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Introducing... Nova!

Discussion in 'Rescue & Adoption' started by GSDbulldog, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    Our newest foster for HAPBTR, Nova. We picked her up last night. She's about 12 weeks (I believe). She was the product of an accidental breeding and dumped at a shelter. Sire was a bandog, we have no idea what the dam was (Although the owner had sworn up and down she was purebred :rolleyes: ). We think she's mixed with some sort of shepherd? She has a very alert temperament and she's pretty "fluffy".









  2. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    very cute.
  3. Lethalpits

    Lethalpits Top Dog

    I like her, she looks like one of those akita/pitbull mixes. Good luck with her.
  4. LOL.....awwwwwe, she is sooo cute! Looks very lovable and happy!
  5. Michele

    Michele Guest

    adorable...i love the ears.....
  6. ChiaPit

    ChiaPit Top Dog

    She has a very unique look, and is absolutely adorable!! I'll bet she finds a forever home in no time, thats a face that can't be refused!
  7. mrsmickey351

    mrsmickey351 Guest

    I like how you copied my husbands signature from the ROM board.

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