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Check Out This Boy I Just Bought Here Is His Ped

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Midtex, Dec 24, 2009.

  1. Midtex

    Midtex Pup

  2. trey01

    trey01 Big Dog

    looks good on paper man hope it turns out good for you
  3. Maruccio

    Maruccio Banned

    nice dog , arce's get very good dogs. ;)

    NMWAPBT Top Dog

    looks real nice on paper man:D
  5. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Looks like you got 1 down and 2 to go:) Good luck! He looks good!
  6. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    nice bred dog. my buddy has your dog from machobucks's brother.
  7. ohpitbulls

    ohpitbulls CH Dog

    looks like a good one
  8. Corley

    Corley Big Dog

    Very nice on papers.
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  9. magnoilaotis

    magnoilaotis Top Dog

    I would feed that one and check it's worth. Has potential to be something.
  10. shortbedder

    shortbedder Big Dog

    Thats the way to buy'em, hows the dam look on the machobuck 2yr old?
  11. labulldoger

    labulldoger Top Dog

    Looks good id feed them!
  12. Midtex

    Midtex Pup

  13. trey01

    trey01 Big Dog

    that mocho buck ped is SEXY...LOL:D
  14. Tank1

    Tank1 Big Dog

    Let's breed him. Contact me.
  15. websterz28

    websterz28 Big Dog

    I'd be asking questions about that mb male... Why would you pay as much as I'm sure they did, sit on the dog for two year and sell him when he's just ready to hunt???
    One reason might be they checked him out didn't like what they seen and decided to try and recoop some of their investment..
    Maybe you know them and they hooking you up... But to me it sounds Like whiping before you poop it just don't make sense... Lol
  16. Flipside

    Flipside CH Dog

    Right on the $$$ there brother....99% of the cases....thats is the real reason! Unless you personally know them...I would'nt trust the seller!

  17. Midtex

    Midtex Pup

    Well he sounds honest and talks good about d dog and he has 2 of his sisters. Thanks 4 watching out i know that is true b/c i have been burned before but i will give myself another chance if he is no good i will not buy no more grown dogs. If i get him and he turns out i will let yall know also Thanks again 4 all the comments really appreciate it
  18. Mayday81

    Mayday81 Pup

    first ped looks awesome, not to into the MB stuff love buck dogs just too much controversy on that particular strain for my liking good luck bud..
  19. Midtex

    Midtex Pup

    Thanks yeah the first dog is a good boy i hope this Macho Buck son turns out he looks just like his dad.
  20. Wood23

    Wood23 Big Dog

    I always wanted to try out a Mayday/Tab mix. Good luck.

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