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lets clear out the shelters and feed people.

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by geezuss, Apr 3, 2010.

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  1. Ragingstorm

    Ragingstorm Big Dog

    My point is just because a small percentage of the worlds population thinks eating dog is ok, why should we encourage it all over the world? What if we did start to send dogs all over the world to third world countries, their people start coming to the US and have a taste for dog, but know its not allowed, so the only way they could eat dog is to steal someones pet....How would you feel knowing someone jumped your fence to take your dog for tonights dinner?
    I can assure you the chicken population would out weigh the dog population by a vast majority, so why dont we send them some protein in form of chickens? lol
    Yes a lot of dogs are PTS but surely after a life of uncertainty they deserve to die with a bit of dignity, than somebodies food. I know its just an idea but boy its controversial.
    As for the pig, nope id much rather own a dog thanks.......bet you couldnt house train a pig. lol
  2. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    LOL we talking about eating dogs & this is a dog fourm?:dogtongue:
  3. Ragingstorm

    Ragingstorm Big Dog

    lol I know its seems insane, Geezzus what have you been smoking? lol :p
  4. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

  5. geezuss

    geezuss Big Dog

    hehe i was just putting it out there to see people opinions on it . Oh you know there would be a problem if someone tried to steal my dog never mind steal to eat him :eek: !!!i know the chicken population could outweigh the dog population but as i stated in my post above6-8million enter shelters each year with 4-5 million being euthanized. Kind of seems like a waste to me . id much rather own dogs than pigs to imagine gamebred pigs :eek: wtf lol . Those huge hogs people catch put up a damn good fight lol . Nope i aint smokin anything im a good boy :p . Ill aggree its very very controversial but like i say im curious to know what people think. We all know americans are wasteful and for us to kill 4-5 million dogs each year that could keep millions of people alive!! I cant state enough that i myself would never eat a dog as i love them but some people do :rolleyes:
  6. Ragingstorm

    Ragingstorm Big Dog

    LMFAO @ gamebred pigs :D

    Until the super powers of the world dont recognise world hunger and poverty, it will always be there im afraid, even if we did feed them dogs....because theres always a fat cat at the top willing to exploit his/her power.

    And I know your a good boy sweetie, just teasing :p
  7. Jelet

    Jelet Banned




    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2010
  8. Ragingstorm

    Ragingstorm Big Dog

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2010
  9. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    are there enough homeless asians in the country to clear the shelters?
  10. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    But In all seriousness. I agree with geezuss. It may sound crazy, but IMO is one of those things that are " just crazy enough to work."

    And to the "dogs may be skinned alive", What is worse: A dog being skinned alive, or a 30lb 10 year old child who eats twice a week?

    The pain of a child who eats twice a week. Or the pain of a dog being skinned alive. Lets allow the child to starve so the poor dog doesnt get skinned alive.? These are not anyones pets. If it were someones pets I would understand.

    It will take care of the shelter problem of overpopulation. And the money to build shelters/feed the shelter animals etc. And help out the starving folks...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2010
  11. geezuss

    geezuss Big Dog

    Not to mention all the money that goes to these animals and shelters being built can instead be sent to the starving countries and people along with the dogs for food. I mean some people would be out of jobs but at the cost of really helping people that would otherwise have died . I feel guilty having dogs in shelters when we can save a persons life. Yea they are not anyones pets and 4-5 million are just killed anyway . Its a crazy thought but ^^ it may be crazy enough to work :D ^^

    People may also be less inclined to have "accidental" breedings and be more responsible knowing their dog may end up as food...
  12. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    im just waiting for the next Apbt vs dragon thread.
  13. geezuss

    geezuss Big Dog

    gotta love it man! lmao :) . i asked wardogkennels to close my other post before because someone was posting links he shouldnt have so that things is dead finally lol . i take the APBT in the 3 round dragon has no chance lol.
    But on a serious note i love dogs but id rather see a dog die than a 10 yr old child that weighs 30lbs.. thats just wrong!!
  14. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    Stop. Seriously. A dog's a dog; no "smarter" or "aware" than pigs etc. I've kept or dealt with all of the above and in every single species you've mentioned I've met individuals that would put most dogs to shame in the brains or "caring" scale. Just because out culture has chosen to elevate dogs above all else does not mean they're any more worthwhile or deserving of life and consideration than fish, chickens or pigs.

    So please, fight for your point and your view. Put some thought and facts in there too. Because seriously, if you have to throw so much bullshit and anthropomorphic smoke into the thing,...your point might not be worth much.

    But first, let's all fight to stop the live boiling of lobsters and crabs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2010
  15. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    Seriously, the main cause of global starvation isn't a lack of food and concentrated poverty-it's a lack of empathy and concentrated greed.
  16. venom

    venom Top Dog

    I would like to think of the dog being closer to us than fish or seafood. The dog is our creation. Maybe if we bred fish to be smart loyal animals that were dedicated to humans as these dogs are in the pound it would be a similiar comparison.

    But i could agree with starvation being in relation to greed. even if we shipped all of our dogs to these countries, i'd be willing to be that majority of those dogs wouldn't even feed these hungry kids that are being spoke of. We send rice and all types of shit all over the world... a lot of that doesnt ever reach the people either.
  17. Ragingstorm

    Ragingstorm Big Dog

    Like I said its my opinion, and I have a higher regard for dogs than I do pigs, thats my opinion and im entitled to it, if you can show me evidence of all these "individuals" that are smarter than dogs then maybe id take you more seriously, rather than you professing a pathetic statement that frankly I need to see to believe.
    Jetlet has put up some videos of smart pigs but I still dont think theyre smarter than dogs, i'd be interested to know the whether pigs or these other "individuals" have the same brain capacity to store the amount of information a dog does......so when you can show me the evidence to back up your stupid claim that these "individuals" can complete ALL tasks most dogs can, like sit, stay, lay down, retrieve, catch, shit outside the house then your argument is as stupid as mine, its just more "bullshit" and "anthropomorphic smoke" without the "facts" .......but then I suppose a lot of it depends on what dogs your feeding that your comparing pigs and "individuals" to lol
  18. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    im shocked at the original post.....now you ave me thinking that if you vever breed a litter itll be packaged n labelled n sent off to a shithole 3rd world nation to get eaten.there are many ways you can help the starving.....but....as the western world have some sort sense and are a majority of dog lovers....you wont be getting many to do it!id be the 1st protesting against it!if backward countrie already eating them choose to do so then fair enough....but not a country i pay taxes in......
  19. Ragingstorm

    Ragingstorm Big Dog

    OMG I think I agree with you Peppa :eek: :p
  20. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    this is one of the stupidest things i have seen here in a while
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