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Judge Judy

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Defend2DaEnd, Jan 9, 2006.

  1. Defend2DaEnd

    Defend2DaEnd CH Dog

    Anyone watching what she is saying about Pit Bulls?

    She really needs to be corrected. She is adding to the myths. She said that their jaws lock, that mother's shouild not own them, and that they are bound to attack. She is calling this women stupid for rescuing them.
  2. WWII

    WWII Banned

    I never liked how she handled the cases anyway. I don't know if it's because it's on TV and she's putting on an act, or if she is just an actual b*tch. I wish I could've seen this episode though. It attacked the neighbor's pregnant cocker spaniel and killed it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2006
  3. SEAL

    SEAL CH Dog

    well i wrote her a nice lil excerpt to be considered.
  4. ScrappyDoo

    ScrappyDoo Top Dog

    she really needs to be educated on the breed. I don't like how she chooses a verdict on her cases anyway. She isn't very fair when it comes to decisions she makes.
  5. ScrappyDoo

    ScrappyDoo Top Dog

    What did you write her SEAL?
  6. Mercepitdog

    Mercepitdog Big Dog

    Damn i hate that bitch...
  7. yeah Seal do tell ,do tell!

    NOVICE Big Dog

    I wrote her something to. Everybody should write so she knows just how many of us she pissed off.
  9. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    I too wrote her in. Just remember, be honest and TRY to be polite.
  10. I Think I Will Drop Her A Little Line I Never Liked Her Anyways She Is Loud And Unfair In The Way She Deals With Things.and This Isnt The First Time I Have Seen Her Do This With Bulldogs.i Seen One Show Where The Man Brought This Male Pit InTO Court And She Told The Bailif If It Growls Or Anything To Shoot It Right There On The Spot.but He Just Laid There Wagging His Tail And Made Her Look Like The Jackass Bitch She Really Is
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2006
  11. Crash97

    Crash97 Top Dog

    She's a damned joke, nothing but a loudmouthed clown in a robe. Unfortunately lots of people tune into her, not sure why....then again look at the success of the Springer Show...lol
  12. boot

    boot Pup

    heres what i wrote her

    I think you should take an hour of your time to do some research on the American Pit Bull Terriers. Or better yet spend time with one of these dogs before you judge them. I know you are an educated women but when you make remarks that are ridiculously untrue you make yourself look extremely foolish. you are obviously another victim of the medias poor representation of a great animal.
  13. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    Said something around those lines, I also sent some links to a few educational sites.
  14. SEAL

    SEAL CH Dog

    cleared up the locking jaw thing sent some tempermant numbers over and explained that making such statements lowers the over all credibility of her position and she should think before she makes random propaganda based comments while bashing someone else for being "stupid". that knocking someone for being stupid while spitting out utter false hoods on her own behalf belittles her. something along those lines a little more fleshed out.
  15. TrubsDiary

    TrubsDiary Banned

    I too sent her a few words... and a link to a pit bull rescue site and a pit bull informational site. I would like to hear any responds anyone receives from the site. If i receive any responds, i'll be sure to share with ya'll.
  16. Stickynote

    Stickynote Big Dog

    she SUCKS SOOOOOOO bad!! She's NOT helping the problem out there. And the problem is... Geez I wonder....a bunch of ignorant assholes!!!!!
    The dog was a Pit Mix the owner admitted. Our Purebreds have to take this shit? I don't think so... I'm writing her right now! Man I'm pissed off.
  17. missybee16

    missybee16 CH Dog

    Just gave her a piece of advice, from the senators I deal with on this breed. She'll flip! Wish I could be there to see it. Bet she thought, she knew it all. "HAG".
  18. NOVICE

    NOVICE Big Dog

    Awsome, I'm gonna wright her again. I haven't gotten a response.
  19. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    :D Well said, Crash.

    I did see a case with that Texas Justice dude where a pitbull had attacked a neighbor's little dog, actually severed its leg. Judge seemed fair and knowledgeable; held them both equally accountable, as neither dog was on a leash at the time of the attack.
  20. Well said! I am glad you used "American Pit Bull Terriers" rather than "Pit bulls".


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