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changed food for my blue and is hives

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by blu, May 29, 2013.

  1. blu

    blu Pup

    Hey, I'm Blu and my pit is Apollo, I posted some days
    Ago about his hives, I reached out for help and only
    Received, one reply which I am thankful for, if this
    Is to help people like myself and others to
    Learn, please reply to problems just don't
    Read them. I love my pitbull breed, and these
    Dogs all ready have a bad reputation, by
    Helping each other we help them!!!!

    Since I last posted, I did change his food,
    I bought I big bag of that Taste to the Wild
    Then I was told by my husband's and our
    Friend and dog trainer, which who is a very
    Strong pit lover, has been telling me for
    Years that he feeds his pits raw chicken
    Quarters and he still at times gives them
    Dry food. So I am now 4 days in with the
    Chicken, the hives have not cleared up,
    But they have not gotten worse, but Apollo
    Has stopped licking his paws. Please,
    Any comments, will be fine, just comment!
  2. NorCalTim

    NorCalTim Big Dog

    Hello. I hope the skin problems go away.

    Stay away from corn.
    Feed cooked beef liver now and then.
    Feed flax, olive oil, fish oil, etc.

    Fix it from the inside out.
    Good luck.
  3. SteelyDan

    SteelyDan Big Dog

    Good luck with that skin allergy... id look into it being an allergic response from the environment too. Like grass, or laundry soap, the dog breaking out when pollen is high... If u really want to get to the bottom of it. Go to UC Davis vet teaching hospital. If the dog is having an autoimmune response to its allergy, its not gonna go away in 4 days.
  4. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    If he's indoors, it could be mold or something in the carpets. If he's outdoors, it could be a million other things. Follow the above advice (Steely's). At least get a scraping to start with.


    Give the food change a chance to work....he will be jumping about in a few day's after the chicken...go with the above if it do's not improve and get a scrapeing done....and give some oil../etc...best of luck..some of my dogs get them hive's,but they don't seem to bother them and soon fade a-way...ps:make sure your not give'n him dairy/products/chocolate +milk/etc/etc/...as a-lot of dog's are lactose intolerante..and can cause a-lot of prob's..some people can kill their dog with good intenshions.......
  6. Da Pink

    Da Pink Pup

    sounds like food to me, especially since the symptoms levelled off when you switched. It takes time for the food to work thru'. Pre and pro biotics did wonders for my Mum's dogs conditon (similar to yours) but they're pricey...

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