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colby dogs

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by machobuck, May 5, 2010.

  1. machobuck

    machobuck Big Dog

    im in the market for a new pup as im reconsidering my purchase from another kennel im more into adba show dogs and was told by a buddy that lou colby has some wonderful dogs im not into matching dogs as i believe that time has come and past so if anyone has a link to mr colbys site id appreciate it thanks
  2. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    now your getting somewhere lol. someone just may have info for you about stillwater & mbk they too have colby dogs from good stock.
  3. spliff

    spliff Big Dog

  4. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

    Don't be afraid to try a good Colby cross either. Does very nicely with jeep/redboy dogs and some people say it makes for a total bulldog.
  5. machobuck

    machobuck Big Dog

    thanks got the pm also reached my inbox limit so i had to delete message
  6. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

    It seems like you're a little uncertain about what you're really looking for. Maybe you should take a little more time and make a good decision later on and stick to it. You'll find people who will come on here and trash talk the Colby dogs too and all about how they aren't fast lane quality and on and on and on just like they did on your other thread. A good mentor is hard to find and I doubt you'll find one here, just other peoples opinions and you know what they say about opinions. Take some time and go to some shows if shows are what you're in to and meet some folks breeding good show dogs and get what YOU want regardless of what other people tell you cause you'll always find somebody with something negative to say about everything.
  7. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

    P.S. Not all opinions are bad and this site has been very helpful to me as have many members but I'm just sayin, you'll still get the bad with the good so when you're sure about what you want, don't pay no attention to the nay Sayers.
  8. machobuck

    machobuck Big Dog

    yea i see that all about the learning curve but that bro sis breeding may be a good one if they all were bad pple wouldnt make them at all but i want game and show quality dogs theres more than enough room for two more bowls
  9. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    "somebody with something negative to say about everything" not bullyson dogs because they are the shit BAWHAHAHA JK;)
  10. machobuck

    machobuck Big Dog

    lol someone is hording all of the pure bullyson blood so cant get that lol
  11. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    ok so im not bashing or arguing Yardboy as we usually see eye to eye but are you saying Colby dogs from untested stock bred to RB/Jeep dogs makes a bulldog? again not bashing just makin sure im clear...I've personally always liked the Colby line but ive heard alot of bad lately and theres not alot of people running it..Forgive my ignorance on the subject..( i have a Colby cross no papers but all bulldog)
  12. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

    Not all the Colby dogs come from untested stock;) and Lou aunt the only one with Colby dogs either. But I was told by a pretty good breeder that a lil Colby blood to a tight bred jeep/redboy dog added some smarts back into an already game dog with ability. He said 1/4, 1/8, or a 1/16 out did wonders for his dogs. And I got a buddy who keeps swearing by some jeep/ redboy/ Colby dogs in the northeast coast area but I haven't seen any yet.
  13. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

    Here's another thought........ Look up the ped for redboy. I know some say it ain't right but until there's proof we have nothing else to go by so...... I believe redboy was somewhere in the neighborhood of 5/8 Colby blood. Now I know this is quite some time ago, but I do believe the Colby line is fully capable of producing game dogs especially in the right hands. But to answer your question NO, I would never suggest breeding into untested dogs even though it has worked before, there's too many good dogs out there to justify it.
  14. big dan

    big dan Big Dog

    I own this one <a href="http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=278632">BKNLS PONY BOY</a>.He is only 18 months,besides the bitch I owned from gr ch mammy he is the best all around dog i have ever owned.Great with he kids,puppies and would make great show dog,a well built good looking dogs.the only thing he does not like other dogs,so i believe the gameness will be there when he gets old enough.He is very smart and loving.He is pure Heinzl on top and pure Colby on bottom.This has been a great cross for many years.For what you want I don't think you could not go wrong with a pure Colby dog.Crossed with Henizl better.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2010
  15. big dan

    big dan Big Dog

    <a href="http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=278632">BKNLS PONY BOY</a>
  16. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    oh yeah no doubt but i was more or less referring to Lou Colby stock...i know there good Colby dogs out there i also know there hard to find:cool:
  17. big dan

    big dan Big Dog

    :):):)Sampson1 something for you to think about.I personally don't know if Lou testes his dogs or not.But I do know that is what the Colby line was base on gameness.Who is to say that he is not taking offspring to the ones he is selling to public,putting in hands of his friends and them trying them before he breeds to the parents and selling pups.He has been around long enough to do this and you or me would not know anything about it because we are not in that circle of people.I don't believe that Mr.Colby would be breeding just to breed dogs,everything I've heard about the man is he is as honest as the day is long.He is a older man who I believe has vavles and morals.Sampson you seem very knowable the breed, you know as well as I that most of the better dogs papers were hung and the reason way they were,but if we knew the real peds we would find a lot more of the Colby dogs than we know about.JMO
  18. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    oh i know and i always kinda thought what you just stated...food for thought:)
  19. big dan

    big dan Big Dog

    Yardboy,seems you have been told the same thing as I ,and that is to cross the Colby[and Heinzl]into some Eil or Jeep and maybe some Bolio and it will bring smarts to them.I have been told this form good dogmen from the east to the west.
  20. BKNLS

    BKNLS Big Dog

    The best bitch I have on my yard is a pure Colby bitch bred by and sent to me personally from Lou. She is the dam of the above dog^ and of a few others out there that are just as good as she is. Mr Colby is 89 years old, so for him to put anything out there for all to know would be foolish on his behalf. He breeds apbts one way and that is the way his father(JP Colby) taught him!! Who else in this world can say that!!

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