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getting a new red nose

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by catchdog3, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. DutchGame

    DutchGame Big Dog

    If you're such an Apbt fan, you should know better than to call a shelter dog an Apbt. Also you shouldn't want to rescue manbiters. You wouldn't start with 'red nose'. You wouldn't call your dogs gamedogs. You wouldn't say 'saved', cause you didn't pull them out of a burning building. You just got yourself some free manbiters from the pound, big deal.
  2. makaz24

    makaz24 Big Dog

    i love orange nose pits, they can fly ya know
  3. nala2010

    nala2010 Pup

    this never gets old lol
  4. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    Actually it hets very fucking old very fucking quick same old bullshit i was having a conversation on youtube with what seemed to be an intelligent educated in the breed woman until she said i let my 3 pitbulls run in the yard together and they get along fine i said you are asking for trouble her reply was haven't you ever seen the dog whisperer LMAO im sick of idiots myself
  5. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    I just laughed my ass off for like 5 minutes. Has to have a twist of humor, or it aint no fun, right?....that was the 1st page, since i posted last....now there are 2 more pages....I am not sure my gut can handle it at this time* to be continued.
  6. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    Dutchy is right, I have a spayed gyp, Patches, who is a machine when it comes to pulling.....but that is not concidered weight pulling, maybe training, lol, cause she is running, pulling me on my boys razor scooter, round the neighbornood. I only do this when I dont have the "time" to hand walk. She is of age to work though also.
  7. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    Catch - no hatin, just laughin......not a personal thing, peeps just tryin ya. You posted some funny stuff, and got a funny response. Nothing more...some need to read posts like this before posting sometimes and we would be some bored people, likely forced into posting nothing but good stuff. Interesting ped....none the less... nice job surfin, by the way!
  8. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Hi welcome to the forum .. First of all I read a few of your threads I noticed in the other thread you mentioned owning a bully that was crossed with APBT blood. Personally IMO if you are just looking for a WP dog you don't have to jump right in to game bred dogs as these dog's are very high maintenance and require a certain type of owner. Some bullies and I use some loosely if we are speaking about bullies who are not overdone and are bred for more athletic ability vs just being bred for massive size can compete in WP and do well. Even poodles compete in WP. If this is what direction your really wanting to go what's wrong with the dog you have now? What's the rush on adding the APBT to the yard and already thinking about breeding it without having done anything yet? Just something to think about sometimes we convince ourselves we are experienced until someone with more experience comes along and teaches us something we didn't know. From everything I have heard from you thus far I think you should rethink your position here and maybe try to listen to some of the guys on this board some of them do know what they are talking about and have way more experience than you. I would stick around and just read if you don't do anything else. BTW "Pit Bull " is not a breed it's a generic term used to label several different bulldog breeds into one category. American Pit bull Terrier is a breed Pit bull is not Good Luck to you.
  9. DutchGame

    DutchGame Big Dog

    Just go to all his posts, and prepare to laugh your nuts off. Fuckin awfull man. He had old school Gotti x Greyline dogs, now that's all kinds of wrong right there.
  10. Tiger12490

    Tiger12490 Big Dog

    catch shouldnt be allowed to own a pet rock IMO
  11. catchdog3

    catchdog3 Banned

    Ok for the record you can throw off on me all you want to make me the but of all jokes and YES I'M going to weight pull with a game bred female and far that goes i'm not jumping in over my head and yes after the female is 2 years old or older i will have her bred and you all can talk shit if you want 2 or have me band from this site i don't care and all in all i hope the band me cause most of you talk a lot of shit but in return you all had 2 start out some way some how but oh well keep talking shit
  12. catchdog3

    catchdog3 Banned

    thanks for the info
  13. cliffdog

    cliffdog Top Dog

    There you are again talking about breeding the dog. What if she turns out to be a sh*t manbiting dog that fails at every sport you try her in? Still gonna breed her then? Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
  14. babedulce

    babedulce Big Dog

    Catchdog let me take a jab at explaining the course of this thread from an objective standpoint so that maybe you might be able to process the information in a more impersonal manner. First of all this public forum is almost entirely dedicated to a discussion of anything APBT, and by this it is implied that one who participates in these threads knows about the specific nature of this forum, that being the gamebred bulldog aforementioned. This particular community is faithfully purist in nature and that being the case any attempt to dilute the nature of the discussion is met with either reproach or mockery.

    In your case, you apparently are a dogman of sorts who happens to run bully lines and have one APBT (This is only an assumption gathered just from reasing this thread alone). In the eyes of many here, for you to generically be involved with "pitbulls" and not specifically to be involved with the APBT is a mark of inexperience or ignorance or both, which may not be the case for you, but from the responses you got to your initial comment it seems that some members here are accustomed to responding to this cluster of phrases which allude to color and breeding without confirmed experience with a comboination invective and dark humor.

    Now me being new to this forum as well, I understand this position, and while elitist in nature, I do recognize that it is the best means of keeping this breed true to its functional nature given the current circumstances that exist in the US. I would suggest that you intensify your involvemnt with the APBT and dedicate the majority of your time with dogs with this particular breed and do your APBT justice.

    Now while I have not been extremely precise, concise or even acurate in my attempt to put it all in perspective I do sincerely hope that you got the gist of it so that you may not be turned off by a few of the responses and take the positive aspects of this thread ie. the advice, and use it to benefit the breed.
  15. catchdog3

    catchdog3 Banned

    no she will not be bred if she turns out 2 be a sh*ty dog or is a man biter sorry if i have high hopes for this new pup
  16. catchdog3

    catchdog3 Banned

    i may have jumped the gun or even counted my chickens before they had a chance to hatch i'm not about back yard breeding or causing harm to the apbt I'm about the history of this breed of dog and yeah i know i said something about breedin the female i'm getting i'm in high hopes she makes a great weight pull dog as well as a great friend in the long run but all this takes time i know.
  17. willypete

    willypete Big Dog

    lo dude dont worry about any bullshit said here .. most of these jokers got everything they know from the net . they talk about bloodlines and gamedogs like it matters and most wouldnt know a good dog if it bit them on the ass . its your dog do what you want breed it, eat it, it really shouldnt matter to anyone they just like to read what they wright . never mind their just repeating what someone else wrote 10 years ago . let the jokers say what their gonna say . most are not qualified to give advise on the subject anyway .
  18. cliffdog

    cliffdog Top Dog

    I understand, just don't let your expectations cloud your judgement. But in the end the dog is your property and you can breed it all you want...
  19. ManiacKennel

    ManiacKennel Big Dog

    LOOK DONT EVEN PROBLY LOOK FOR A GAME DOG LOOK FOR A REPUTABLE weight pulling kennel that u seen dogs pull from not saying game dogs can pull but you chances are way better using dogs bred for the sport
  20. catchdog3

    catchdog3 Banned

    yeah that's what I've started to believe myself

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