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are your dogs house dogs?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by thunderhead, Nov 29, 2006.


Are your dogs house dogs?

  1. yes

    49 vote(s)
  2. no

    10 vote(s)
  1. just wondering if your dogs are house dogs.
  2. irishpit

    irishpit Big Dog

    yep,she's well and truly taken over too
  3. LegendsMami

    LegendsMami Top Dog

    Yup all three of mine say inside. 2 APBT's and 1 GSD. Both APBT's are crated at night and my GSD has free roam of the house since she's almost 8 yrs old.
  4. diva

    diva CH Dog

    Yes, I have two house dogs. One is 5 years old and the other is 7 months old. They stay in crates when I am not at home. Even though they love each other right now, I still put the crates in different rooms with the doors to those rooms shut. I have a fenced back yard with chain set ups too. If I am not sitting right there with them, I use the chain set ups cause it only takes a minute for something to happen, can't be too careful.
  5. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    some of mine are and some aren't so I couldnt vote.
  6. Winston

    Winston Pup

    I couldn't vote, because I have 1 dog inside, and 1 dog outside.
  7. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    House dog here. I get my enjoyment out of dog ownership by having my dog with me as much as possible. :)
  8. Patch O' Pits

    Patch O' Pits CH Dog

    House dogs :)
  9. Brents

    Brents Banned

    All three of my dogs are currently in my house.
    As of tomorrow I'm getting a 10ft by 12 kennel for my male.
  10. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Let me save you a headache. attach fencing to the top and bottom. cover the bottom with shavings or concrete it then shavings. They climb, jump, dig, chew and will manage to get through chain link like no other dog I know. much like a cat. lol they don't like cages. I don't think I would either. lol
  11. MASON

    MASON Big Dog

    Mine is a house dog also.
  12. all mine are house dogs ...all four... they sleep in kennels and dont mind it at all .. and nap time is in kennel so i can get stuff done.. other than that they are supervised by me.. if at any time im not watching..ie...long bath for me... they are in kennel ..the kennel is a positive experience for them and comforting .. its the caving instinct thing and each has thier own set up... keeps the peace and makes it easy for mom too!!
  13. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    Malachi is a house dog all the way. I crate him at night and during the day when I am not at home. Also, when he is out of his kennel he does not always have free roam. I make sure to boss him around so he knows who is boss.
  14. NCPatchwork

    NCPatchwork CH Dog

    2 outside, one inside
  15. CynthiaATL

    CynthiaATL Guest

    Mine are house dogs. All 3. My oldest has free roam of the family room. My 2 youngest are in kennels at night and myself and my roomate work different shifts so they go out during the day.
  16. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    My dogs stay outside, but they are rotated everyday for some house time. Each one can come in at 8 am and they hang out in the house until around 10 pm, and then they are put back outside for the night. I do have some though, that really don't like to be in that long. An hour or so and they are good to go.
  17. brat pack

    brat pack Top Dog

    I have 14 dogs. All stay in the house in crates mostly. They are rotated in groups outside. All but 2 go outside in a 7 ft fenced yard. They go out the other door because the other dogs don't care for them. All are female and fixed except for 2 pits and 3 male pits(2 of them are neutered). The males can go out with any of the other females with no problems. One at a time of course. The female pits can only go out alone or with the female Rottie/Great Dane mix. And they are supervised. They haven't tried her because she seems to know they are trouble and ignores them. Plus she is three times their size.

    One female pit sleeps with one of the neutered males. They get along great until she starts playing rough and then he comes to me or my husband and sits so we can save him cause he knows she can whip his butt.
  18. laurajean

    laurajean Top Dog

    Dang brat pack,you got a housefull. LOL!
    I just have the one spoiled rotten pet. She has had obedience training, but my boyfriend and I have her for our pleasure and she is very entertaining. No other pets for us. She loves people, but hates all other animals. Looks like I will be a one dog household for several years now as she is only two. This is after years of having more than one dog and cats also. Also of having to juggle dogs that hated each other. I'm tired of that!
  19. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    IMO that is FAR crueler than to put a dog out on a chain. At least on a chain they can move around and exercise.
  20. brat pack

    brat pack Top Dog

    They don't stay inside all the time. I have a group of 5 that goes out all day and another group that goes out all night. The pits are rotated in between but don't stay in their crates when we are home. One male and one female stay out in their rooms all of the time. Two other dogs stay loose in the kitchen all the time. They practically beat the front door down to come inside so I don't think they are tortured. Their crates are also the big wire ones and they have plenty of room to move around.

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