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New from Memphis, TN

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by macias.eduardo25, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. I been browsing the site for years I decided to finally join. I owned a few dogs in the past. Decided this year I will finally get another dog. I'll be building my kennel this week. My biggest issues in the past have been dogs escaping. Digging under or climbing out so thats my main focus before I get me pup. I'll be doing my research on what bloodlines and breeder I'm going to go with in the meantime any recommendations preferably local or close by?? Thank you

    P.S I tried signing up for a premium membership but having issues signing in on the website I'm using Tapatalk currently

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Welcome to the site, as far as the issues with the premium membership, PM Vicki the sites owner and she will get you squared away
  3. Thank you I tried again and it worked this time :)
  4. amistad

    amistad Big Dog

    Welcome to Game Dog.
  5. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member


    Escaping and destruction comes with a lot of these dogs. Housing is of utmost importance.

    I will be building an off the ground pen for a female I am doctoring on right now. She eats rocks. The size of a dime, eats them like candy. When we walk her it is either with a short lead holding her head up or muzzled. I'm thinking of a treated wood floor and some hog/horse type panels (similar to the Tom Garner video).

    Post what you come up with as it may help another (me).


  6. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Here's 2 ideas.

    Get the premium steel kennels at Home Depot or Tractor Supply. You can buy 2 extra panals and attach to the top like a roof. Use the same connection pieces you used to connect the walls of the kennel. For the flooring, line the inner parameter with 16"x16"x2" patio blocks. I didn't do the parameter because my shed is behind and against that back wall in the picture but you could just do the whole inner parameter pretty cheaply if you look around.


    Or if you get the other style kennels you can cover the top with rolled fencing and chain the dog on a lighter chain inside the kennel. This one was an escape artist so that worked, he never got out of it.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2016
  7. Thank you I'm really taking my time on getting my pup I want to make sure I have the most secure kennel I can build. It still amazes me what these dogs do to escape just to have alittle free time to run around or in my case chase the chickens around the yard. I lost lots of good gamecocks lol. If they didn't dig under climbed over they would just chew through the welded wire. A few times causing themselves harm.

    I like how Tom Garner built his panels probably do something similar. I can get all the construction material I need from work. I was going to go all metal but seen lightning hit my neighbors dog once probably very rare but not going to take the chance lol
  8. Thank you really like your kennels. Really like that steel kennel going have to go to HD or TS to check them out. Looks exactly what I'm looking for


    welcome and this is a great site to learn more about the bulldogs BEFORE you get another...
    please do the breed a favor and learn how to properly take care of a bulldog BEFORE you get another...

    Paving stones are nice and expensive considering how little they help,,,
    plus any determined digger can put one right in a hole and escape,,,
    a better alternative is cattle panels under the kennel...
  10. Thanks I'm really taking my time to learn as much as possible before getting my next dog. it might not even be this year. In the past I was young (14 when I first got my first bulldog) and not so financially stable plus after some big life events I had to let my bulldogs go. I been wanting to get another dog for quite sometime 5 years to be exact but felt I wasn't ready to properly care for a dog especially of this breed but like I said I'm in no hurry. I just want to make sure my future dog is taken care of the best possible not that my dogs in the past weren't cared for quite the opposite they were well cared for just had to get my stuff together.
  11. Btw I go to Mexico often might be worth considering getting my dog there. Anyone worth checking out in jalisco near guadalajara or really anywhere in Mexico??

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I was young and dumb with my first bulldog also,,,
    I like your response and use the search function as I have learned alot on here thanks all the knowledge thats been shared on here,,, you can also ask questions and get some good info...

    If your looking for bulldogs from the core,,,
    you might have better luck finding dogmen in mx if you know where to look,,,
    they are less reluctant to take on a new comer and you can import some good dogs back to the states...

    good luck and journeys the breed might bring...elias
  13. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    If it's a very determined escape artist then a chain spot is probably a better idea and cheaper than kennels and runs are. The paving stones work just fine for me, always have but I don't get many diggers. If I did I would just set the bottom bar of the kennel on the bricks themselves. I put mine on a chain still even if in the kennels so I can open the door with a feed pan in my hand and the dog not run out while I got the door open. Works fine for me. Even if they were to manage to dig out, their still on a chain so they aren't getting very far.
  14. Thank you I have been scrolling through the site I every chance I get I also saw someone recommend Richard Stratton books so I ordered This is The American Pitbull Terrier written by him can't wait for it to arrive

    Thank you I have a perfect spot for a chain set-up I also been considering. I'm still going through my options. How do the dogs do on concrete? I heard lots of good and bad about keeping dogs on concrete. Most likely won't be there 24/7 as I usually spend most of my afternoons walking in the woods so it will have lots of exercise and plenty of time walking on a trail and time away from being on concrete all day
  15. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    Concrete is not bad if t is shaded. it will get pretty hot in the summer months. It is easy to clean and maintain. Expensive thought.

    I chain all my dogs and the yard is fenced.

    My need for a different set up is for this one bone head of a dog that just eats rocks. We are filling her up with mineral oil on both ends and she passes them one or two at a time. Xray shows about six more to go.

    I'm in the process of building a 10X10 above ground structure. I am not sure about concrete but she likes asphalt too, she will scoop that up on a walk as well. A real nut job.



    my dad had a dog like that,,,
    when the dog was cut open he had more stuff in there than the dog on snatch,,,
    unfortunatley he passed from his belly full of goodies but there was no diamond to help pay for the surgery...

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