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Fruits & Veggies?

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by jasong, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. Re: Fruits & Veggies?

    my baby seems to like the smell of "greens" i exhale and she sniffs it only once in a while though. i dont let her take bong hits or nothing so it should be okay rah?
  2. Sid Finster

    Sid Finster Big Dog

    Re: Fruits & Veggies?

    My dog "Ryzhik" (Redhead) loves veggies, so I give him scraps and also veggie juices. Russian people love juices, so I can get all kinds of juices. Redhead has yet to find a juice he doesn't like. Mix that up with some natural raw bioactive Russian yogurt or kefir or sour cream for a "dog cocktail".

    Redhead wants beer in the worst way, but I never give it to him. Maybe because I give him dried calamari (a popular beer snack here) as a treat? I've told him that when he is 18 (drinking age here) he can drink and smoke if he wishes, but he will have to earn his own money for beer and smokes.

    Redhead cannot wait to turn 18.

    Dumb dog.
  3. Re: Fruits & Veggies?

    I've heard of this grape/raisin thing. My old man and I have always made wine. My mutt always ate the grapes and she never had a problem other than getting diarrea every once in a while from eating to many. The dog is now sixteen years old and she's still kickin. So I guess what I'm asking is if it's just an allergy that some dogs have that you shouldn't take a chance with? Or should my mutt be dead?
  4. Breogan

    Breogan Big Dog

    Re: Fruits & Veggies?

    Sorry folks the PC seems to be havin issues switching names the above post is mine.

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