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breeding untested bitch

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by bikerantz, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. Now why is announcing on the www that your going to hunt your dog and cull the bad pups a bad thing? Culling and working your dogs gets mentioned on here all the time and is as acceptable as saying hello.

    When he said test his dog he meant hunt right, not fighting...?
  2. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    All i seen was him talking about hunting with the dogs and testing them to hunt nothing wrong with hunting hogs and most hog hunters have a test pen they use with hogs they keep alive in it and nothing wrong with culling every good breeder should do it or you aren't a good breeder no matter what breed of dog your raising
  3. bikerantz

    bikerantz Pup

    I'm glad u cleared that up,that idiot is the reason y I din't post the ped
  4. BullDawg

    BullDawg Big Dog

    I just met the dog man and I want to ask him certain questions but don't want to turn him off with my lack of knowledge so I'll wait until he's comfortable to tell me things he think I should know

    if you will be breeding HIS dogs, he very well may be more willing than you think to give you knowledge, especially since his line will be involved. don't under estimate him or yourself. we all begin somewhere. put your own personal fears aside and ask him the questions yourself. no need for a bunch of middle men.
  5. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    boys do what they can & men do what they want.
  6. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    LOL HAHA BB I hope your wife isn't reading that ;) You know the woman in the house always have the final say so!
  7. bikerantz

    bikerantz Pup

    ur a fucking lame just so u know im a pro boxer ive been in the box many times but only lost ones yes I was picked up I wouldn't ask, YOUR FRIEND AND MINE, 2 do anything I wouldnt do u fucking key board thug Im 100% YOUNG LION
  8. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    .....and I'm 200% certain that you've taken too many hooks to the head.
  9. bikerantz

    bikerantz Pup

    I wish I could b like u ,u have the gamest fam of dogs and u got them with no one help please dog man take me under your wing bless me with ur great ACE knowledge and if u do that 4 me I'll B ur yard boy LOL
  10. Wow...................................
  11. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    LMFAO 100 % young lion RAWWWWWRRRRR take it easy clubber lang.
  12. c_note

    c_note CH Dog

    what's your amateur record? what's your pro record? what area you fight out of? I'm not askin your name, just records. no reply= bullshit.....
  13. bikerantz

    bikerantz Pup

    Won the golden gloves 12-0 amateur 6-1 pro Texas
  14. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    That's pretty impressive.
    Do you still box?
  15. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    Bikerantz,....I require common sense, discretion, maturity and an attitude that is about showing and proving....not showing off, in all those who deal with my dogs and me. Unfortunately, you don't tick any of the required boxes and just don't qualify. But, I wish you the best,.....and I'm sure that there is somebody out there who doesn't mind having a loudmouth with a "please, come bust me" sign on his chest and his nuts safely tucked away in his wife's purse working with/for them. Again, best wishes and sincere thanks for your application.

  16. c_note

    c_note CH Dog

    good shit bikerantz
  17. bikerantz

    bikerantz Pup

    Yeah I'm just recovering from a car accident sorry 4 lowering my self 2 the computer gangsters on here ,that will never happen again I'll only respond 2 real people and be my self. It don't matter if I'm on a com or face 2 face I want disrespect a man unless he violates me. If u ever say anything negative on here that u wouldn't say to that MAN face then I question ur heart hell u should question ur on heart .I don't even listen to a man talk about another man if that man ain't present I apologize again 4 the rambling but I'm sick of fake men I wish every man on earth was real . You know what when I go 2 bed 2 night I'll pray 2 god everybody I talk to is real god bless u and 1 more thing dude how u close this post and thks
  18. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    Seriously Bierantz,....you don't seem like an asshole. But truthfully, some of the stuff you put out there makes what's left of the hair on the back of my head stand up.......and I trust my first reactions to people and what they say. You sound indecisive and as though you're making a big assed secret and drama out of something that isn't. To me,.....that feels too much like the kind of passive-aggressive attention seeking behavior that has gotten a lot of people I know/knew (and those around them) into deep shit. Be proud of your dog, be happy and peaceful with your wife,.....but acting in an unnessarily shady fashion and speaking in open code to people you don't know just sends off warning bells for me. But well, since my New Year's resolution is to tell people straigt up what I think and why,.....and to avoid adding shit to dungheaps,.....I'm letting you know.
  19. lil mayhem

    lil mayhem Top Dog

    If I couldn't test for whatever reason I would make sure I back her up to something proven. Helps the cause you know. I'm married too so I know what you mean. Good luck man. At least post some pics so we can enjoy
  20. why dont you box anymore? did your wife tell you you had to stop?

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