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CH- game or curs?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by MACH0, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    "the fact that your really trying to debate this, tells alot about your experience in this particular area" the fact you think a backend dog hits the legs tells me you ain't got a clue to what a backend dog really does. i couldn't read any further into your jibberish after you fucked up your attempt to even get the O'l saying right. so let me help you aout. "kill the head & the body dies" that's a metaphor for revolution not sport. the fact you don't value schooling a dog tells me enough that you ain't never left the portch.
  2. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    "And yes they do get frustrated that easy" buddy sound like you are looking at a lot of shiteaters. "Look at the vast majority of your registered grand champions" first of all i don't get my information online or in books. out of these dogs you read about how many have you seen? ( don't answer that) so don't use hearsay as a stand point for a argument your attempting to make. "It's very hard to make Ch with any other style" PP that say alot about you. now i ain't trying to piss with you PP because you prove you just don't know.
  3. hey just a quick question i know its off the subject but im freom the uk enland and in my opinion have an amazing looking n structured apbt bitch, but theres not that many studs in the uk that i wud b willing to use when it comes to breeding her as i only breed to better the breed, what is peoiples opinions on artificial insemintation? and isit a high rick or isit a good weay to breed your bitches any reply wud be helpfull thanks richard :)
  4. bullhead

    bullhead Pup

    "the point of shows were to win weather it's 4min or 4 hours backend or head dog. just bring what you think you could win with & hope it goes your way. "

    very well put brockton....

    again with the styles, INTELLIGENCE will give you all you need, ya know one that just seems to get smarter, better each time out dosent get it stuck in his head to do only one thing. one that has good defense when needed but really knows how to fold'em when he gets his shot.... so i guess if you really want to push it technically if all i had where speacilists, i like me the chest or stomach animal :eek::confused: andi'm talkin about huntin varmints like woodchucks and things, ya know. jmo
  5. stratos9

    stratos9 Banned

    It seem to me thru the yrs. that it really depended on what line of dogs you were in that your %'s of finding a good head dog, does anyone else see that as a pattern. I know you would very seldom (in Fl.) with all the Bullyson & Boomerang dogs you were lucky to get a hard working head dog. We had one that was a very smart would start on the haed and at the right time would move to the back, this IMO is a good ( hog hunting) dog. This is the way he was bred:

    <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 width="100%" bgColor=black align=center><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#e9e9e9>BB URL CODE:</TD><TD bgColor=#f1f1f1>PETTUS' CRIMSON TIDE</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  6. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    and i think thats how it is e.b..... everybody has their own opinion and thats what they base how they do things and i think thats what makes the dogs what they are as well... every decent dog man should bring something different to the table...sorta like a potluck because im sure back in the day these same discussions went on just not thru this medium...
  7. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    Haha.... Your very comical! Your opinions mean dirt to me. You can ramble all day and all not and still not say anything of meaning. In fact, I'm gonna let you keep typing, cuz that's the only thing related to these dogs that you know how to do. Keep doing it if it makes you feel happy. Not gonna waste any more time debating on something you are having a hard time understanding. I get it, it's hard for you to comprehend certain things.... But keep trying, you'll get it eventually. Have a good day 

    Ps. By all means, show me my post where I stated I dont value schooling. You can't take a test if you never been to class. That's a fact! Schooling is needed to gain proper knowledge of anything, sporting and non-sporting.
  8. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    I like that one alot Stratos:) My mentor won't even keep a dog unless it will know how to ride the head. I think when you breed you can also breed for style as well as other attributes. When he breeds, he gets a high % of head dogs. He took a line that was known for being chest and shoulders and ended up getting high % of the stock being head dogs.
  9. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    being that you asked PP. "yes they do get frustrated that easy" with that statement you made. read that statement. maybe re read it if you need to then you may understand why i said you don't value schooling? if a fella is running into that issue of there shit getting frustrated " that easy" he ain't keeping them in class long enough. so you say 45min avg? ok so then by that avg your shit is curing in about 30 ? because there's fellas that will school different styles so there shit don't "get frustrated that easy". ain't that the point of schooling? it's that or poor judgement on who they went into? maybe you favor your "head dogs" because there's no bottom end to them ? ever seen a head dog get frustrated ?( don't answer) well they will hang it up just as a backend dog that can't get his spot. "You can't take a test if you never been to class" PP once agin lack of experience on your part. some folks have been known to roll a dog once & see enough to place a bet. they believe the dog has it or they don't & were successful without schooling.
  10. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    no ben if you have balls you will go into anyone . shot picker is what you saying . and the best hold is across the top of the nose . best style is 1 that will change up and go anywhere .
  11. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    "if you have balls you will go into anyone" old goat having balls & common sense are two different things. bullyson, stallone & homer are good examples of that.
  12. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    picking your spots means you have no balls . find another book to read .
  13. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    Ok BB, well which is it.....? Do I not value schooling or do I not know what I'm looking at.... First you say I don't value schooling, then in the next sentence you said a good dogman can only look at a dog once... Make up your mind man. Anyway, I stated that the head style is the best if you gotta pick one style. Yes your right about a rear end dog being able to dispatch a hog quickly, but that's if you have to pick which one style is the most dominant style, it's a head dog. Personally, I like tactical dogs with fast mouths and solid attitudes, biting preference don't matter so much as they hit their favorite spots first. That's my preference. As far as average times being 45 minutes, it has nothing to do with schooling and everything to do with your level of competition and the overal ability of your charge. You make it seem like every hound that quits in 45 is from lack of schooling. So I guess every animal you've had all went over the 45 minute mark. You have all thT experience and yrs in the game, and all youve never had a hound pack it in 45.... That's impressive and you should be in every dog book around as having the best yard ever. Every contest is a gamble, today a hog can go 2:25 and win, and months later the same hog stands in 30, well I guess his schooling was bad. If that's not what your saying then please explain further. If your specifically selecting hogs that you know are sub-par to yours, then what does that say about the confidence you have in your stock. I'd rather lose to top comp then to boast about a win into back yard greenhorns. But that's me, aint no shame in losing if your going into the best you can, at the very least, you'd be trying to improve the quality of the dogs you produce.
  14. stratos9

    stratos9 Banned

    You know whenever I was hunting quite a bit in the 70's & 80's this was the way I was taught by my mentor. When you got a dog that you feel is good enough for a hunt then this is what we did.

    You sent your 1. Name 2. weight 3. sex 4. date 5. amount bet (forfeit amount usually 1/2) to a certain place (will not name) and you were matched up with someone else that was available. We had no idea if he/she was a Ch., 1st timer, how he was bred. But when we felt like we had a good GAME dog with some ability we really didn't care who we got into.

    Little more info on how it was back then.... If you want to compare it to other sports. Let's take college football!!! A team can only practice against their OWN defense everyday, if this defense is ranked 130th in college defenses then when they come up against the #1 or 2 defenses in the country their offense is not going to look so good. How this compares with dogs is WE always thought if our dog we were going to send a name up carried his own with our "yards" of dogs of our pickings then we figured he could show good anywhere in the country, because we knew we had as good of dogs as the next guy.

    Hell I always felt if I could watch a dog in battle, I had a good enough eye and knowledge to know what kind of dog would have the best chance of winning against him. Rather it be a Chest, rear end, ear dog. Hell if I could watch your dog that was a big advantage for ME, and put you at a little of a disadvantage by not knowing what I was bringing.

    So I guess what I am getting at is if I could have PICKED my opponents, I could have had quite a few wins.

    Another word for the wise is "NEVER BET MORE THAN YOUR DOG IS WORTH TO YOU" if he's out classed grab him up and be proud that he give his all for you.
  15. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Good post!

  16. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    PP no matter what you breed there will be cur in the litter. there's exceptions like shalako/ ms.rage all ch litter. shure i have been foold by dogs & letdown by others i will leave it at that. you may inturpit that " im saying quit in 45 is from lack of schooling" but that's not what i posted. lots of factors account for a dog quitting & bringing one out that ain't ready can be one of them. it's gambling nothing more nothing less. the rest of your post i wouldn't comment on for obvious reason.
  17. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    Absolutely!!! And that is how it should be. If you are confident in what you have, then you shouldn't mind who your going into as long as they make weight. Now a days, there is a ton of knit picking going on. And that is why titles have less value these days. JMO
  18. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    Now this post... I completely agree with. And that was my point, everyday is a gamble and there is no one best method that works for all. Much respect BB.
  19. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    "I could watch a dog in battle I had a good enough eye and knowledge to know what kind of dog would have the best chance of winning against him" that's exactly right. but it's still only a theory or a gut feeling. everyone thought thet had something for tornado or chinaman but they still had to prove it. sometimes they were right & looked like a hero sometimes they were wrong & folks like to say " we told you so. thats gambling.
  20. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    PP if you re read my post's that's the point i been making. there's no one style that is superior or "bar none the best". all you can do is bring something you think is worth a bet. at least we ain't talking about "how should i breed my dog so it's all good.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2010

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