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What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing?

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by loudboyjr, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    i disagree, stuff isnt in plain sight in 2k10 but there are some great dogs doing great things
  2. eddieem

    eddieem Big Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    Them dogs were linebred on honeybunch
  3. 3596

    3596 Pup

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    yes there are! i agree with you.there are good dogs around.
  4. New England

    New England Banned

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    It seems like a lot of people are breeding for pretty peds or they want to see their name so many time's in 4 or five gen's,theirs alot of scatter bred dog's whopping ass all over right now,so I guess it's either your a breeder,collector or you trying to win.Take that best bitch you have to the baddest dog you can find and go from their.
  5. bullhead

    bullhead Pup

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    playing devil's advocate here but it is what it is,

    i'll take a rank throw away cull (as long as i got health) from an honest dogman as long as her ped is built tight around a family of quality competitive animals.

    i'll take this cull and bred her to a real performer that i like, and i do believe i'll be just as competitive as anyone, through the culls offspring. broodstock is very REAL.

    further more i've never seen a dog have the same pheno as its geno. meaning if i wanted another Zebo i wouldnt have bred to him.... i would have done a repeat breeding with his sire and dam.

    nothing is perfect, if the pheno is close to perfect, guess what, it probably lacks in geno. and vice versa...

    i love the people that breed a champion to a champion and end up washing out the litter. saying they jus didnt turn out like their parents. not realizing those culls had a loaded genotype. they where left untried at what they where really good at producing. some perform some produce and some seem to do a little of both.

    any good breeder would find himself utilizng all three inbreeding linebreeding and outcrosses.

    anotherthing about the cross dogs, in order to have quality vigor in those 2 3 4 way crosses is to have at least a bloodline or 2 that was tight in the dog in the first place. meaning if i want a cross i would do it with tightly bred animals that were unrelated. i could take that cross and cross to another line of tightly bred animals and have alot of vigor still. further more if i have a good 4 way cross well then i got 4 good ways of breeding it then. and this is why you hear people saying scatterbred dogs can produce; its probably not as scattered as they think..
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2010

    BEHAVIN Top Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    i like this reply;)
  7. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    great post....
  8. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    and thats what i would think as well... i guess on that aspect its up to... to want to feed that particular dog... because micheal jordans sons arent anything in basketball but whos to say his grandchildren wont be? i guess it all boils down to sticking to your guns and breeding how you want... if it works it does if not then it doesnt
  9. bullhead

    bullhead Pup

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    most people wont feed that type of dog because their peers would endlessly bust their balls about it. and even if it prduces awesome you'll still never hear the end of it. but in the end breeding dogs aint about making dogs for anyone but yourself and maybe you can help a few others out along the way..

    the main reason of "sticking to your guns" should be that you have been working with said line and know what your looking for is there and just how far you should or even could push. it takes experience in what your working with.

    in reality the evolution of the breed should be let the campaigner/trainer do his thing and let the breeder do his thing. accomplished dogs should in the end go back to the breeder in hopes the campainer/trainer gets something back just as good.

    a campaigner/trainer left to his own devices i think will ruin the dogs. to much elitest thought to narrowminded, not creative enough to think past the generation thats in front of them. to speacialized. but that is also needed. without them the real work would not get done. cant have one without the other.

    each should focus on what they are good at

    but in the end i think most everyone would like to strive to be both....:D
  10. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    you just dropped a jewel right then baby *laughing* :dogdrink: im soaking it up
  11. 3596

    3596 Pup

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    The cull, is a dog that has displayed the undesirable! traits, not required for any sport.people who breeds those things,are just as bad as the culls themselves.
  12. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    there are many ways of breeding on a family without inbreeding. also if you look at the crosses that click they tend to be related in some way. they ,may not be related as in brother and sister but they may be bred similar. such as bolio and butcher boy. if you bred a heavy bolio dog to a heavy butcher boy dog people would consider that a cross when in reality they are closely related. take the eli carver cross that cross is actually line bred dibo. lets look at jeep/rascal jeep is off honey bunch who is off bullyson and rascal is a heavy eli dog.
  13. Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    Jeep/Rascal is a Eli/Colby cross
  14. Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    Boze is right
  15. Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    In my opinion bloodlines are extremely regional. Meaning the Rascal Eli blood in Carolina is far different than the Maverick/Six Bits blood of Texas. The Rascal blood to me seemed percentage wise to have alot more bottom end and wind with alot less ability than the Texas dogs. The Texas Eli dogs seemed higher ability but seemed to lack bottom. Not saying there aren't any high end Rascal dogs or any real game Maverick dogs just how the chips seemed to fall "most" of the time exceptions aside.
  16. Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    lol lot of ppl say that, so i thought i'd be you to the punch
  17. Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    and oh yeah you can get the same result either way you breed,i think the key is knowing what to breed to and why.
  18. elibred

    elibred Big Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    but what if say a dog you had was breed from from a sire and dame that were culls that had those less than desirable traits but was breed down from some awesome dogs. but the dog you have displays all the best traits sought after. what would that say ?
  19. 3596

    3596 Pup

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    1.i would'nt own a dog,sired or whelped by any cull.
    2.you don't consistantly get "all round dogs" from cur or cull breedings
    wheather you have a tight inbred Dibo dog or not,if its not game? its gone! easy.
  20. bullhead

    bullhead Pup

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    "1.i would'nt own a dog,sired or whelped by any cull."

    lmao, of course you wouldnt own a cull, your a groupie that loves to hear his buddies talk. you are obviously not motivated by your own goals and have a lot to learn, pick up a book sometime it wont bite you.

    buddie if your breeding a looser of any kind your breeding a cull, no matter how it showed; by your elitest theory a looser is a cur... and a winner is left untested!? sounds like a lose lose situation to me. what is game to you may not be game enough to the next guy!? but ya'll are so sharp, so who knows.

    Regional blood, lmfao.

    what gives a dog its maleble genetics is so small on the DNA chain that manipulating it is not as black and white as you think. wheather there in texas or nova scotia they are still being bred for the same thing. they are still the same breed. they are also fom a similar gene pool, so to make a statement like that, one must have seen literally dozens perform in both locales not just 1 or 2.

    "you don't consistantly get "all round dogs" from cur or cull breedings"

    well niether does breeding Best to Best. so where ya at then; yeah i know it would be nice if it where all that simple.

    you have to know the family your working with!!!!!! selection selection

    and yes Boze is right, i preety much said the samething in my first post, last paragraph.

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