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My Bitch Ran Away, I Feel Betrayed

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by GalDemSuga, May 12, 2006.

  1. My girl ran away on tuesday nite. I've searched my apartment complex and neighborhood and no sign of her. I've checked the pound, the shelters and under every rock, still no sign of her. She is in her first heat, I feel betrayed
  2. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    are ya sure she ran away and someone didn't take her?
  3. asaj

    asaj Big Dog

    I agree, perhaps somebody took her, or she found a boyfriend!
  4. JuicyCa

    JuicyCa Big Dog

    Oh my God, I would be devastated. I hope you find her, or she comes home. I would hate to think that someone found her and kept her. I would never keep a stray unless I couldn't find the owner-and I'd try hard, too. I found Aaron on the street and tried to find his people for weeks, but came up with nothing in the end. Sadly, there aren't many honest people around when it comes to this breed.

    Good luck in finding her.
  5. The Watcher

    The Watcher Till The Wheels Fall Off.

    I bit my tonge off.
  6. Tiara

    Tiara Big Dog

    I hope that you find her, I'm sure she'll come home when she's done having fun. You might want to talk to your vet about doing a pregnancy check and if positive giving her a shot to abort.
  7. MercedesMama

    MercedesMama Guest

    That's awful that she is gone. I hope that you find her.
  8. when females go into heat they'll do anything to get out of the yard or off the chain. when i was about 15 i had a female run away and it was on her second heat, the first heat she got off the chain and we couldnt find her for about a day our neighbor came and got us and said your dog has been in my yard, we got our girl and left. next heat she got off again, and we never saw her after that. hopefuly yours comes back, if not just learn from this time and take the proper precautions so it doesn't happen to your next female. Hopefully she comes back
  9. I've searched every day at weird hours and nothing so far. we went out to potty on tuesday nite around 1130 pm. she pottied and then took off. the apartment complex is poorly lit and i couldnt keep up with her. i'm doubtful that she'll return.
  10. findrodhere

    findrodhere Top Dog

    you need to keep your dog on a leash. Trusting your dog to heel when she's in heat is irresponsible.
  11. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I wanna bite my tongue too, but I'm not going to....LOL

    What the Hell are you doing letting your APBT loose to do her biz in a residential area? That's not very BRIGHT on your part. I hope that she did get picked up before she could cause some trouble.....

    With a lil luck maybe she will be returned to you with lil to No hair knocked off of her and she wasn't bred.

    If you get your dog back, I hope that you would have her spayed imediatly!
  12. MercedesMama

    MercedesMama Guest

    Couldnt have said it better myself!
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  13. Defend2DaEnd

    Defend2DaEnd CH Dog

    That was stupid of you. Do you realise what you did? Next time keep your dog on a long strap with a clip on the end called a leash. Why do you feel betrayed? You betrayed her by being irresponsible! Now who knows what could happen to her. Someone could end up with her and breed the heck out of her, she could get hit by a car, she could attack someone the list goes on and on. Maybe you should look into a more obediant breed or spay your dog before she goes into heat.
  14. pitbulliest

    pitbulliest Banned

    For a minute there, I was beginning to worry when everyone was feeling sorry for the owner...I don't want to sound rude, but I think I'll have to.

    First of all, the dog should have been fixed, period. Why would anyone want to breed pits right now anyways when they are the number one abused, neglected, and exploited breed in North America? That should say it all...I agree with responsible and reputable breeders, but its apparent that they are rare in terms of this breed.

    Second of all, why the heck was the dog off of the leash? She's in heat, dear God!

    I have to be blunt when I say that you were very irresponsible in your actions and I just pray that your dog is safe and didn't wind up in the wrong hands. There are far too many irresponsible dog owners, and as pit bull owners, we have a duty to change the stereotypical view people have of our dogs and us....again, I hate to say it, but you did not do a very good job at being a responsible bully breed embassador.

    Good luck to your dog..I hope she comes home safe and unpregnant.
    1 person likes this.
  15. The Watcher

    The Watcher Till The Wheels Fall Off.

    I got to be the nice guy this time. YAY! merrit badge for 50!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Marinepits and simms like this.
  16. Defend2DaEnd

    Defend2DaEnd CH Dog

    Yea 50 your just a regular box of cracker jacks.
  17. Luke.UK

    Luke.UK Big Dog

    We all make mistakes,your dog got out sorry!
    Hope she`ll come back OK!
    but next time....oh there wont be a next time!
    Hope she`s home soon.
  18. who is 50?
  19. JuicyCa

    JuicyCa Big Dog

    Oh, I didn't realize you didn't have her on the leash. That was a really bonehead move on your part, but I still hope you find her. Lord knows what some people would do if they found a pit in heat.
  20. backfire

    backfire Pup

    the whole pitbull thing about how you shouldnt have one will be over before you know it just think about it in the 70s through the 80s the Doberman was the so called bad dog and the 80s through the 90s it was the Rott and know its the pit what will the next breed be everyone needs to quite making a bid deal out of it and have some reputable people stand up for Pits not everyone else making a big deal out of it because then that just tells people that are fighting it that something is wrong

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