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Ladybug in the yard

Discussion in 'Photography, Artwork & Videos' started by Lee D, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

  2. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

  3. spliff

    spliff Big Dog

    looking good!!
  4. Right on! I really like that second one down. How old is she now?
  5. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    8 months old
  6. Vicki

    Vicki Administrator Staff Member

    She's a pretty little one! Did she get a new Easter dress yet? :D
  7. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    looks good Lee
  8. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    thanks guys, and no V, there is no spring dress planned:D
  9. Irish Pitbull

    Irish Pitbull Top Dog

    Great looking dog.
  10. chucho

    chucho Big Dog

    Lookin' good Bro.
  11. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    Great looking dog Lee!
  12. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Nice lmmfao!!! Le could get a matching one and top it all off with a yellow with white polka dots leash and coller combo
  13. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    not gonna happen Red lol
  14. Vicki

    Vicki Administrator Staff Member

    Bet it could, if one addresses to the right family members. :D
  15. PADogman

    PADogman Top Dog

    She's looking real good. I hope my wife doesn't see that dress. Next thing I know my house dog will be dressed in it lol. She insists on getting one for the dog. I keep telling her there's no way in hell any of my dogs are wearing something that hideous.
  16. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    im with the majority on her she is growing into a fine looking dog i like her alot
  17. cutt

    cutt CH Dog

    lookin good man, she is maturing nicely...
  18. preme

    preme CH Dog

    very nice buddy !
  19. Lookin' good there Lee, Ladybug's littermate Big Bad Bear the Barbarian (or Bear) looks very similar to her at this point in time...I need to snap some newer pictures of him.



    Keep up the good work, it sure does look like these dogs are all looking great so far!

    STDC Mike
  20. PADogman

    PADogman Top Dog

    Nice looking hound STDC

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