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The smartest dog ever! (You must see!)

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by annahouck, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. annahouck

    annahouck Pup

  2. blackbisquit

    blackbisquit Banned

    haha the smartest dog sleeps in my bed lolllllllllll:p:p

    bud funny to watch :):)
  3. crushbones

    crushbones CH Dog

    Wow!!!....I applause!!....very smart dog!!
  4. popper

    popper CH Dog

    dam dog almost is humalike he or she can walk so well
  5. akcbr954

    akcbr954 Big Dog

    probably the only non apbt i would feed.....love that dog
  6. and is from my country hahahaha Chile rules !!! :p

    but here is one and is more intelligent but not famous like that , is a dog from a mechanic guy and he is sent for the tools to fix the cars and he know the difference between each :D

    am searching the video.....
  7. Chump

    Chump Banned

    That is insane!!!
  8. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    i wonder if that is the same guy from the thread last month that was busted inside his dog lol. looks to me like he might take the old girl to bed after they are done dancing ;)
  9. I could not find the video of the mechanic dog yet ,but i found this one that tries to save his friend who was hit by a truck and try to move out of the highway ,this was in Chile too


    My wife cried when she saw :D i am not kiddin ....
  10. NewSchoolDogMan

    NewSchoolDogMan Top Dog

    you'd be surprised at the intellect of dogs. They are more intelligent than most humans, hell, I'd say these dogs are more intelligent than my physics professor and he has a PhD LOL.
  11. blackbisquit

    blackbisquit Banned

    yeah i cry to,.. and if i watche now i cry again.
    terrible situation!! really frendship there greaht to see...bud verry verry sad..:o:(:)
  12. marshall619

    marshall619 Top Dog

    Rocky gets my vote for smartest dog :D

  13. NewSchoolDogMan

    NewSchoolDogMan Top Dog

    That looks like an ambully instead of a "pitbull" to me. That's one of the few ambullies I'd feed since once I come home, he'll grab me a beer. I just need a separate fridge with a lock on it to hide my food LOL.
  14. benthere

    benthere CH Dog Staff Member

    IMO intelligence is not the same as trainability or conditioning. Intelligence is the innate ability to solve problems without any training. All these dogs are beautifully trained...but what would they do with a serious problem without any traiining on how to deal with it? Some of the "dumbest" chain dogs are inherently smarter than some of the best trained "trick" house dogs. Just a thought.
  15. madboy

    madboy Big Dog

  16. pit4ever

    pit4ever Banned

    never even though about it that way
    i agree.
  17. bauer

    bauer Top Dog

  18. D Game Butcher

    D Game Butcher Big Dog

    Nice dogs but he gets my vote.

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MUcYSR-Xl_E?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MUcYSR-Xl_E?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  19. p1tbull

    p1tbull Big Dog


    not even a train dog too. LOL
  20. benthere

    benthere CH Dog Staff Member

    Now That is a smart dog!

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