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fall down

Discussion in 'Dog Shows & Events' started by Big Papa, May 2, 2006.

  1. Big Papa

    Big Papa CH Dog

    my dog wont pull hes too lazy!!!!! but oh wells maybe i'll just bike ride with him an dif my sis lets me put him on the tread mmill then it will work but any advce will be good to teach him pull.......i think i might quit on that and just bike ride walk and run with him also swim
  2. it takes alot of practice and training. Start off by Drag weights. It helped for my dogs. Make sure you get the proper fitting harness. I have had dog turn over on there backs and give up. You got to make them want to do it by showing them that they can do it. PM me i can help you.
  3. Big Papa

    Big Papa CH Dog

    thanks for advice
  4. awwww keep with it .. never give up .. and teach your dog the same the result you will have a winner!!
  5. your dog reminds me of my cinder ,, stolen in nyc
    miss her so ....bet shes loved bunches and bunches
  6. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    You should start the dog with weight so light, that they barely feel it. I'm sorry but I'm picturing you and your dog hooked up to 400 lbs drag weight his first time out, scared to death, and your wondering why he wont pull like he's been trained for years.
  7. Defend2DaEnd

    Defend2DaEnd CH Dog

    I started my dogs pulling the kids in their wagon. The kids love it and the dogs and I get exercise. Dozer goes CRAZY when I pick up his harness.
  8. Suki

    Suki Guest

    I don't think he's lazy, per say, it sounds to me like it's not "interesting enough" for him. Yeah lighter weights, more incentive. Start slow, with short sessions, where he doesn't become too bored too quick. He needs more stimulation, and perhaps with more encouragement, (and less weight), after an achievement and lots of praise, imo, he'll "get the picture" and really get into it for yah! ;) (We all know how eager this breed is).
    Good luck!

  9. That is all some good advice. Just rember to start your weight low and work your whey up but not to fast. I started mine out with 5 pounds of drag weights. Worked up from there. Praising is a big part of it also. Correction is another big part. After you get your dog pulling. You need praise and correction. He has got to know that he cannot give up. If he cannot pull the weight when you are on a rail sled or wheel sled push him through dont let the dog think he cannot do it.
  10. there is lots of good weight pull people that are in this forum they will give you some good advice. Take it and learn from it.
  11. Big Papa

    Big Papa CH Dog

    oh yes i will......and yeah i guess i might have to use light weights to start then becuase i've been using 50lbs stones so yeah i'll start light and work from there.....thanks for the great advice

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