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Jitterbug Kennels

Discussion in 'Breeder Discussion' started by slodrew, Dec 31, 2023.

  1. Ssdd

    Ssdd CH Dog

    Never heard of em....
    david63 likes this.
  2. Your statement is very inaccurate. They are not down off Tab dogs. They just recently done an outcross off of McClintons little tab but thats just one outcross on their yard. Their dogs go back to Jeep, Snooty, Chinaman, Gamblers Virgil, a little bit if redboy and a touch of Mims Gabe and have been bred on yard for the past 40 years. Their dogs are very versatile excelling at pretty much anything you train them to do. They are recognize worldwide. Hog hunting is just one of the many things they Eexcell at. They recently started hog hunting them about eight years ago and they started attending conformation shows about four years ago.
  3. JBK doesn't n
    And as far as your bottom statement. That's true, your best might just be a cull to them.
  4. Ssdd

    Ssdd CH Dog

    Literally no one knows these folks or a single dog they produced. They're not world renowned and they really aren't known in America.... quit with the bs. You ain't convincing anyone you're lime of shit is reality.
  5. They're very well known and yes worldwide. Who are you, what have you accomplished? You got dogs in mutiple countries with millions of people knowing your name? It's not my line I just know they some good dogs and aint got no reason to sling mud on a reputable breeder whos doing his thang and killing it. When you know, you know and you obviously aint in the know. They must be doing something right, got your panties in a wad.
  6. Ssdd

    Ssdd CH Dog

    Lmmfao.... no and neither do they.... You're sucking their dick awfully hard... Dat muss be ya Thang do huh g?

    Fucking idiot dick riding nobodies
  7. You're speaking out your feelings. You just admitted you don't know anything about them so now you have an uneducated opinion on a subject you know nothing about. Everyone on this thread knew who they were in some form or fashion even if some of the info was incorrect accept for you, someone who has nothing to show for himself besides trying to put down another man from behind a fake account and for what? To feel better about yourself or feel like your opinion matters. I'm just giving you facts that anyone can research and find info on. It's kinda sad that someone succeeding sets you off so quick. It's even sadder that you're trying to convince yourself of a false reality by trying to say what another man is or isn't doing when you speaking out of pure ignorance. If you don't know then don't speak, it makes you look like a fool.
  8. Ssdd

    Ssdd CH Dog

    I don't have feeling over monkies on the internet....

    I said never heard of them(like no one ik, should ask who I know) hasn't. You're dick riding... I was making fun of you for doing so. Any grown man who comes onto the internet to pump someone who isn't active or know is suspect.... You're like the chico fan girl except about "bacon shaka" fucking lame no matter how you slice it.

    What sdj, scratch back, agdt recognized dogs did they have? None? Yeah sit down.
  9. Once again, you showing your ignorance. I don't have time to back and forth with someone who has absolutely no idea what they're talking about nor do I need to give out a man's info, his dogs speak for themselves.
  10. Ssdd

    Ssdd CH Dog

    No you speak for him from the looks of it....
  11. tomjones2

    tomjones2 Big Dog

    Ssdd likes this.
  12. Ssdd

    Ssdd CH Dog

    If you could stand 10 ppl from around the world over their proven, recognized "bacon shaka" dog in front of me I'll let you punch me in my face and post it here.....

    Fuck the millions(what a fucking joke).... 10.

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