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Clouse/Crenshaw by way of Steinberg

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Fritz, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. poorfarmkennels

    poorfarmkennels Big Dog

    Thanks for posting Fritz. I've seen a couple spookey weird ones, not the caliber of what you mentioned but they make me wonder why do they act that way and why are they fed.
    . I enjoyed a short story of yours too, but can't remember the name.
  2. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    Ch. Marvelle rings no bells, so probably not. I know there have been several Red Dangers. I remember Red Danger's beating one named DoubleOught (if I spelled that correctly), DoubleOught being one of the best around... till he met Red Danger. Remember, we're talking about over forty years ago. This old boy's memories start to dim.
  3. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    LOL OK. Reason I had asked was that this contest took place in Oklahoma, many years ago and Bert had shaped and handled the dog. He was a Ch dog but had lost a canine. Some guy named Blevins, now deceased claimed to own the dog. Marvelle was a weird dog. Boxed, and I mean like a boxer, throwing punches. Danger was a bad boy but didn't know what to do with such a thing and when Bert let him go, he just looked up at Bert as if to say "WTF?" Danger had barely had a tooth in him and it wasn't long into it that this happened.

    Thank you for the clarity, Maff. T.
  4. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    I think the hardest worker, hardest worked part is the key to the lock. Thank you for sharing with us.
    I am sure we can understand the feelings on that note, and that is a hard pill to swollow - I can only imagine your frustrations and thoughts when this was in real time.

    Interesting to hear the result of the cross made. Just goes to show that nothing is for sure in the dogs.
    Also - your recall and thought back to reflect on those days for us younger fellers is much obliged.
    obviously times have changed and its all behind now, but we are gretful to read your take on the cross.
    priceless information.

    thanks again.
  5. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    Could be that "Marvelle" dog was the one that stopped Red Danger, and the name Blevins rings a bell. I corresponded with Red Danger's owner after the fight, and what he told me was this:

    He'd purchased Red Danger for $7,500 (way lots of money back then), but because he, Blevins, was crippled, he enlisted Clouse's help in conditioning and matching the dog. Now get this... Red Danger, top dog as he was, was going against a first-timer, one that had never even been matched. But yes, Red Danger died several minutes into the match, hardly a tooth in him! How does one make sense of that? Was it as I suggested? -- that Clouse had overworked the dog, brought him in virtually exhausted? And then, as I was following these happenings quite closely at the time, I remember hearing the dog that had "beaten" Red Danger quit after just a few minutes into his second match. But no, the dog that "beat" Red Danger was no champion. As reported in the dog mags at the time, Red Danger was that dog's first match opponent, and when he met another he quit almost immediately.

    Lots of fishy scents to sort through there, but what would dogfighting be without them? Unfortunate that we even have to ask such a question.
  6. blueboy

    blueboy Big Dog

    Couldn't it have been the epilepsy that caught up with Red Danger, and he had a seizure? If it had of been anyone else that conditioned him, I could believe they overworked him to such an extent. But Bert Clouse by everything I've read on him, was just to honest and experienced a dogman to make such an error.
  7. UphillDoc

    UphillDoc Pup

    There were a number of Steinburg x dogs in the PNW and Canada in the 80s. Most I saw were very game, but lacked real talent. I didnt see the quirks, but that could have been how they were crossed?

    Take care.
  8. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    I don't know how the epilepsy might have affected Red Danger. That's why I gave him away in the first place. I had the other nine in the litter to bring on, and so why spend time on one with epilepsy? But when an experienced dogman, Clouse in this instance, says a certain dog is the hardest worker he ever saw -- again, it seems to me as good as saying that he, Clouse, had worked the dog harder than any dog he'd ever worked before. How does a four-time winner go in there, hardly even get bitten -- and then die in a few minutes? Truly, I want to put a bunch of question marks after that question, not just one.
  9. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    My guess is you were seeing Steinberg's Clouse-bred dogs before he made the Crenshaw cross.
  10. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    i would be more apt to think someone stuck him with a mix to make him die, but that is just a shot in the wind, from someone who knows no party or the dogs . seems an easy way to get real comp out of the way if a player is a cheat i guess - sad that money and gambling have the ability to overcome the most important factor in the game dog - GAMEness - but in certain incidents throughout history, many of good dog men have been cheated, and that is sad also.
    The dogs should always come first - kinda like the ducking dog thread - sad facts -
  11. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    Yes, very fishy, Maff, and most who were there thought so, too. Danger looked good, physically speaking. Wanted to really mix it up and make a contest out of it but Marvelle was batting him around like a boxer on the heavy bag. Danger looked confused and no, he had no seizure, just confusion as to what kind of clown they had put him on. I was there and just shook my head. So did many.

    Yes, Blevins was crippled and told me he had cancer. He passed a year or so afterward. Danger had come from one of the Northern boys up North. Blevins was from Missouri. Had paid pretty good money for the dog. Danger was missing one canine but that never played into it. It was almost as if no fight ever took place. He just looked up to Bert as if to say WTF but stable and on all fours. The clan who owned Marvelle was not very highly regarded. In fact, they were said to be a little suspect in some areas of the game.

    It sounds more and more as though this is the same Danger dog. His plight was questionable at best. There was no comparison in the quality of the two dogs. Danger was a competition dog and Marvelle was, well, it was hard to tell. T.
  12. mistabonz

    mistabonz Top Dog

    Good read and very interesting bit of history Fritz and TDK. Thank you both!
  13. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    I want to thank Fritz and TDK both for sharing pieces of history and keeping it here on the board where we all can learn from it. Gracias amigos!
  14. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    lol Mista and I had the same thoughts at the same time LOL.
  15. mistabonz

    mistabonz Top Dog

    Yes apparently we did treez. lol Still all the insight and forethought that goes into posts by men with knowledge such as TDK and Fritz is and always will be appreciated.
  16. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    Also, I think that at the time, he was known as Big Brad's Red Danger, a CH dog. I believe Brad is the one who sold the dog to Blevins. There was a lot of money on the thing. I think Blevins dropped a load. Both money and at what he saw.....THAT kind of load. LOL

    I remember Bert handling and that he handled side saddle because of his leg. He didn't straddle the dog in the oorner. Danger didn't appear ill going in. Not weak. He DID appear bewildered as hell and possibly disoriented. That could mean more than one thing, so no one really knew. Everyone was just kind of stunned. T.
  17. blueboy

    blueboy Big Dog

    I've only known two shows that ended that quickly with the loser dying with hardly a mark on him, both dog's had seizure's one I know had epilepsy. Which is why I asked the question.
    I never considered Danger getting stuck but something of the sort must have happened or seems likely. Even if Danger was overworked or even if rubbed I would still expect him to last alot longer than a few minutes.
    I once read somewhere that Big Brad had a few Steinburg dogs and once had one called ch Red Danger, I don't know but it might be the same dog.
  18. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    Indeed, blue. The dog I saw was that dog, and came from Big Brad, up North. Spoke extensively with Blevins before, during and a little after the competition, if one would call it that. T.
  19. bootsbjj

    bootsbjj Banned

    I'm loving all the history. Thank you all for sharing.
  20. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    Gotta say, nightmarish tales like this was what helped get me out of the game. Who the fuck needs it?

    By the way, Blue, I was unable to respond to your last private message due to your not emptying your store of messages, or something like that.

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