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Help With Some Acceptable Feed

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by c10d, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. c10d

    c10d Big Dog

    Due to all these food recalls and everything, I really would rather make my dogs food myself.

    My mother came up with the idea of giving our dogs a homemade diet orginally, and I'd like to give it a try.

    What type of foods (that can be bought at a market. I don't live near a farm or a butcher that can give me bone-dust and whatnot) can we use to make their food?

    As far as meats go I was thinking ground beef, ground turkey, etc.

    What kind of grains and/or vegetables?

    Thanks guys/girls
  2. jaystreetsA4

    jaystreetsA4 Top Dog

    look up a Barf Diet. thats the only thing i can think of . But there are some great kilbble feeds tht have quality control if you're open to that.
  3. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    Do you happen to know which kibble that is?i was going to ask this same question,im afraid to feed my dogs!I just bought diamond naturals,and though the dogs love it theyve had diarhhea since.Im trying to find some good kibble at this point i dont care about cost.I really dont have time to make my own food fr the dogs but if i cant find something soon i may have to.
  4. smokey024

    smokey024 Big Dog

    I have been feeding my dogs wellness its all natural. It cost a little more than some of the other stuff but thats all the shit that been recalled. If u just switched foods on your dog it probably has the runs just from the switch in diet give it about a week and it should be fine.
  5. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    thanks,and i am hoping it is just the switch thats given em the runs,usually when i switch i do it gradually but this time i was too afraid to let them eat anymore of the iams i had.Where do you buy your food?
  6. smokey024

    smokey024 Big Dog

    i get it from the local pet store but there are tons of websites that sell it just google dog food and you will find a ton a places that will sell every brand out there.
  7. jaystreetsA4

    jaystreetsA4 Top Dog

    wellnes is a good feed. so is the diamond stuff. Some other good feeds are:

    Merricks ( my personal favorite)
    Kirklands ( its at costcos, ive seen some awesome looking dogs on this and the ingreident listing is good)
    Canidae ( seen some great dogs on this too)
    Timberwolf Organics. ( this as well.)

    ususally each ahs a website to check for local distributors. Feed stores ususally cArry them.
  8. Suki

    Suki Guest

    The best advice i can give and offer at this point, is to go to each food's website and see IF a recall has been instituted, and any their foods recalled. Each website SHOULD have a list of any recalls and a telephone # to call, if you've any questions regarding their food. You can also pull up each products ingredients to make sure they're safe to feed and contain nothing questionable.
    This is the advice our vets have been giving clients lately, as, understandably, MANY people are concerned.

    latest and greatest: http://www.sunshinemills.com/press_release.html
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2007

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