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Newbie Puppy Question

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by lalia30, Apr 3, 2006.

  1. lalia30

    lalia30 Pup

    Hi my name is Angela and I live in Oregon.....just purchased a 9 week old American Pit Bull and have a question. We have been very successful with crate training and housebreaking....he seems to be doing well for his age. However if he is on couch or chair and we pick him up he growls!! Have been very firmly telling him no and continuing to pick him up but was hoping for some suggestions......I have him scheduled to attend puppy Kindergarten but that is not until he is 12 weeks.

    Thanks in advance for your time.
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  2. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    he is young,,but,,still would not let him get away with that,,he does it cause he can and wants to,, if any of my dogs growled at me for moving them of the couch,,that would get yanked off so fast,,they would be a kite.
  3. scratchin dog

    scratchin dog CH Dog

    Sounds like the beginnings of dominant behavior. Do not let him up on couches or chairs or beds. He has to learn his place. Puppy class is a good idea but you may want to start a NILIF (Nothing In Life Is Free) program with him. Basically NILIF is a way of teaching the dog that you are alpha. Make sure he earns any rewards by doing something for them first. When you put his food down make sure he waits til you say its OK. When going through doors, you go first etc. There is a lot of info on this topic, try an internet search. Good Luck!
  4. lalia30

    lalia30 Pup

    Thanks for your input I will try that. I really appreciate you all trying to help out.
  5. Aceman

    Aceman Big Dog

    Hi,,, I can relate with your problem,, I have a 11 week old APBT,, he is the best,, sweetest little guy,, but he too is already testing me,, with sometimes growling when I pick him up,, or even go near his food when eating. I already had him too his first puppy odedience class,, and was told exactly what was stated in one of the coments above. You have to show him your the boss,,when it comes to eat time,, play time etc., and it is alreaday working, only after a few days,, you have to stand your ground with them,, even when they give you those sad puppy dog eyes,,lol. Good luck,, take care!!!
  6. Ja-net

    Ja-net Banned

    LOL I like that one he would get yanked off so fast he would be a kite lol
  7. Yes, the pup needs to know his/her place. Translate any growling from him to it calling you names. React accordingly. Spank him, pin him down, etc. while telling him in a loud and firm voice not to growl. He will get spook and most likely not do it again, if he does, go through the procedure again and again. I promise, he will learn and become submissive.
  8. SAM_I_AM

    SAM_I_AM Big Dog

    Also, If you never owned a Pit bull before you should know that these little puppies are really tough so you can correct them and be kind rough with them. I am not saying to beat your dog but just know that you can be a rough with the correcting and not worry about it. JMO
  9. Breogan

    Breogan Big Dog

    I have a pup as well. Angie is 14 weeks now. Pinning her down when she gets out of hand works for her. If shes really worked up I yell (say "hey" or "stop" in my "deep" voice) at her as well. Then she knows Im not playing and she needs to stop.

    Puppy school is soo much fun. We started when she was 9 weeks old. She only has grad day left and shes going great. She picks up things faster than I can. lol. Make sure you do your home work, but dont worry if he doesnt get something right off the bat. Some things take longer than others. As long as your having fun, hell have fun and youll both do well.
  10. This was my post. Breogan is my hubby. It said I was logged in then after I submited the post it came up on his... Weird

  11. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    THAT is freakin' funnY! And exactly what I would do.
  12. mikefromMD

    mikefromMD Top Dog

    Same thig happened with my first puppy. I did the pin her down thing and would roll her on her back to let her know who was the boss. Must admit that it was alarming when it happened which was from day 1 at 7 weeks. She grew out of it after about 3 or 4 weeks of pinning her down. I had/have to stay on top of each of my dogs at all times for if you give an inch they might just try to take that mile... I have never beat or abused either of them, smacking the on the ass w/ newspaper doesn't even bother them. What works for me is firmness and a steady and calm voice. The puppy classes will help with socialization both human and dog ( I take it you want a pet) anyway... Good luck!

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