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Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by KURUPT, May 22, 2004.


    KURUPT Big Dog

    what do you think lololol......

    Attached Files:

  2. CRG

    CRG Top Dog

    what the hell is that? would'nt want to run into that sumbitch in a dark alley? lmmfao
  3. Crash97

    Crash97 Top Dog

    Hyena.....now that's what we need in our breeding plan.........lmao
  4. B-I-Z

    B-I-Z Big Dog

    holy shit...this dudes got a pet hyena lmfao
  5. lol.......that man is brave
  6. XxKonnectionsxX

    XxKonnectionsxX Top Dog

    Now that is some crazy ass shit right there. I knew hyenas were big but damn they are fuckin huge. I don't see why they wouldn't or couldn't be tamed and raised as pets. I bet they are a lot harder to deal with though. That would be crazy if you saw people walking those around here. Those things make pitbulls seem like kittens. lol. They can crush bones with a single bite. lol
  7. azdog

    azdog Big Dog

    Shit, The Guy with the Wolf Pit Cross Needs Some Of That In His Program!!!!!
  8. pitty0250

    pitty0250 Pup

    where are you getting these pic's from? i'd like to see some others.
  9. Mudville_Monsta

    Mudville_Monsta Top Dog

    So they're breeding merles in africa huh. Bet he don't get mugged.
  10. Vador

    Vador Big Dog

    Holy swamp thing that things huge. Thats a weird pick. And the fact that its in town. There going to be hyena bans next!
  11. Pit Blldg

    Pit Blldg Pup

    Here is another pic of pet hyenas. And I thought wolf hybrids were scary.

    Attached Files:

  12. Vador

    Vador Big Dog

    Where is this site. And why?
  13. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Personally, I think it's a shame. Leave wild animals be. Don't force them to live unnatural shitty lives on the streets.
  14. LadyRampage

    LadyRampage Top Dog

    Holy shit!! Someone has a WOLF pit cross??? Now that's an accident waiting to happen.

    Owned a wolf hybrid years ago, she was 80% Alaskan timberwolf, and was huge. Couldn't have her around anyone because she considered them a threat and forget about kids. She would listen to me, no one else. She broke her collar, went to the neighbors house and was bred by their lab. Once she had pups, which BTW she dug a real den for, she changed and became aggressive toward anyone but me. Actually bit my mother in law on the arm for coming near her chain area (after the pups were long gone) and cut her pretty bad. I learned real quick that she was more wild animal then domestic even though she had been with me her whole life... Gives me chills to think that a wolf hybrid was crossed to a pit....sounds like a potentially voilent mix..
  15. Classic

    Classic Big Dog

    So they're breeding merles in africa huh. Bet he don't get mugged

    i bet that dog tells that mf, to sleep on the floor and he takes the bed!
    ROTFLMAO...you guys are a scream !
  16. scratchin dog

    scratchin dog CH Dog

    now those are some cool pics
  17. zombie106

    zombie106 Big Dog

    My old roommate's parents had a pet Cervil (it was basically a jungle cat), and the thing would steel the dog's pig ears and chew on them!!! At three months old!!!!!!
  18. Pit Blldg

    Pit Blldg Pup

    I just surfed the web for pet hyenas and found the pic. I think the picture is fake. If you look at the one I posted there are also two baboons in it. Heynas and baboons on leashes in a city next to each other, yah right!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2005
  19. XxKonnectionsxX

    XxKonnectionsxX Top Dog

    HMMM Why would they be fake. If you knew how life was over there, you would understand why they are starting to tame animals like that. Its all warfare. Protection....believe it or not..
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2005
  20. Irish_Deciple

    Irish_Deciple Big Dog

    I wonder if the hyenas and Baboons ever get into it? I see there is a muzzle on that one Hyena. I would hate to be the one who found out it was a biter...:(

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