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Jerk Phase

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by shrekthepit, Jan 8, 2005.

  1. Hi everyone, he'res my question maybe someone can help explain this to me. Shrek and Phatty have been together for about 3 yrs now, Phatty had to be fixed about 6-8 months ago due to an infection : ( she was pregnant too, first time, she lost the puppies and now I can't breed her or him because he won't mount other females!

    He goes through these jerk phases about every 2-3 months, usually it happened when she was in heat, he would be protective of her but also treat her like crap, he wouldn't let her eat or get near us. Now that she is fixed he still does this. Do males go through a heat phase? and why won't he mount other females? he still tries with Phatty but she doesn't allow it anymore.

    today I went to the store, just a quick in and out so I gave them one bowl of food and put them in the back room of the house. usually it's not a big deal, they share or one isn't interested. Today he started his jerk phase, he laid infront ofthe bowl growling and licking the food!!! I was telling him to stop and he wagged his tail at me but looked at her and growled, then 15 minutes later he was licking her ears!!! I know human men are weird but are male dogs that weird too??? heheheh

    any ideas?
  2. Deep south

    Deep south Big Dog

    Sounds like rudimentary sociological behavior that could be adjusted in time. I have a female that when i got her would attack every dog she came in contact with, And now she plays with my other dogs great after 5 months of positive reinforcement training .....you can teach an old dog new tricks lol
    Although I would consider feeding them sperate most dogs get a little touchy about there food some down right mean .....Hopes this help a little
  3. LadyRampage

    LadyRampage Top Dog

    Try having a female that will only breed to certain males and usually only when my hubbie is around..lol Tried to get a breeding done with this girl for my hubbie for 5 straight days with her sitting, fighting, being a general pain in the ass, and we feeling sooo sorry for the poor male she was treating like crap. At my wits end, and after a solid hour of trying on the male's part, not to mention the puking from being so stress, I decided to try one last time and take her to her love machine from her first breeding and within 1 min she was bred and licking his face like she had just be keeping herself pure..lol That was 5 days of cussing on my part...lol She was on her way out of heat and I only got to breed her that day and one other..lol The other poor male barked the entire time..lmao

    These dogs are goofy about love..lmao

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