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eppinettes kennels

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by mattups, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. benthere

    benthere CH Dog Staff Member

    A lot of truth in the above statement
  2. the.peon

    the.peon Top Dog

    Hell yeah...wouldn't touch it with a 10ft pole.

    Sent from my SCH-S738C using Tapatalk
  3. JLusk

    JLusk Big Dog

    He was definately in it for the money and bred to curs and dogs with defects but he had some good dogs as well. But for that reason I bought a grown dog that I've seen more than once with my own eyes instead of buying a pup.
  4. mattups

    mattups Pup

    People I am new to this forum. I asked a question. If you can not help me please do not reply. I stated what my dog was down from. Red nugget was down from some good dogs. Awesome dog. Showgirl was down from Rajun Cajun, and Wildsides weirdette . Just look up peds. If you want to start a thread about what you think about Eppinettes, knock yourself out. But I am looking for someone who can point me in right direction. My dogs were awesome. You are not gonna change my mind. Thank you. Hate that I had to post this. Oh to who this belongs, I wouldn't want you to touch my dogs with your 10 ft pole.
  5. toom

    toom Big Dog

    It's not your thread anymore BUD,,,,,grow some thicker skin if you want to hang around.
  6. mattups

    mattups Pup

    Dang I got robbed.
  7. JLusk

    JLusk Big Dog

    Weirdette and rajun cajun were both good dogs and I think most of the defects they are talking about was off Casper.. throwing some dogs with parrout mouth but he threw his fair share of good ones too with no noticable health problems. this board is no fun without the shit talking so learn what you can and when you're getting shit slung at you brush it off and sling it back and have a good laugh when they're giving it to somebody else
  8. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    Well said JLusk. Also, not everybody is going to agree, you're entitled to your own opinion just like everybody else is. Doesn't mean either is right or wrong, just difference of opinion. I think you'll like it here, don't get discouraged by comments you may not agree with.
  9. JLusk

    JLusk Big Dog

    But learn from it too. It's well known he bred to curs and Casper threw parrot mouth so if you decide to get another pup from them lines check the parents and grandparents to make sure they're all good dogs and don't have any health defects.
  10. therealjudge

    therealjudge CH Dog

    what curs did he breed to again?? he was a business man that is true but he had way more good dogs than bad and I know folks that had so called parrot mouth pups but when they reached adulthood were normal as any dog on the yard so that ol bullshit has been talked about for the longest. there are several still around that can compete on any level.
  11. JLusk

    JLusk Big Dog

    I should have said bitches that weren't check instead of curs. My apologies. All of his studs were the real deal
  12. JLusk

    JLusk Big Dog

    Some of his bitches not all of them. And I agree he had some good ones. Like I said earlier I bought a 3 year old bitch off him and then a year later took her down to breed to cajun so obviously I thought highly of his dogs. But with any line and breeder that breeds that many dogs a lot of the bitches go unchecked and just bred cause of their pretty ped so always look at the parents and grandparents credentials when purchasing a pup


    LONEWOLF kinda harsh my friend, let em have it it one sentence......
    BENTHERE statement, i would have to triple that...
    TOOM tells no tales...Thicker skin or a peddle proof vest that seconds as a floatation device...
    MATTUPS my friend i agree you got robbed,for either this thread or your bulldog.Time will tell...GOOD LUCK...
    REAL JUDGE DUSTY had frequent flyer miles, LOCKDOWN returned her to EPPINETTE and she was bred to her brother CASPER, I dont know about parrot mouth but do know dozens of witness to this unsavory practice.If the general public witnessesd this i can only imagine what his standard is when left to his own devices...
  14. JLusk

    JLusk Big Dog

    I can't think of any off the top of my head cause it's been about ten years since I've been there but when we were walking through the kennels I asked about each dog and some of the bitches he said they were bred to produce not bred for the hunt
  15. bgblok68

    bgblok68 CH Dog



    ....thats the power off the dollar/pound....
  17. therealjudge

    therealjudge CH Dog

    Of course P.E. produced curs in his litters but no more than anyone here that has ever made a breeding. Casper dogs are better at three so if you don't have patience then that line isn't for you. I know a guy (ch Casper, ch Victoria, ch Buster) that got sent a "ready" female from P.E. and she stopped in less than 20 and he was so pissed cause up till then he was beating folks from all over. That was kinda fucked up but best believe P.E. didn't intentionally send him junk cause this dude was his cash cow.
  18. Mudville_Monsta

    Mudville_Monsta Top Dog

    I liked the Earl & Earl Jr dogs. I was looking for some Chinaman blood without the Frisco. Someone turned me onto Eppinette's site and from there it went. I do know they concentrated on their pet store, I was wondering did they change their online site or take it down all together. I used to order things from their site and can't find it anymore.
  19. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    I believe they still sell kennel supplies, not 100% sure of site name. I like Earl and Earl Jr dogs for same reaaon

    Sincerely Yours, Cajun


    I always liked the chinaman stuff out of the bay area thru Ds BATTLEDORA crossed to the bolio stuff , seemed like a flip flop to the FRISCO stuff.MUDVILLE know anything about them?

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