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House Training A Puppy

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Joker62484, Sep 9, 2006.

  1. I Just Got a 9 week old pit bull, she is doing well about peeing and pooping outside when i take her out, but she doesnt seem to know that shes not allowed to go in the house, any special training i should know about that? She also doesnt go in her crate, she did the first 2 nights but now shes perfect in her crate, that only took 2 days, i wish the house training was that quick. Should I take her right outside after she pees or poops in the house? sometimes i catch her before she does it and take her out.
  2. Dirty3rd

    Dirty3rd Big Dog

    I may be oldschool, but if they do it in the house rub their damn nose in it and take them outside immediatly. If and when they do go out side make sure and let them know heavily with rewards. It's always worked for every dog I've owned. Oh yeah and take them out every hour on the hour when you can.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2006
  3. LegendsMami

    LegendsMami Top Dog

    I had a schedule for my dog. He learned very quickly. Each week I would increase the amount of time inbetween going outside. Make sure she goes to the the potty before being let out of her crate, before and after meals, and before and after playtime.
  4. Just be consistent and give it a little time. Seems she's learning fairly quickly and in a matter of a month or so you won't need to worry.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2006
  5. gil230

    gil230 Big Dog

    You must remember that a puppy needs to relieve its self after it drinks water, eats, or plays. That means that if you forget to take him/her outside and it has an accident; it's your fault not the puppy's. Make a schedule and remember that a puppy can't hold it that long. Take the puppy out many times, making sure it goes, and slowly start increasing the time in between you take him/her outside. Also, make sure your kennel is not too large for your dog. If your puppy can take a dump on the other side of the kennel and then go lie down on the other side, the kennel is too large. For the first couple of months, the puppy should only be able to stand up, turn around, and lie down in it's kennel. Most dogs hate to get covered in their own sh&t. By decreases the size of it's kennel the dog will learn not to piss or sh#t in it. Hope that helps.

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