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Flirt Pole Momma!! PICTURE HEAVY

Discussion in 'Rescue & Adoption' started by maryellen1, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. maryellen1

    maryellen1 Guest

    omg, maggie is obsessed with the flirt pole.... i took her and rufus out today to get it, but had to leave them in the truck because the store owner had his dog there, so i ran in and ran out..

    here are pics of the brat (as i call her) enjoying the flirt pole. keeping her tired is now going to be easy, she has rufus for hard play, and the flirt pole for the rest....

    she can actually jump almost 5 feet in the air, of course my stupid kodak camera didnt get her airborne shots very well...

    this shot she went so high up she fell backwards and landed with a thud.. so i stopped the flirt pole for a while, i wanted to make sure she was ok.. she was, she went right back after it..

  2. MercedesMama

    MercedesMama Guest

    She looks like she's having a good time! I love the pics of her and Rufus in the truck. She is so pretty!


    looks like she get plenty of exercise
  4. Esse818

    Esse818 Big Dog

    tham your exited of your new dog seen 3 threads about her.still cant get enough any ways. lol
  5. NC

    NC CH Dog

    Everyone tells me wht an easy toy it is to build.. I still can't figure the damn thing out.... grrrr... maybe I'll just buy one already built..lol.. I am sure my 3 will love it.
  6. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I think you better keep her. Yup she is a keeper.
  7. maryellen1

    maryellen1 Guest

    thanks, she is a foster dog, i always post lots of pics of foster dogs..
    [and no attila, no way am i keeping her.. she is not what i am looking for LOL

    a flirt pole is easy to make, go to the hardwood store and get a 2-6 foot piece of plastic like a wand, attach a piece of fishing line or plastic rope to it.. tie a toy or feather to it = flirt pole....

    or go to the pet store and buy a cat toy that has a long plastic handle w/ a string and feather on the end
  8. OhRex

    OhRex Pup

    I enjoy the pictures you post up of your babies. They are so energetic! Especially the lil' one!

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