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Dog fighting is illegal my thoughts on the reason

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by grave digger, Jan 6, 2010.

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  1. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    these dogs n sport were here YEARS before us...........these dogs were bred for one purpose. the piece of shit state that these dogs are in are due non sportsmen owning them.....if you aint gonna sit it down......dont pick it up! i like labs, they make great famiy pets n duck dogs! i like GSPs for field...im sure lassie was a great sheep hearder, my point is... working dogs need to stay in working homes.if you dont either contribute,condone or at the very least understand the history of this breed, than you are a part of the problem and not the solution!
  2. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Good post LWG ... They do make very good pets but they won't always act like pets when put in certain situations that's what makes them different from any other breed. And if the owners don't get it than the dog will become a huge liability and will cause problems not only for the owner but for the rest of us who choose to keep them and care for them responsibly.
  3. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    the first step is seein animals as animals and human as human...........its only sick because we see it as sick among eachother (most folks anyway lol), but like folks compare......bullfighting in spain.......cockfighting (national sport in the phillipines).......running with the bulls (people gettin stomped out? lol), lol them bulls gettin stabbed to death aint cruel? and somebody has to die in that sport lol....but matchin dogs is sick???...............god bless america.........
  4. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    what is this thread even talking about anymore. its like answers to all the questions that were never asked.
  5. BmSBT

    BmSBT Big Dog

    still interesting debate though naustroms! ;)
  6. BmSBT

    BmSBT Big Dog

    my point is that im fully aware of what they are and where they've come from and i still choose to keep them. i appreciate their history, its just that i personally dont believe there's reason for it anymore. i live in an area that would be well known in my city for kids rollin their dogs into each other. now im certainly not saying you can walk out on the street and there's a box on every corner, far from it but it is going on and all it takes is a late night walk to stumble across it.

    but anyway, im an older guy. the dog i have isnt game bred at all. she's just a lively little staffy and poses no threat because like you i belive in keeping them in a responsible way.
  7. BmSBT

    BmSBT Big Dog

    but what about the hundreds of thousands of dogs out there that wouldnt. if there's one thing ive learned from being around them its that its only a handful of them that have it in them to go for it. the rest of them need to go somewhere dont they? i'd rather see those dogs cared for by responsible people as pets than just roaming the streets.

    i would be willing to bet that theres a lot of people on this forum that have cold dogs and have no use for one thats psycho.

    i will agree with you on this. i cannot understand someone wanting a pure nutter of a dog if its to be a family pet. as i said, there's endless pits and staffies out there that would never scratch. they're the ones that people like myself should be keeping.
  8. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    In USA dog fighting can’t be legal, our society is way to out of control, many of us can’t govern our selves let along trust our fellow man to uphold dog fighting rules of the past. .ALL dogs today suffer, just as thro away pets. You know puppies so cute next toss it to the street. The PB suffers that also and more
    Unfortunately the dog fighters of the past created such a great dog, that the present fight to survive as a breed is over whelming, due to it's greatness and huge population and mix breed population , Safe to say as of 2012 as per census of citizens in USA ½ = APBT and all the derivatives of said type. (Including PB Mutts) That's a lot of dogs
    I'd like to see the odds if that many of other breeds had that population
  9. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    did BmSBT use the word "nutter"? you been reading that PUKE Craven Desires' blog? lol
  10. redwar

    redwar Big Dog

    Too many people too many opinions and not enough true information. A democracy is the majority(of voters)not the truth or reality(most of the time most people do not want reality either). Politics loves this and loves to polarize, so what we end up with is an issue of voters voting based opinions, based on fallacies and misinformation to help push a political agenda, and enshroud us in meaningless laws. Unless Dog Sport could generate more revenue and lobbyists than the so called "animal rights movement" you are out of luck.
    Why are working dogs psycho, pure nutter of a dog?Some are, and some are not. Even on a forum dedicated to the game bred APBT the amount of misinformation on the breed from within is incredible, and also the generalizations, stereotyping etc.
    Actually after 30+ years with the many of those breeding this breed not testing or checking their stock(due to the laws)and breeding solely on paper and for money, the breed is "MORE" in need of stricter standards based on the old values than ever. In another 50 yrs the majority of these dogs will really be junk.
    One more point, people love to humanize "everything" unless it is food, so for most people seeing a bulldog work is like seeing two infants/children go at it with knives, these same people love to go to the super market and buy steak and hamburger, and yell animal cruelty this and that with burger juice running down their face!! AHHH the hypocrisy, gotta love it. JMO and observstion.
  11. BmSBT

    BmSBT Big Dog

    nah. its probably a collloquialism from where i am. just another word for a nutcase.
  12. BmSBT

    BmSBT Big Dog

    this is true and exactly why i refused to get into why the fighting end isnt for me, i just wanted to stick to the discussion on why its illegal. its too visual for it to ever be legal. whereas bovine university (simpsons reference) is kept behind closed doors, with the lovely meaty end product being all the general public will ever see.
  13. RRL

    RRL Top Dog

    There are alot of people in this country who need to look down there nose at something.Dog fighting is an easy choice for alot of people to look down and say at least I'm not that.Meanwhile our elected officials are butchering people in our name all over the world.They need to show some animal corpses when we bomb so maybe people over here would care a little.I know people who will watch soldiers getting blown up on the news,but let one of those injured animal commercials come on and they cover there eyes.Who's really F'd up here?
  14. BmSBT

    BmSBT Big Dog

    i dunno about that RRL. you'll get a hell of a lot more people at an anti-war demo than an anti-dog fighting one.. at least on my side of the atlantic.

    i recently passed an anti-greyhound demo in my city (currently animal cause of the month here after the discovery of 15 mutilated greyhounds found in a quarry) and there couldnt have been more than 100 people at it. ive attended anti-war demo's in the same city with 10s of thousands at it.
  15. RRL

    RRL Top Dog

    In our country we have quite a few people who support the war,but want to put dog fighters in jail.Go figure.I guess it's not as visual as two dogs going at it with knives...just peoples heads and limbs exploding over concrete and sand.
  16. BmSBT

    BmSBT Big Dog

    different cultures i guess?
  17. cliffdog

    cliffdog Top Dog

    Same people who go to the grocery store and pick up meat from cows that's been treated 100x worse than the poor fighting puppy dogs.
  18. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    most dont have a clue where those steaks came from in the first place. as if they magically appear at the meat counter:rolleyes:
  19. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    I do food inc was an eye opener lol
  20. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    no shit huh sadie, i just watched that shit for the first time last week.

    who would have known that all grocery store commercial beef is soaked in ammonia! lol
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