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Age of maturity

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by slow5l, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. slow5l

    slow5l Pup

    On average what age does the average buldog mature at? What i mean is confidence with other dogs and even people. A year ago i got a female bulldog with great game lines and she still has the puppy mentality. Thanks for any imput
  2. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    socialize her more . take her where lots of people and sounds are and walk her . you need to get down on the floor and play with you . she needs kids to play with and adults . show her alot of love and i know you do but different likes she's your friend . not a kid because then you will be doing what she wants .
  3. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    people don't mature at the same time. and dogs don't neather. there's certain familys of dogs that are skiddish & funny acting. sometimes they they stay like that & sometimes they snap out of it overnight. you just got to wate & see.
  4. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    10 months is the average age for canine sexual maturity, and 2-5yrs of age for social maturity. Dogs mature at different rates depending on size as well. Smaller dog are said to mature faster than larger dogs, Hope this helps.
  5. slow5l

    slow5l Pup

    Thank you for the responses as this is definitely helping. I also have a 4 year old Presa Canario (male) that is a bit of a hard dog living in the house. He puts up with her with almost everything except when she has a bull winkle treat and he wants it they have gone at it like I haven't seen two dogs go at it before. That has only happened twice now as they are seperated when they get treats. My concern is she is always a playfull and kiddish and submits to him but those two times she has show a totally different side that she wont show even if another dog snarls at her or show agression to her.
  6. maydaymatt

    maydaymatt Big Dog

    ive seen dogs get hot around 16 mos.and ive seen some dogs not untill after 3 years.just what i have seen.diff. ages for diff. dogs like goat said make sure you socialize her and dont get in a hurry for her to "MATURE".
  7. Cadibuck

    Cadibuck Big Dog

    Man I hope you dont leave them dogs alone while youre not around. You should invest in some breaking sticks. Don't need no more RIP threads.
  8. Some turn on early. Some turn on between 12 and 16 months. Some years, some never. She is submissive to the Presa because they are in the same house and she hasn't gotten there yet. If what you say is true. That she comes from game lines, you will know when she is ready.

    How big is the Presa? I know they can get huge.
  9. crushbones

    crushbones CH Dog

    it varies!!..nothing u can teach it just has to happen!...Ive seen puppies at 3 to for 4 months confidence so high they will try anything on the yard..just have to be patient she will come around if it's in her!!...
  10. What does she do when her and the big dog play? Does she grab an ankle or try to go at him? Or does she run or do the belly flop?
  11. slow5l

    slow5l Pup

    I think the two times i had to break them up she was definitely in the zone as she left 4 fang gouges in his head and he did a number on her face and the sounds she made before that did not sound like any dog i've ever heard lol. But most of the time she just wants to play and be chased. The Presa is about 130lbs and seems quite different than the others i've seen around. What I mean is so far he hasn't shown aggression to us and is very protective to us and the bulldog but would definitely be agressive to people he doesn't know and good luck to male dogs. Amazing dog and we love him to death but I will never get another Presa. The bull dog doesn't act like the pitbulls I've had in the past (this is the first one I researched the lines and educated myself on what real pits / bulldogs should be). She really hasn't been affraid of anything except thunder and fire works as when that happens she just goes on the sofa and doesn't move. She has played really rough with us when she gets excited and theres nothing that stops her except distracting her with a toy and throwing it. She starts lunging at us and nipping hard and sometimes it catches my bone so hard it gives me shivers. I've tried everything (did a search on here ) and she just keeps on lunging and doesn't stop untill we break her attenton with a toy or the presa grabs her by the scruff like I've done and doesn't work. She is only playing when she does this but no matter what we do she won't stop. When she plays with the presa she wants to be chased by him and she nips and his ankles, nips at his lips, jumps on him and they play fight until he gets tired and snaps at her (which doesn't stop her). I don't want her to sound like the devil but she just wants to play all the time and loves play fighting and lunging at us and the presa. Its almost like the presa knows not to lay a finger on her and puts up with her. The couple of times we left them loose in the house and watched to see what they do they just went on the sofas and slept. We know not to leave them alone loose together tho and wont do it anymore.
  12. slow5l

    slow5l Pup

    013.jpg 207.jpg 208.jpg just some pics of them. Even tho she plays rough she is amazing and we love both of them to death!
  13. She is beautiful. Do you have her Ped?
  14. vnairp11

    vnairp11 Pup

    I would say they are mature at about 2 years of age, depending on the breed. Pit bulls seem to mature early and boxers seem to mature last :)
  15. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    That's a good looking pup, be careful with her
  16. slow5l

    slow5l Pup

    168.jpg heres another picture od the little monster!

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