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At Stud By Private Treaty

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by jay_cook_79, Nov 6, 2007.

  1. what does this mean
  2. NC

    NC CH Dog

    I think it basically means not at stud for just anyone.. the guy that owns said dog is going to pick and choose who gets backed up to his dog.

  3. For me thats exactly what it means...
  4. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    Just curious. Are there a lot of people out there who will give stud service to anybody who pays? To me, private treaty should be the norm; you don't just let your dog breed with anything. It should only be to bitches you'd want to keep a pup from.
  5. Pipbull

    Pipbull Top Dog

    There's different kinds, I think. There's definitely people I've run into who will stud their dog to anyone with the money.
  6. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    Way more than folks would like to think,and it vaires from 12 year old boys up to old men.i remember i was at wal-mart once and there was a litter of little lab pups for sale on one side of the exit and a litter of your run of the mill back yard bred pitbulls with some form of papers on them.so i stoped to see what they had to say and take a look at the dogs and maybe offer some advice.well there was these mexicans looking at both litters of pups and the father was buying dogs in this case for his son.he would only let him have a male from each litter and his reasoning behind this was since the litter of pitbull were going for 200 for males and 275 for females,and that the labs were going for 300 for males and 325 for te females that when he bought them they would have to make his money back and he wanted his boy to have some way of making money.so i asked him what are you gonna plan on doing with these dogs.he said oh we are going to stud them it is like free money,the pit we are going to stud around our neighborhood and the lab we are taking to the white neighborhoods they are crazy for labs so it should go well.so i says how much do you get for it,oh anywhere from 50 to 100 for the pits around our neighborhood,and off the whites we could get about 250 or so plus we get to keep a pup from each litter wich makes more money.so i said oh really and he said yep,so i asked how often do you breed them to come out ahead on something like that,and he said oh you can breed a dog maybe 5 or 6 times a day as long as they want to do it.i had one pit that made me 1,000 bucks one day but see you always take the males because with the females you have to bother yourself with selling them pup the males they just pop and go and you get money.so i had some choice words with him and went about my way,but this isn't the first time i have been told about this ''Money making empire'' so yes this goes on way to much and thats why there are so many inferior dogs about.they just stud them let the owner of the female take a picture of the male to show folks interested in buying a puppy and then collect the money and move on to the next one.pretty sorry if you ask me.
  7. I agree, and that is a sad story. I wonder why people don't take initiative to learn more about their pets before agreeing to purchase them. Isn't it important to know what type of temperment is behind a 90 lb lab that is capable of chewing through walls? or a bulldog for that matter? It's like asking for trouble!
  8. Ella

    Ella Pup

    There are so many people with dogs who give studservice to anyone who pays good money. I also got many requests, but I think people should give me a damn good reason why they want studservice.
  9. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    People need to SHOW me a darn good reason why they want stud service from one of our dogs.

    And don't even bother asking if I don't know you or haven't known you for a while. I have to know you, what you're about, what your goals are, what dogs you've got, what they've done, and why you think the breeding of your dog and my dog is compatible and what goals you are wanting to accomplish with the breeding. If you don't meet/adhere to all of these, keep walking by with your mouth shut.

  10. Ella

    Ella Pup

    OH yeah, thats exactly what I meant. Too ridiculous for words that some people say "oh, I'll pay you 1000 euros, you have to give me studservice":mad:.
  11. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    We usually work out a deal for a pup or two. Every once in a while there will be a stud fee but most breedings that have gone on were off of stuff we already had. You need a cross sooner or later though and that mainly happens within the circle. We try not to dabble in the money too much. It makes you lose track of what you're there for.
  12. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    as stated...
    it means that the person has a morals and ethics and isnt looking for quick payday. They reserve the right to turn away prospective bitches for any reason, be it looks, pedigree, testing, temperment, or what have you.

    I personally LOVE to see a dog selectively bred. Just putting out a shit load of puppies is NOT breeding... thats milling. Breeding at its simplest level is selecting the optimal traits and without a minimal critera for selection there is no hope at achieving a consistant level of improvement on the previous generation. in my eyes any breeding that isnt intended to improve on the previous generation in some way (even if it falls short) is a breeding that should never happen.
  13. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Great statement! :)

    And personally, I'll do the breeding for nothing if the person meets all of my above-mentioned criteria and I believe in what the breeding could accomplish. It's about bettering the dogs not fattening the wallet. ;)
  14. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Private treaty, not only refers to who the dog is bred to, but also the price, and/or other forms of payment. For instance, breeding to a quality female, stud owner may be more interested in a few pups back, than cash. If he is breeding to a good dog, but doesn't think the breeding will work out, then it's probably going to be some form of monetary payment. Who you are, and what you bring, dictates heavily what the price is.

    Then again, some people just like to put on the front that they are responsible, slap that on the bottom of peds online, and continue to stud to anything with a cunt if the money is right.
  15. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    a lot of times it falls to what the breeder is running on their yard and what the prospective stufd purchaser is wanting to take it to.

    If its an outcross and not a line that you are particualrly fond of, or interested in bringing into your yard- you will probably take money instead of picks. Generally speaking when you take picks of a litter it is when you are interested in housing that particular mix of dogs on your yard, you dont take picks to just sell them, most times you are getting top picks and some of the best in the litter. So the person that is tdoing the breeding would be losing out on the most potential and you wouldnt even be hanging on to them.

    Those are the cases when money usually changes hands. I like your female and what you are trying to do, so I will let you use my stud, but for some reason it just doesnt fit into my program, you dont ahve the room for another dog, or something else that makes taking picks an invalid option.

    I think the main part is jsut the right to say no and not hurt feelings. People get PISSED when you tell them they cant use your dog. I know that first hand.
  16. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    That's easy. Then I won't breed to it. If I don't like the dogs and don't like the bloodline, why on earth would I slap my name to it? It doesn't make sense.

    I need need to whore my dogs out for personal cash. I've got 2 college degrees for that very reason....make my own money. ;)
  17. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    yeah, seriously if you didn't like what it produced and didn't want a pup, then why would you agree to the breeding to begin with? That's just common sense. lol.
  18. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    If someone had dogs I liked and lines I thought would (or have proven to) cross well with what I've got, then I'd be more than willing to do the breeding for them even if I didn't want a pup in return. Don't get me wrong as I don't necessarily have a problem with people wanting payment for stud service as long as the stud dog is a proven dog, an amazing example of the breed, and so on. I just personally am not in it for the money and could care less if I make a buck out of a product that occurs naturally in my male dogs.

    14rock said it right when he stated that some people just put that comment to make themselves sound reputable yet they will breed to anyone who bothers to contact them. It's all about the character and intent of the person in question.
  19. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    No. its not that easy, there are al ot of lines of dog that are great to the people that run them. if someone is trying to do an outcross and they are running a quility line, but you not wanting to outcross to it, does that make the breeding any less? No. There are a LOT of lines of dog out there some make good crosses and some dont. there are breedings that i see all the time that i like but wouldnt neccesarily do myself... especially when it comes to outcrosses.
  20. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    Yeah, I know what you mean...I'm not saying you have to take a pup if you breed your stud, but it should be a breeding where you would want that bloodline. It shouldn't be, well, I don't think it would be a good cross, but I'll stud him out anyway. Just my opinion, though.

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