz you lucked out or can patients and research get you both if that is what you are looking for?
  2. kayo45

    kayo45 Top Dog

    what? looks?
  3. Pirbul

    Pirbul CH Dog

    Stick to this board for at least 6 months before you get anything, just my advice :)
  4. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    A Colby dog sounds right up youre ally and thats not a knock at Colby dogs ether.
  5. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

    I would worry more about the back legs than the chest since they have more influence in the "GO"
  6. I have a male of bobby Peru and a female double inbred on ElNegro. I got them really shy, but their characters are strengthening everyday. They are now 4,5 and 5 months old. i prefer the character of the Bobby Peru one, he is extremely close to me, very powerfull for 5 months. He hasn't got much prey drive, meaning, he is not aggressive for no reason with other dogs, but when there is something to share, he does not, and he has already flipped the female a few times. In other words, he looks like a confident dog that does not attack everything that comes around, but he seems ready to go for it when needed. A balanced dog in other words. The future will tell cause it's hard to say how they will turn out at this age, but my gut feeling tells me to trust him...
    I would buy another one for the same father for sure.
  7. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    i will.. that is why i posted now. house is going on the market in the spring. not buying anything till i have proper yard for this type of dog. i mean i have a yard but it is small enough that if i fenced enough for the dogs to be dogs i would have nothing left for me and just a sticky burt out lawn.
  8. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    do you say that as they are a bit more on the tame side? if so i dont take it the wrong way. my female is the type of dog that goes after every dog she sees and is now almost always on leash. never mind rabbits, snakes, frogs, cats, birds, the list goes on you get it. she is great with with kids and people though just a big baby! she was not always this way... well she was always a big baby with people. around 1.5 years all the sudden BOOM it was on, its not something that can be trained out thats for sure!!! i take her to fenced in areas everyday to work her but they are few and far between i can trust someone is not gonna come walking in like a idiot!!

    i did talk to TG and he asked what i was looking for and his opinion was i would do good with a dog that was about a 7 out of 1-10. i really like the fire of this breed is known for and i would just go with a dif breed if i didnt wanna or couldnt deal. for instance we went to Cape Cod and the beach this weekend. we brought both dogs as i never leave em home alone for long. they did great all tied up on the beach. i cant say it does not get annoying every time my bitch sees another dog and wants to get at it, it can be tiring at times. but in my mind its simple i would rather deal with that or just have no dog at all. i see it as the price i pay for having what i want. kinda like my bowl of ice cream every night you are gonna gain a few xtra pounds and you gotta decide if its worth it?
  9. kayo45

    kayo45 Top Dog

    Try a dynamite dog then. Judging by what tg said, doesn't seem you're quit read for an El Negro or Bobby Peru type pup yet
  10. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    he just started by asking me what i wanted the dog for i told him the truth.... working and working hard. i told him i have one DA dog now and its fine wih me.

    the thing i am thinking though is this.. i dog is ten plus year commit. the further i get into this the more i just want the real deal and the further i am from it the more i want it. i am the type i am not satisfied till i get exactly what i want. my intent with this dog is very dif than the two i now have. they are house dogs. this dog will have a wire 5 sided kennel and a 10 ft high fenced field for us work in. my guess is this one will not be going on walks around town or trips to Cape Cod and the beach. my point is i dont wanna get a lexus and be looking at a porche wishing i had gotten one instead.
  11. kayo45

    kayo45 Top Dog

    Dynomite dogs are the real deal if thats what your asking(Dynomite made ROM himself so yes, he does produce bulldogs). He is a Ch 3xw so he is proven also, do more research on him and there are members here with pups from him that can answer questions on his pups.

    El Negro pups are the real deal as well but what I have seen with mine is that he is very high strung
  12. Young SeNsE_VA

    Young SeNsE_VA Top Dog

    Dynomite and El negro dogs are both rough dogs and they throw rougher offsprings lol man if you want a bulldog then a bulldog you get when your look at 2 studs that are real deal champs :eek:
  13. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    when you say high strung what are you referencing specifically? the bulldog i have now is very high strung but in a she is very focused all the time. can be dif things but its always something. if she had her way she would be doing something at all times basicly getting me to work her or play with a ball or something. now i have been to a kennel once and that had a couple dogs that as soon as you came into sight they would start running all over the kennel, i mean a couple of these dogs could almost if not run across the roof of the kennel for christ sake. is that what you mean by high strung or needs constant stimulation high strung.
  14. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    where can i find more info on el negro, peru, rusty, and hickson. like real info like on there accomplishments. where do i find this info in general as far as these dogs go. also who would you say is making the best bulldogs in the country right now? sounds like TG is doing a good job but those is know what are they impressed by?
  15. kayo45

    kayo45 Top Dog

    Constant energy and well driven, out going but a little shy with strangers

    Also if you want info on those dogs ask TG. They are his dogs execpt Bobby, he'll be there on his yard for another year
  16. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    thanks makes sense to just talk to him... like i said before i buy anything i am gonna do a little kennel road trip vacation thing and get a good feel for what is out there.

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