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bloody yard Accident Picture Heavy

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by sedaliapitbulls, Dec 11, 2006.

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  1. I woke up to a bloody incondent. It is the day of my sons first birthday. I go out side to find a bloody mess. Princess pulled her steak out of the ground and got into a fight with visious. I imediately called friends to as for advice on what to do for them. Visious could not walk and princess face was mangled preatty bad. visious was bleeding at first real bad out of her peepee. I gave them a bath to see the wounds a little closeley. None had any rips just puncture wounds. Visious had some preatty bad wounds on both of her hind legs puncutes clear to the bone. The legs were totally brused. Princess had hind leg wounds not to bad and one front leg wound to the bone aswell. He face was mangled and swollen real bad. Here is some pictures of them this morning .
    By the whey I contacted the vet and got all the proper medical treatment needed. Which wasn,t mutch they just wanted me to watch her.
    The first day visious we peeing blood and I was worried about internal bleeding this morning her pee is normal. I am going to watch them close visious is still staying inside with us so I can keep a close Eye and administer antibiotics. There is no broken bones but princess has a disloacated jaw bone I think The vet will have to do x rays to find out. well here is the pictures both dogs are a little sore but they are bothe eating and going to the bathroom just fine now.
    I believe they both may have fought to exaustion because they were both just laying out there when I found them.
    These pictures is visious
    this picture I am trying to show her swollen neck I am watching it close I am a little worried about it.
    mangled ear not to bad but dosn,t look good
    brused and hurt leg
    she preatty mutch has been laying around like this
    here is princess
  2. CB

    CB CH Dog

    Looks like her jaw is swollen big time or is that just how she looks. Hope everything goes well for you.
  3. Envy's Mom

    Envy's Mom Top Dog

    Sorry to hear about that. I hope they both recover quickly. Is that one a sharpee?
  4. semo

    semo Top Dog

    the bottom pictures look like a bull terrier, Is that the case or is it just that swollen?!?!
  5. Twitty

    Twitty Big Dog

    sounds like you have two good pups if you can save'm keep'm both and check your chain set up daily!!
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  6. CrazyK9

    CrazyK9 Top Dog

    Oy, I hope they are going to be ok. It looks like they have more internal damage than external. I guess you need to rethink what you're using to tie em down, eh?

    You mentioned a vet, is this a friend or family member? If not, I'd be careful. A dog fight involving pit bulls... you know they wont think it was an accident. :rolleyes:
  7. SAM_I_AM

    SAM_I_AM Big Dog

    just curious but what kind of stake was she on that she pulled out of the ground?
  8. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    I doubt thats a bullterrier, faces swell up pretty good, and actually thats pretty minor. Is that puss coming out of "Princesses" eye? Its hard to look at them now, but in a few days those scrapes and bruises will be forgotten, and all will be back to normal. If they were already swollen up and passed out by the time you got out there, you got damn lucky. Cuts and wounds heal brother, I gaurantee you feel worse about it then them dogs. You've learned a lesson though, axles and daily hardware checks are the only way to go for chained dogs.

    What does the vet have them on for AB's?
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  9. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope recovery goes quick for both of them.
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  10. I was using a custom steak the ground was muddy that is whey it came out i think. No they are both pits princess is the dog on my signiture to see what she normally looks like. Her face so completely swollen. Yah I thought about the fighting thing and that Is why I was spectable about taking them to the vet. kindove looks like a bull terrier that is what my wife said to its because she is all swollen.
  11. Bullyboi

    Bullyboi CH Dog

    Damn sorry to hear this sedalia. Hopefully it all works out with them.
  12. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    Remadeil, and keep them very clean and let them rest and keep very clean water for them The dogs are swole up but the remadeil (sp?) and antibiotics will help them pull threw it. They are alot tuffer than you might think. I take it that this is the first time they have locked up. Now they will damn sure hate each other you got to keep them apart for sure now.. Sorry for your little dogs though it sucks going out and seeing that I feel for ya YIS J
    1 person likes this.
  13. MinorThreat

    MinorThreat CH Dog

    custom "steaks" for bulldogs are axles from your local junk yard for $5.

    to prevent your next blood bath from occuring: remove all bullsnaps, laplinks, "custom steaks" and do it right. I'm sure you have enough experience to know whats bulldog proof

    good luck
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2006
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  14. Miss Conduct

    Miss Conduct CH Dog

    I know how ya feel, as i posted an accident bout a week ago.

    Make sure you are peeling/scrubbing the scabs off and washing with an iodine shampoo or an anti-baterial soap like Nolvasan (you can get this @ farm supply stores, it is a blue soap made by Fort Dodge).

    I would get your dogs on 7-10 days worth of Cephalexin stat to keep infection out.

    I havent posted any photos of mine. Just wait till the hair and scabs come off in a few days. You will see every nic,scratch and puncture.
    1 person likes this.
  15. Miss Conduct

    Miss Conduct CH Dog

    Oh, and if you dont want to buy an expensive wound cream to help cut down on scaring, Neosporin works great. I use on my dogs, and my horses.
  16. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but should you NOT peel scabs off of puncture wounds??
  17. DryCreek

    DryCreek CH Dog

    Consider yourself corrected LOL:p No offense intended;)

    It's better to keep puncture wounds open to prevent abscessing. If they scab over, they can't drain. They also heal from the inside to the outside and being sealed with a scab will slow down the healing process. If they do scab over and an abscess forms, it's quite likely that you will end up with a rupture in the skin to allow draining of the infection. Much worse than the original puncture. Antibiotics should be given until 3 days after there is no more signs of infection. The actual time varies per dog/wound and on the amount and type of infection. Keeping them clean and rested to promote healing is important. Especially with mouth wounds. They should be flushed after meals to prevent food from blocking the wound.

    Sorry you had to experience this sedalia, best of luck with your dogs.
    1 person likes this.
  18. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    I would daily squeeze the puss out of them. I also use this stuff called fura-zone. I would first use perozide, then fura zone each day afterwards, and give a round of pen. shots.
  19. Miss Conduct

    Miss Conduct CH Dog

    Iodine is MUCH more effective than peroxide. I dont use peroxide at all. A good flush for puncture holes, is a large syringe, and do a mixture of 1/4 iodine and 3/4 distilled water. Put the tip of the syringe in the hole, and forcefully push the mixture into the wounds. I would do this until the deep punctures start closing. This is great for flushing out dirt/hair/etc out, and keeping them clean.
  20. Thanks for the advice. Yes I have been keeping the scabs peeled on advice from suki and attila. I am deffentely going to keep them apart they were like best buds so I never had a problem with them before. For the past 2 years they have been together with no problems at all and all of a sudden it set in I guess. This is actually my first incodent with a dog fight and I think I handled it preatty well. I didn,t freak out but was mainly concerned on how to treat it all. Luckely I keep all the medicine and antibiotics avaiable. I called suki and attilla to help me and talk me through what I needed to do. It was sunday when it happened and There wasn,t a vet to talk to me for 6 hours after it happened. but I had some good people to talk me through everything. I was affraid visious had some internal bleeding and was worried she wouldn,t make it through the night. It took 6 hours for a vet to call me back after calling olmost 20 different vets one vet even told me there is nothing she could do that I would have to wait for my vet to call me back. But my vet called me the next morning but by then I felt no need to take them in because they both were doing alot better. I am keeping a close eye on them for awhyle but I think they will heal up just fine. I was worried about visious peeing blood but it stoped this morning and her pee is normal. I was also worried about princess jaw bone but it seems to be functioning fine with no pain to her. I will keep watch on them both but they both got the best eachother. Didn,t see it happen but I would call them both GAME
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