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dog scared of plastic bags

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Wishbonekennel, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. my friends dog scared of plastic bags i told him shell grow out of it shes 6months should he be worried ????? i never met a dog scared of bags lol
  2. determination

    determination Big Dog

    I don't know why he would be worried lol. Unless he's tring to use the dog as a pp or guard dog. Just don't tell anyone otherwise the robber could just cover himself with plastic bags. Lol it would be his kryptonite haha
  3. Thanks.... he jus thought if she run from bag she be scared of everythingg when he starts walking her around
  4. determination

    determination Big Dog

    I am no dog trainer but if you try some different methods and spend some time with the dog iam shure that you could get the dog to over come the fear. Maybe try bring a bag in the house and just let it be for a little,then try getting the dog to come closer with a treat, take your time and be patience.
  5. back2basics

    back2basics Big Dog

    100% correct, the dog may be going through a fear phase, and may act freaked over strange things, desensitize the dog to them over time
  6. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

  7. determination

    determination Big Dog

    Does anyone have or remember the video with the dumb ass that was train the dogs with all them fireworks shock and awe bady shock and awe lol
  8. Rock n Rye

    Rock n Rye CH Dog

    I guess when they ask at the store, yall will be saying Paper. Some dogs just dont like some weird shit. The craziest dog I ever seen was dead shook of gnome. We never understood it and just kept him away from gnomes lol.
  9. Da Pink

    Da Pink Pup

    The only thing my old dog ever run from was another dog wearing one if those anti scratch collar things. He took one look, took a second look & just freaked out & bolted. He was missing for a day and a half .
  10. hammer head

    hammer head Top Dog

    at 3 mnths dogs begin to explore their environment...... if at that time a bike falls on them, trash can goes sideways, loud bangs whatever....... it will cause them life long trauma.

    With time and effort these effects can be brought under control. The only way to communicate with a K-9 fast & effectively is through food:

    a) first tie the dog up in a quite & farmilar place free of distractions.

    b) sit near the dog but out of reach of his tie.

    c) produce food which is very pungent i.e. fish sticks/ cheese/ etc together with the offending item plastic bag, etc.

    d) ignoring the dog, eat the food sitting by the bag....

    e) then after 10 mins of this re-inforcement walk calmly away with item but leaving the food.

    f) repeat for 5 days.

    For best results the dog should be starved (deprived of normal meal).... This will focus its attention by hunger. The dogs will descover the simple choice of eating or being scared. If you have bonded with the animal, it will take its que from you. You are calm inspite of the terrifying item and are eating calmly and serenely. By repeating this process the dog will associate food/pleasure with the bag. As dogs are pack animals they will be reassurred by their leader/owner ignoring the danger and eating.

    Dog are very social and inquistive animal with high intelligence. I have trained many dogs thus without words....... Dogs can hear your heart beating and smell the food you ate 3 days ago, lol. I only stroke them during a rub down in a keep and during their schooling. With added high pitched vocal encouragement during this period..... They know exactly what to do and will do it on command if schooled right.

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