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Game Bred Dogs as Pets??? *rambling post*

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by hawk, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. hawk

    hawk Big Dog

    When I bought my first dog back in 1990 I wanted one from game lines (as opposed to straight show stock) because of the rock solid temperament and less issues with health. I had subscribed to the SDJ and ADBA Gazette for at least 2 years before I bought and spent over a hundred dollars each month calling breeders. I remember a few breeders wouldn't sell me a dog because I was not active and just wanted to dog strictly for a pet. I remember someone making a comment in the SDJ about too many dogs from good dogs are being sold to pet owners. It seems today it seems totally different!!

    When I bought my current female at 6 weeks old, registered name Holland's Storming Sady, Bobby H. told me one of the reasons he decided to sell her to me because I kept in contact with him and since she was going to be a pet he knew nothing would happen to her (she was the only dog that survived from that breeding). So in '08 when I decided to breed her he let me use one of his pure redboy studs, King Benny, because Fleetwood had pass away at an early age on someone else's yard and he really didn't have anything off of him. http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=303792 So after Bobby H. received his pups and I had my keepers I put and ad in the Gazette. I wanted to place them in Pet, Show or Pull homes and I will not sell to anyone with a large kennel(small show/pull kennels with 3-5 dogs are OK). Too often people with large kennels are inviting too much attention and when something happens they KILL the entire kennel. I had one guy that told me he kept close to 100 dogs. I probably had well over 60-70 people contact me about the dogs and of course I denied some of them because they were up front in what they where looking to use the dog for. But from all the people that contacted me only ONE person said they wanted a house dog...and he ended up flaking out on me.:mad:

    All this rambling to make the statement and ask the question....Do people keep game bred dogs for pets anymore:confused:
  2. Pirbul

    Pirbul CH Dog

    Well, i guess there are people that still keep this dogs as pets, i'm one and i know plenty that just want a pet that fits there need, a need of a good all round dog to do almost everything with them, not just a couch pet but to spend the time with your friend outside, biking, walking a mountain, swiming on the beach or just in your backyard with your family.

    I know you can choose other breeds as pets but i think the APBT makes a good pet and every day im more convinced.
  3. popper

    popper CH Dog

    i agree.... i am a very active person. whether it be hunting , swimming , hiking, they do it all

  4. I agree with Pirbul on this one.
  5. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    ive got one that hunts a bit but these days is pretty much just a pet, shes nine and shes earned her rest. there is nothing wrong with owning them as pets as long as you know what your in for. if theyve served you well for what ever "purpose" you have intended you should def put them out to pasture when your done and give em the good life.
    but the wrong people owning them as pets and not knowing what they are in for has got us in the position we are in today.
  6. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    20 years of "petbullin" right here.;)

    gamebred house dogs- the couches dont stand a chance
  7. budboy88

    budboy88 CH Dog

    i present to you the game LINE house dog


    BLU3BR1NDLE Big Dog

    ^ lol ^ :d
  9. forty6mantis

    forty6mantis Big Dog

    damn playa. TMI= too much information. this is like doggie p0rn
  10. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    no matter how many times i see that pic i nearly piss myself. he looks so dam proud himself too
  11. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    pets? no way :D... [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  12. GI Joe

    GI Joe Big Dog

    yea i have a house dog only because my wife picked her and the deal was i would have breeding rights.glad she did lost the mom and aunt to a harsh winter last year so she is my only bitch.
  13. hawk

    hawk Big Dog

    I am GLAD to see there are still pet owners out there that think like me.:D Maybe it's just bad timing or because you can only keep 1 in the house at a time (usually). I was thinking because of how they are bred I had a lot of breeders wanting to buy them. http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=303792 Seriously out of at least 70 people that have contacted me only 1 said it was going to be a house dog. Maybe pet owners don't read the Gazette. I don't mind selling one to a small breeder 3-5 dogs as long as they will show me their set up and give references.

    I have avoided trying to sell them locally since I only wanted to deal with people that know about the breed but I think I may just put them in the paper to find a good pet home.

    Keep the pics coming.;)
  14. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    all the apbt's i personally have ever owned have been strictly pets but i wouldnt mind doing fun shows and stuff of that nature
  15. popper

    popper CH Dog

    the male deserves it

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  16. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Gamebred and lives in perfect harmony with the rat, I mean cat:D
  17. Erie Outlawz

    Erie Outlawz CH Dog

    She is such a pretty girl and a perfect example of a gamebred house dog!!!
  18. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Thanks, but your bias because you know her....lol j/k but she is by far the best dog I have ever owned, BY FAR.
  19. grave digger

    grave digger Top Dog

  20. chessfighter

    chessfighter Big Dog

    Every ApBT(not sure if I should put the "P" in) I've ever owned has been a house dog. But none had a recorded pedigree. But for sure my next one will:D.
    Living in So Cali it's very rare to see a real ApBT:( Let alone come across an honest reputed breeder who hadn't faked their paper work. I was in the front of my house w/ my dog a while back and a guy drove by, backed up his car and asked "Are you planning on breed her?" I reply "No, because she's not worth being bred." He asked "if she was papered?" I reply "No!" and he said "I can create a ped for her, because you can get more money for the puppy's." After that I was like :confused: :eek: are you serious? Some people will do anything for the money. They could care less about the dog or the breed for that matter. Another guy asked "if I wanted to breed my dog?" I told him "No!" and I asked "if his dog was papered?" He said "Yeah, he is. I have all of his shots.":eek:

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