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Sick Dog

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by Rojas, May 6, 2011.

  1. Rojas

    Rojas Big Dog

    Hey everyone, my dog is 5yrs old and has been sick for 7 days now, at first was throwing up yellow, what i normally do when any of my dogs vomit is starve them for just one day, so all that nasty stuff can process out of their system, then feed them a lil pumkin puree adding a lil dry dog food as the days go, then just dry food, usually that does the trick, but this dog is also constipated and eats on and off the most she went without eating was 3 days, she will turn her nose at her regular kibble, shes on a mix of rice and ground meat/pumpkin puree and lil wet alpo , she does eat that mix , i feed her in small amounts, i hope there is nothing inside her, i withheld of going to the vet , because everytime i go , its basically for nothing, he prescribes antibiotics and over priced wet dog food, and $150 later im kicking my head lol, she is drinking water any suggestions opinions . Thank you.
  2. KBK

    KBK Big Dog

    If the dog is eating and drinking I wouldnt be too worried, probably something funny she ate, saying that, if it goes much over a week I would be happy to spend the $150 to be told it was nothing by the vet.
  3. bgblok68

    bgblok68 CH Dog

    Did you ever consider finding another vet?
  4. scratchin dog

    scratchin dog CH Dog

    Take her to your vet or find another one. She could have a blockage. Hopefully you haven't waited too long.
  5. yessir

    yessir Pup

    try giving her some milk and wet can food. a lil bit of penni will not hurt either. after that just a lil bit of castor oil.
  6. BullDawg

    BullDawg Big Dog

    well, if she's eating but not passing stool something could be caught in her intestines. only way to know for sure is to Xray.
    paying for piece of mind might be worth shelling out the cash for.
    7 days is a bit long to still be sick, imo. all the best to her.
  7. Rojas

    Rojas Big Dog

    Since 2 days ago shes on that mix of wet alpo, actual rice and ground beef and 2tbsp of pumpkin , she eats that, she goes about once a day for the past 3 days and her stool is hard and dark, the pumpkin is doing effect , hopefully tommorrow she wil progress, if not i will take her to the vet on Mon, no vets on weekends. thank you.

    Ps, She still goes on her daily walks, drinks plenty water , and fetches the stick, wagging her tail.
  8. Rojas

    Rojas Big Dog

    So I finally took my dog to the vet today, he did a general examination, no fever, gums are of normal color, pressure ok, I did mention all the symptoms my dog has been experiencing, he did the half blood work at $216, consultation $64 and a they gave my dog a liquid to help her poop $15 plus tax came to a grand total of $319 on one visit alone, they gave me the results of all the test but valley fever, which they send out to a lab, on the test results that they gave me today, she passed , im going to kick my self in the head if all she needed was some anti biotic lol, i tell ya, whenever i go to the vet i got a feeling their squeezing me for all i have , just like a mechanic or lawyer !
  9. ElJay

    ElJay CH Dog

    Damn, your vet is expensive!
  10. benthere

    benthere CH Dog Staff Member

    You need to find a different vet. What you are being charged is outrageous!
  11. ccourtcleve

    ccourtcleve Big Dog

    thats what i was thinking. if my vet charged that i would hesitate to go too.

    I would recommend the OP find a more reasonably priced veterinarian. :)
  12. Mineral oil will help any blockage out in a day or so, and would have saved you $300
  13. When my dog has got problem whit the stomach i give him Corn formula then he is ok the next days.
  14. Rojas

    Rojas Big Dog

    Thats what most vets charge here in Phx, Az, they wanted to me to complete the other half of blood test at $219, i set up the appt , but by then my dog started feeling better on the amox i was giving her and force feeding the pumpkin puree, and yes i am kicking my self in the head, never fails i tell ya lol......................

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