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breeding ?

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by gamelife, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. gamelife

    gamelife Pup

    I've got a good male grandson of rawhide and his mamas side is boyles down through rising stars sparky so he's jeep/redboy/boyles question is I've got a good female out of some redboy jocko stuff should I breed her to him or would that be scaterbred I've got a male I could bred to her off some mayday stuff that good but don't know much bout this dog other than his ped and he's young so what Yall think
  2. the.peon

    the.peon Top Dog

    I think not breeding would be the best possible option possible for anyone that feels the need to ask people online that don't know anything about the dogs in question how they should breed their own animals.
  3. gamelife

    gamelife Pup

    I think people shouldnt respond to threads if there not intending to answer the question that's was asked or know nothing about the person posting it I was starting conversation you know similar to the thousands of threads on here already and I don't know alot bout the redboy jocko stuff its something I'm trying out was only wondering what people had that was clicking with it like I said for conversational purpose
  4. best2best

    best2best Big Dog

    at the end of the day gamelife u have to feed ur hounds but dont get rapped up in wat a ped says cause 100% of these dog are not bred the way that paper says the are!jmo for me that paper only comes in handy when i need to reg for a conformation show other then that look for wat each dog is lacking and what each one will bring to the table and keep the ones that have wat u bred for!
  5. gamelife

    gamelife Pup

    Thanks for your reply best 2 best makes since no telling how its all really bred I agree papers are only as good as every man's name that's been on them
  6. the.peon

    the.peon Top Dog

    That's cool, lamelife. I answered the question...you might not like the answer you got, but it's an answer none the less....you know like the thousands of other answers/replies on here. Either way it's of no concern to me, and I honestly couldn't give a shit what you do with your dogs.
  7. gamelife

    gamelife Pup

    Thanks the.peon your right it was an answer I apologize for my response
    Don't want to argue with anyone I'm just on here to talk dogs alittle mainly joined to read about dogs in spare time I asked for opinions then got mad when on was given "lamelife" I kind of like it might change my user name
  8. babedulce

    babedulce Big Dog

    So instead of going ahead and posting like you did in the OP it might do you good to narrow your question to "what clicks with RBJ?" This might be helpful when starting threads in the future for a more pleasant forum experience. good luck
  9. ABD456

    ABD456 Big Dog

    yo gamelife what I have noticed is the majority of posters post crap, will dis you and try to run you down.
    its up to you if you get offended by that or not
  10. gamelife

    gamelife Pup

    Thanks babedulce ill try in the future to word my post better to avoid confusion thanks abd456 for your response I did get offended at first that was my fault the man simply gave an answer and like he said I didn't like the answer I got but truth be told I knew what I was gonna breed to her when I posted this just curious as to what others thought I should have worded different
  11. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    No one knows your dogs better than you do. I don't see any reason why if both dogs are actually good dogs why it wouldn't have a reasonably good chance of being good.Breeding is a gamble anyway. I look at peds on dogs like most people,because it's something most owners like to spend time doing.But when you breed,look at the dogs more than the peds.It don't have to be a popular cross as long as it works,I made a Alligator/RBJ breeding that I know some people hated but I feed them so who cares,lol And that's how I'd look at it if I was you,you know the dogs,we don't. In the end,you're the one feeding them so do what you think is best and in a couple years you'll know if it worked or if it didn't.

    Well,that depends what is posted usually.
  12. hempjocsorrlby

    hempjocsorrlby Big Dog

    Gamelife you might want to know what your dogs are good at individually, so you can know what you are breeding for. There is no reason to stick a dog unless there's a reason to stick a dog. U might want to go see the guys you got the dogs from and see what they did with there dogs, what they feed there dogs and what there grand sire and grand dams did and why. Once you do that you will be ready to make good decisions that you won't regret. Shit might even have to start over and get a different dog. Make sure your dog is smart first, who wants a yard full of dumb ass dogs.
  13. undamineknls

    undamineknls Banned

    if both of your dog are good dog go for it and it will be jeep/rbj/boyles
  14. capo

    capo Big Dog

    Breed best to best not paper to paper when u do breed. Some people need not breed though! What's you reason? Why would u breed a dog thats young and you only know what his ped say's? Big GREEN-SIGN!!!! But a its your dogs do what u do an enjoy. And refrain from making stupid post! USE SEARCH, DO RESEARCH, WORK, AND WORK SOME MORE!

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