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Anyone herd of Buster Joe an old game dog what are his lines?

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Titch_Pitbull, Dec 30, 2005.

  1. Titch_Pitbull

    Titch_Pitbull Top Dog

    Des anyone know about old buster joe he is an old game dog it LOOKS like he was bred for looks but he is a real game dog wondering about his lines here is a pic [he is not an overgrown mutt]

  2. That's CH Camarano's Buster Joe. He's sire to 'PR' Hazard Joe, Oehler's Danger Zone, and the foundation of many different strands of "ofrn" bloodlines such as Castillo and Danger Zone. I believe he comes from old Hemphill/Wallace blood and was bred to alot of lines such as Amberlite, Lar-San, Tufftown, and the likes, producing most of the foundation that alot of Red show stock is bred from. His lines are producing large dogs these days...Gorgeous dog, wish he was still around.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2005
  3. Titch_Pitbull

    Titch_Pitbull Top Dog

    Any of his lines still around

    beauty of a dog
  4. Oh yea, he's about 4-5 generations back on MOST dogs from DangerZone, Lar-san, Amberlite, Castillo, kennels like Coldsteel, Vegas, Astig, California....just do a search on yahoo...you'll find em.


    FIREMAN Big Dog

    My great grandfather owned this dog.Hes not around now but i would be able to tell ya everything on him.
  6. Titch_Pitbull

    Titch_Pitbull Top Dog

    Do you know anybody that has a grandson of him or a son of him?

    FIREMAN Big Dog

    hmmm. My g.grandfather did biznizz with a kennel n Cali.i think url is somethin like calipits or comethin. They'll know.
  8. Titch_Pitbull

    Titch_Pitbull Top Dog

    Do you have any other pictures of Buster Joe?
  9. Iron Mike

    Iron Mike CH Dog

    Funny this subject comes up again. I have been receiving email about this dog. I don't recall OFRN blood in him. He might have become a show champion but not a sporting champion. If there is OFRN in him you have to go back a ways to find it and most likely it would be the blood mentioned of the Hemphill crossed with those AST dogs.
    Anyway back to the email. I've received email about Jerome supposedly have bred Maud to Buster Joe. This never took place. Jerome never got a litter off Maud to Buster Joe or Nemo or any other dog!!
    M. Sorrells from Heart & Soul kennels wrote me years ago with a pedigree with Maud bred to Nemo. :(
    Hate to tell ya'll, but folks, this never happened............
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2005
  10. wallace

    wallace Pup

    would really like some accurate feed back I bought my first dog in 85 I met the owner at work he owned a dog he called hazardus duty supposedly a brother to grunt from flash dance the movie said the dogs came from camarillos buster joe and his bitch named may I bought the runt of one of hazards litters no regrets best dog ever . Ive owned a few since then This was in vegas
  11. UphillDoc

    UphillDoc Pup

    Iron Mike, check your PM.

    Take care.

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