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New Owners should know the truth

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by pit#5, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    Ok I have made mistakes. & now i have dogs that are as great. But new owners best know a truth . The rambunctious friendly Pit is not aloud to step out of line. Not For Any Thing !!
    I know hot dogs are a different subject & a cold harmless pit can wake up one day. But people the hate you can receive is shocking & can destroy your life.
  2. Agreed. The public has no idea what owning a pit bull terrier is.
  3. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    I'm sorry but neither does pit#5 lol and i'm not trying to be an ass im just making an honest statement
  4. JamesT

    JamesT Top Dog

    LMMFAO Sometimes its the truth behind the statement that makes it so fucking funny
  5. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    A time ago i lived in a big city , I live in a small community , If ever there was Pit hating people in the USA well i live amongst them .
  6. mommy2kane

    mommy2kane Big Dog

    HAHAHAHAHA. Oh man, the look on my face when I saw pit#5 had started a thread ... ugh.
  7. Pointless. I do agree, if you meant the breed is not for everyone.
    BUT... still thread is pointless.
  8. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    LOL that is the entire point you haven't been introduced to ole Pit#5 yet have ya well enjoy his threads they are terrific
  9. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    if you let others opinion affect you because of your dogs. i'd suggest growing a spine & keep it moving.
  10. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    For the longest time my wife wanted to move away from neighbors (i just wanted to stay the course) , perhaps she was correct all along. I am not easy but I am not the worst person . As my wife recently said I love my dogs how can we live next to people who hate us & our dogs .
  11. pookie!

    pookie! Top Dog

    By being responsible? Because you elude to the fact that your dog "got out of line" which means YOU did something stupid and fucked up..

    This guy sounds like Flatbedder off PBC LOL

    I own a dog that my neighbors hate, but what can they do? He is secured, leashed, and well behaved when out in public.
  12. AKSL

    AKSL Pup

    As long as the people that see what you doing with your dog(s), granted they have more experience then you with these dogs and aren't lazy or crooked, like what you are doing Do you. Man so many are going to talk down on you no matter what you do. You live and learn and move through life.
  13. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    you really got to start proof reading your shit before you hit that post button, you make yourself look like a 3rd grade dropout.

    As for this thread, who gives a shit what people think, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
  14. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    Regardless of the mess up , This is what it is now.
  15. HFTB

    HFTB Pup

    wth are you saying lol...
  16. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    I think he's repenting for the mistakes he has made with his own dogs? LOL And trying to help the newbies learn from his mistakes? Not sure but as long as you learned something from your mishaps that makes you a better person and that's really all you owe yourself and your dogs. Don't know you but everyone starts somewhere I wouldn't get too bothered over what the internet masses say about you as you will most likely never even meet them face to face.
  17. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    Hell my neighbors hated my dogs too until i let them pet on them on a walk but a few still don't like them because i have one HA dog and because of him they dislike the rest but hell i don't give 2 shits if they like em or not and they don't hate me because of my dogs we all get along fine my dogs are kept in a fenced in area on secure chain spots and the others are in pens also inside the fenced in yard so but i don't have many folks approaching my back yard to awful much either and that is a good thing i dohave No Trespassing signs up but i do not have beware of dog signs up that is like admitting you have a man biter but you have to find some common ground with you and your neighbors you cannot just go on hating try to befriend them if at all possible it will make it easier on your entire family and you need to be more responsible and not let the things that has happened ever happen again i can't believe u still have dogs to be honest
  18. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    No there is no way to ever have any good terms with them , Other things have happened and it will never be good . I have 3 dogs still i'll keep you posted if it changes .
  19. lovemybull

    lovemybull Big Dog

    Umm I think he prob proof read like 10 times lol...
  20. dpitbull

    dpitbull Pup

    And they usually stink lol

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