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Jitterbug Kennels

Discussion in 'Breeder Discussion' started by slodrew, Dec 31, 2023.

  1. slodrew

    slodrew Pup

    Anybody on here on here have anything from Jitterbug Kennels in Alabama? They seem to be consistently producing some very high quality dogs with great bloodlines and I'm just wondering if anyone has any personal experience with them.
    Cy the dogman likes this.
  2. FrozenEli

    FrozenEli Top Dog

    Yes well well watered down hog dogs, just like TripleJ.... The end. Like pet hogs! Just like the other man that uses the old Sorrells dogs that pumps up his shit nobody cares about
    gog123 likes this.
  3. gog123

    gog123 Top Dog

    I wonder if we’re thinking about the same person. Just when you mentioned sorrell dogs a breeder came to mind. Seems to bang on about breeding and his education. Then will bang on about pedigrees. Yet he will breed from untested dogs and not being funny if the blood was so good. I’m sure others would be running it and we’d be hearing about those dogs. Just seems a common thing for people who want to earn money from others putting in the work. Or simply to stroke their ego. Used to see it here in the uk at dog shows and a younger me would get into loads of arguments. Was mostly Stafford owners bragging about psycho being in the pedigree despite being generations back and they wouldn’t even take a look at their dogs.

    The guy with the sorrell dogs if thinking of the same guy also breeds bandogs. Each to their own but have to laugh when you can get a game bred dog from proven working parents for half the price. Or a decent malinois or presa which will do the job of protecting. Tbh the bandogs don’t impress me what so ever. Only ever see the dogs tied and biting a sleeve. All in the comfort of their own yard while showing some prey drive and hardly get tested. Don’t expect to see the dogs competing in sports events. Be nice though to see them in trial days to see how they do in a different environment and up against different situations that haven’t been trained for. Only even want to see it because really I am shocked so many fools part with their money. Guess the sales pitch captures idiots. Don’t know why it annoys me as much as it does lol
    david63 and tomjones2 like this.
  4. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    People who sell dogs are in every breed. They are not everyone's cup of tea, but they do find their target audience. I'm not a fan but it is one of the spokes that keeps the wheels turning, like it or not.

    If it were truly about the dogs, truly about using competition as the path to the brood box, there would be like 2% of the dog game left. That 2% would have a very small sampling of dogs and in time they would breed themselves out of the game.

    Believe it or not, in the grand scheme of things, we need just a little bit of the chicken shit in our chicken salad.

    As far as bandogs, I did some work in that click many years ago. I never met anyone who wanted to serious sport work like French Ring or Pro-Sport. The dogs were being built as protectors. My only issue was just like pit bull dogs, especially Red Boy dogs, the bandogs grew in popularity. Popularity ensures the wrong person will be breeding the wrong dogs and in turn sell said dog to the wrong person. In the Red Boy case, the family is now watered down and finding stand alone Red Boy dogs is first cousins to winning the lottery. it happens, but it is rare, and seldom repeatable. In the case of the bandogs/pit bull crosses, the dogs wind up with owners who are ill-equipped to own such an animal.

    I ran around with a guy once who had some of the best Tab/Tablet Jeep-Red Boy dogs anyone would ever want to own. A yard of dogs you could leave home with your lunch money in tow and come home eating more than bologna sandwiches that week. Solid yard of dogs. He had a Presa as a house dog. The bitch was weak nerved, and super defensively driven/very territorial. (I'm of the belief that 99% of all dogs will choose flight over fight when it comes to defending a home/their owner but that is another topic altogether). She had a crazy looking black brindling and she was maybe 100-110lbs or so. She flat put on a show at the door and 100% of all would be criminals would pass on breaking into that house. For sure, 100%.

    His daughter let her out to take a dump. She was in heat, and I guess she had an itch because she jumped the fence and found the first Jeep-Red Boy dog with a pecker. He was maybe 10-12 months old, and I suppose he had an itch too. LOL. When he came outside, they were tied.

    She had 8 puppies, and he was going to give them away as shit-eaters but at the same time was deeply offended when I called them 'kid killers'.

    These type dogs have a place if the home is educated and prepared with that kind of experience.

    I suppose, just like Red Boy dogs.

    grove likes this.
  5. slodrew

    slodrew Pup

    Well watered down hog dogs eh? You ever even seen one of their dogs or talked to anyone that has owned one? The only other comments I've seen on this forum about their dogs were positive.. They started with Jeep, Chinaman, Gamblers Virgil, Red Boy, and Mim's Gabe and every year they're mixing things up crossing with dogs like Garner's Dexter, and bringing in some frozen Garrets Tab this year.. I guess haters gotta hate. I'll let you know how mine turns out.

    "Jitterbug kennels program been around for a while. I remember being a kid and everyone talking about how good they were. I eventually got a couple over the years from them. They're all around great dogs, the ones I had were highly intelligent with a crazy drive to them. They program seems to be very consistent over the years."
    Cy the dogman likes this.
  6. I know exactly who you're talking about he is constantly into with another breeder and when ever someone gets on his ass he tells them they're not qualified to debate with him. I can't deny his apbts look good but he uses them for protection and different things of that nature. I feel like his dogs aren't special he gets them from MAD A guy who used to be buckshots kennel man. I seen some of his vids on YouTube he has a pretty nice set up but he needs to come down off his high horse it's people out here with fucking high performance animals who work at perdue farms 3rd shift. that guy needs to learn getting a formal education doesn't make you better than anybody. It's dogmen I know just as smart that can really work on these dogs if their health is in jeopardy
  7. Have you owned one of their dogs? The ones I've seen have been pretty decent dogs. I've never owned one so I can't say anything bad Abt their dogs. Far as triple j I wonder why everybody be hating on dude he isn't doing anything anyone else can't do to be honest.
  8. I'd love to have a dog from jitterbug kennels. I believe they have a few abda champions as well
  9. I was actually looking to get a dog from Jitterbug kennels. They seem like solid dogs with good pedigrees, from what I can tell.

    Never really heard anything bad about them until this thread. Maybe I'll look into it deeper. With that being said, I love those kinds of pitbulls and if you want one don't let others tell you otherwise, it's your money ‍♂️
  10. FrozenEli

    FrozenEli Top Dog


  11. You obviously are thinking about the wrong person. Jitterbug Kennels is a long standing program with 40 years of on yard breeding. Jitterbug Kennels does not have a YouTube and refuses to do any interviews when asked. A couple of these negative comments are way off which leads me to believe they are confused with someone else.

  12. You must be confusing Jitterbug Kennels with someone else. They do not have Sorrells dogs.
  13. As mentioned, you must be confusing Jitterbug Kennels with someone else. His dogs have been on yard selectively line bred for 40 years and he does not have Sorrell dogs they have created their own line which must be doing good being they are known to be one of the number one Kennels worldwide.
  14. No, this guy is really confused. He must have the wrong person in mind. Jitterbug Kennels doesn't have Sorrells dogs they created their own line and have 40 years invested. They are one of the leading APBT Kennels worldwide.
  15. Jitterbug Kennels only have pure bred American Pit Bull Terriers. Your comment seems out of place.
  16. There is nothing said in this thread that states anything bad about JBK. Some people in this tread have Jitterbug Kennels confused with someone else.
  17. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    They run Jeep dogs particularly down from the Tab dogs. Best is subjective. Best at what? They are a conformation show kennel that also focuses on hog catching. I'm not hating on them as they do have some fine looking animals. Just saying, your best could be someone else's cull. That's not saying that their dogs are culls just stating the fact that your version of best probably ain't my version of best.
    david63 likes this.
  18. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    They are on FB though.
  19. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    @FrozenEli I believe is referring to the correct kennels. If you read what he said, he wasn't saying that Triple J was jitterbug he was saying they both have watered down dogs. He also wasn't saying they had sorrells bred dogs. He said "The Other guy that has sorrells dogs who I can only assume he means lee R. He'd have to tell you that though. If you read what he actually wrote it does read correct.

    This is what he is talking about when he says watered down. These are jeep dogs that ain't got a winning box dog in 5 or 6 generations. That's what I assume he means by watered down. Thats how i look at that phrase. He'll see this most likely and He'll definitely respond lol.
    It'll probably be pretty mean too since you didn't read anything he wrote correctly. Hope you have thick skin. Lol.

    david63 likes this.
  20. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    I'm not sure it is out of place. Regardless of breed, there are always people selling that breed for $$$$.


    david63 likes this.

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