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help with nail clipping..

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by mopower440, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. My 2 year old dog refuses to let me cut his nails and they are LONG!! We installed laminate wood floors in the house and he sounds like a horse walking through the house with these long nails. I dont have the money to take him to the vet so they can knock him out and cut them. Is there any kind of medication that will knock him out for a few minutes that wont harm him so i can cut these nails? There has to be some way to do this. Ive tried doing it when he is sleeping and he wakes right up. HELP!!
  2. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    feede them some herb. seriously. it is the most healthy way to ingest thc and has numerous medicinal properties. i know a lot of people will think that that is an outlandish thing to do, but it works. it may not be practical depending on what you do with your free time. failing that, i trip to the vet would be best unless you can find some other organic way to knock the dog out.
  3. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    Clipping nails can be a PITA when they fight you but I just go with it. My male pup hates being poked at but I just wrestle his little ass down and clip away.

    Do get them nails cut, you can cause alot of damage to thier feet if it goes unattended. We right now are fostering a pug who nails were curled over so bad that the penetrated the pads of her feet causeing her severe pain and one hell of an expensive operation.

    Not sure how often you walk the dog but if you walk your dog on pavement that has a natural way of grinding the claws down without the use of a clipper.

    Good luck.
  4. i am 208 pounds and still cant hold him down, he is VERY strong..
  5. renegadepit

    renegadepit Big Dog

    I wish I could help you with this one but I have hardwood floors and the same problem with my dog. I have to put on my workout clothes to cut his nails because we get into a 30 min wrestling match for real. I'm talking about headlocks, leg locks, his head under my leg, I'm sitting on top pinning him down. Its a pain, to the point were I don't even bother trying to cut his nails anymore. Sorry.
  6. DryCreek

    DryCreek CH Dog


    though a very interesting suggestion I can't say that I'd recommend it. Next thing we'll be hearing is that "Pit Bull" owners are feeding their dog MJ so they'll "whatever"...

    Plus, it's illegal and it is possible to OD your dog as well! ;)


    Have you ever had your dogs nails done at the vets? I can't remember ever having to med a dog up to do nails before. They should be experienced enough there to do it and it should not be that expensive. 2 experienced (and strong LOL) people should be able to do it no problem. Okay, maybe 3 people for a strong and determined dog :p Why don't you call and ask how much it will cost?
  7. Dtwo

    Dtwo Big Dog

    I use a dremmel tool with the little sand paper wheels on some of my dogs. How about trying to give him a favorite long lasting treat such as a bully stick or rawhide?

    Even if you can sneak in and do one at a time while he's enjoying a treat it's better than nothing.

    I think a lot of dogs react aprehensively because "we" are acting that way.

    Try to make it like it's no big deal and do it nonchalantly.

    Grabbing them and forcefully wrestling them to the ground only freaks them out more.
  8. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    You can try to get the dog used to the clippers...

    A long time ago, I trimmed the nail down too far and caused some bleeding. After that, he would give me hell while trying to clip his nails.

    To stop this, I started taking the clippers while holding his paw and inch them near him without clipping. Then, I would give him some praise as long as he didn't fight back.

    Eventually, he started associating the clipper with praise. Therefore, he stopped giving me so much trouble. I can cut his nails with no problems now.

    Just an idea.
  9. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    Not to go OT but it would take an awful lot of MJ to make the dog OD. My friends dogs got into his stash and ate 2lbs, them dogs were F'n stoned big time. No harm came to them just a whole lot of sleep.


    Do what you gotta do to get those nails trimmed. It is not good for them for those nails not to be trimmed. I would stand over Smokey and grab is legs and make him do it. He would struggle but after I told him to shut the blankity blank up we would usually let me do it.
  11. Aint no holding him down, im telling you. The vet once told me to give my other dog adult benadryl for allergys and benedryl knocks ME out, wonder if that would work..

  12. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    it was a simple suggestion and i can understand not everyone wanting to give their dog some ganja. however, when eaten and not smoked, there has been proven to be no harmful side effects. and it works wonders as far as knocking the dog out. i wouldn't know though and to top it off it's illegal. so procede at your own risk. :)

    Edit: DO NOT give the dog any form of human medication, especially not something as controversial as benadryl. consult your vet and see what he would reccomend
  13. I almost pissed myself reading this one.Just could imagine and the way worded it is great. lol
  14. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    Amitriptylin. Is barely a medicine and was created as a anti depressant but failed miserably. But Doctors realized it can help with migraines and sleeping patterns. I take it for nights when I cant fall asleep. If you can find some start around 10 mg but no more than 15 or so unless you have a huge dog. I have to take 100mg but I started out on 25 and some people only take 10s so id start there with a 50lb dog around 5-10mg for 50lbs. Theyll sleep for a while maybe sleepy for a day or so after....and probaly wont make much worry over a nail clipping while sleeping. I have never asked a vet about this and never done it but I know the med is not a narcotic or very dangerous to humans and its easily accessable all over. I dont know about unisom or otc sleeping aids and I dont trust them,,, Other than that save the 40 bucks to have a vet do it in a couple weeks when you got it.... then walk on the road a lot to keep them filed up.
  15. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    They make a pill like a valume(sp?) for dogs. We had to use those for our Chihuahua. He would put a hole in you if you tried to touch his feet. Thats the reason he was removed from the breeding program. The groomer has access to them I believe. Good luck and as stated, get it taken care of as soon as you can. I don't think it would be an expensive thing to do, just dont let the vet up-sell you on every little thing. ;)
  16. Marinepits

    Marinepits Big Dog

    Amitriptylin does not function as an anti-depressant/sedative in dogs. It is used as an antihistamine instead. I have a mastiff mix with pretty severe allergies and our vet prescribed amitriptylin to stop the itching and scratching. It has done NOTHING for his activity level at all -- he's still very energetic and he's been on this drug for several years now.

    To trim the nails down and keep them trimmed, try exercising your dog on a tennis court. The surface of the court acts like a giant emery board for the dogs' nails.
  17. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    How many mg does your dog take? See thats crazy if its true how certain drugs in different animals do different things. Like in one animal it could be a seditive and in another animal a stimulant...Hmmm go figure. But yeah how many mg is your dog on at 1 dose?
  18. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Rufus will not let you cut his, here's what I have to do... give him two ace tablets... it almost knocks him out, then I have to muzzle him and then "Git er done" ;)
  19. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    Rufus sounds like Bambam I can do it with no muzzle or drugging but its a literal match of our own...there long as a matter of fact...funny how all of our dogs hate it and theyre so tough. Theyre all just like screw it, leave my nails alone....lol.
  20. Marinepits

    Marinepits Big Dog

    It depends on how bad his allergies are at the time (Spring and Fall are the worst times for him). Generally, one 75mg pill twice a day and he weighs about 85-90 pounds.

    Amitriptylin can be used in conjunction with valium or other sedatives to treat separation anxiety, thunderstorm phobias, or other disorders. Amitriptylin alone doesn't work on most dogs as a sedative or anti-anxiety.

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