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Hi from New Zealand

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Sam Newman, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. Hi. I am a Hunter from the Far North of New Zealand. I have a Tonbstone X Aligator Pitbull. 1YR old boy. His name is Pig.
  2. I also have 2 other dogs. A 12YR old Short-hair Boarder Collie girl named Moonflower. And a 6YR old Boxer X Englis, Bull-terrier boy named Hawk Beast.

    MISSAPBT Top Dog

    Welcome Sam, Im also from NZ, in Tauranga.

    Do you have a ped on you boy? My girl is the same lines and 1 year old, you diddnt get her from GGC did you?
  4. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    hi , lets see a pic of your dog .
  5. He came from the Far North. He is my possum killing machine. I will try to post a picture for you guys.
  6. [​IMG]
    Here is Pig. He is in front, lying down. The other dog is Hawk Beast.
  7. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    nice looking pup you have there good luck .
  8. Outsider

    Outsider Big Dog

    Good lookn boy..
  9. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    Hawk beast...what an awesome name, welcome to the forum!
  10. Image hosted with 4FreeImageHost.com
    This is Pig today. He's been into the rotton possums. He stinks! hahaha!
    Pigs full name is "A Vindictive Mob Of Pigs And Prancing Ponies Dancing Slowly"

    Hawk beasts full name is "Hawk Beast Thudpaw Sandwich Beef Claw"
  11. supertank

    supertank Big Dog

    lol say that 10 times btw hello
  12. I'm really sory about my photos. I'm having trouble uploading today, so if there are some posts with wierd typing instead of pictures, just ignore them and I will keep trying. Cheers.
  13. supertank

    supertank Big Dog

    Do you catch enough to sell the possum fur? I was thinking of giving my dog a job to do.
  14. Yip. I'm a possum hunter for a job. The dogs LOVE it! and so good for them to eat. I use leg-hold traps in the day and a rifle at night. the Fur is a resonable business if you go hard out doing it. There are lots of costs involved. Petrol, ammunition, batterys, bait & lure. Traps, guns, spotlights and quad bikes etc. So you need to be serious about it to make it worth it. In saying that, there's no harm in going spotlighting with a slug gun on the occasional weekend. The fur pulls out easily when they are freshly killed. stick it in a bag mate. It all adds up and the native bush will benefit heaps. Go 4 it!
  15. supertank

    supertank Big Dog

    Is the TB risk quite high in possums or just in certain locations?
  16. It varies throughout the country, but there is no TB up here. You could check with your local Regional Council or D.O.C office for info on your area. I eat Possums regularly and have had no problems. It is a bovine TB that Possums can catch, so it won't effect humans, but it can effect dogs. My dogs have been brought up on them and they are very healthy. One of the symtoms that a Possum has TB, is if it is out in the day looking dizzy and confused. Basically, If they put up a good fight, they are probably healthy. If you are still concerend, check the liver for spots or unusual marks. That's always a pretty good indication. It is also a good idea to remove the claws and tail before feeding them to your dogs. The claws can cut up their intestinal trackt and tails can cause blockages in their bowl. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask me for tips and advice if you have any questions on Possum hunting.
  17. supertank

    supertank Big Dog

    Thanks for all your info will look into it. :)
  18. Trelos

    Trelos Big Dog

    You must have been on some good shit when you came up with those names mate.lol:D

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