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Name Change?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by purplepig, Jun 21, 2006.

  1. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    *Hello, I did not know where the proper place was to post this, so I did so here. Sorry ahead of time if this is the wrong place

    I purchased a dog today, drove to meet the lady in Mississippi. Got the dog, and the papers, well, not long after she had driven off, I noticed that on the name change line she had written"cannot change the name". I called her and asked if I could change the name. She said no. I said, well would you please come back and get this dog? She said no. That she had always done it that way. I said well this is the 1st I have heard of it. I could see if it was her bloodline, but it isnt. She is breeding boudroux and wildside dogs, and she just owns the mama and daddy to the puppy. I said, I have bought adult dogs that I could not change the dogs name, but never a puppy. As a matter of fact, if the breeder was a very good breeder, I would request to keep their name on the dog for breeding purposes, but never had one refuse to allow me to name a puppy that I bought. I have been around dogs for awhile, and this is the first!
    Is this common practice nowadays that the people you buy dogs from will not allow you to name your own dog?
    Please give me insight, and let me know if there is anything that I can do. I know that paper is just paper, but my gosh, I bought the dog.
  2. sy82nj

    sy82nj Top Dog

    you should be able to give the pup a call name
  3. Miss Conduct

    Miss Conduct CH Dog

    alot of people want their "stamp" on the dog, and make it so you cannot change the name. You can add your own "call name" to the dog though.

    Curious, why would JUST a name change want you to return the dog?? The dogs not going to act/perform differently over a name change.

    My dogs could be registered as "Piece of Sh#t", but as long as they perform, i could care less.

  4. sy82nj

    sy82nj Top Dog

    are you new to dogs? i didn't want the pup change you couldn't change the name. weird to me
  5. Linz216

    Linz216 Pup

    i was aloud to choose a call name for my dog when i got him. The only thing i couldnt change was his registered name. By the way the dog u have on there is pretty. Is it yours?
  6. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Thnx, yes she's mama's house dog.
  7. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    like I said, "I know it's just paper". It is a principle to me. I have had many dogs, but never had anyone be so arrogant as to want to sell a puppy to me, and not allow me to name the dog. Just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe you dont care what you call your dogs, as long as they do what you want, but as for me, I believe that if a person pays good money for a dog, it should be expected that they should be able to name the dog. If you want your dogs to have a profane name, or to be called dufficate, go right ahead, I am not in the same room with that. I take allot of thought into naming my children, and I take allot of though into naming the dogs. Just call me purple "sentimental" pig!LOL
  8. cemoreno

    cemoreno Top Dog

    You can call the dog whatever you want who cares about the name on the papers that's unimportant. What's important is the dog. My dogs Kasha was adopted with papers by my husband and all I did was change her call name to Kasha. He papers say Alvarez's "Lookit" so what, I still get to call her what I named her no biggie.

    Best of luck with this issue.

    By the way tell your mother that her dog is gorgeous!
  9. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Surely I shall see things as you say,just rubs me the wrong way, I dont understand.
    Thanx about the compliment on the picture. "Mama" is my wife. I actually bought the dog and trained her, but she has captured my wife's heart and she sleeps on the floor on mama's side of the bed!HA HA.
    She was a dog that I had purchased and the owner did not give papers to me, so she is actually unregistered. It is quite a shame as she is a wonderful bulldog. When she has gotton into it w/other dogs I can actually call her down with my mouth, and she will stop what she is doing and lay down! never had a dog that would do that before, usually I'd have to break it up. She would have been a great catch dog, as in competition(from what I am told) after the dog catches the hog, there is a certain amount of time the dog must release. Some get kinda excited and it gets hard to break them off, so having a dog that you can speak to it and it releases would do very well.
    About the other deal, I am sure tomorrow I will be better.
    Thank you all for you input,

    So the majority of you say that this is normal for it to happen to you? In 22 years of buying and selling these dogs, this is the first time this has ever happened to me.
  10. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    I have never heard of not being able to change the name on a pup. I do know that some breeders request that what ever name you choose you put thier kennel name or last name or whatever before it . Like my dog patience I got to name her they just requested that I keep thier last name in front of it so her name is Thomas' Tri My Patience. One of my other dogs is from Irish pride Kennels so his name is IPK's U Got Me Puzzled. But as far as not beng allowed to name the dog at all I have never heard of that.
  11. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I have seen people try that but if I can't change it I don't buy it. You have to really look those papers over before you render the money. You never know what kind of crap someone will try to pull. Some will even switch pups on you. Mistakes can happen too like grabbing the wrong sex or dog's papers. You have to read them over. Some people are evil.
  12. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Its just the registered name, its no big deal. You can choose whatever "call name" you wish, and you can call that puppy whatever you want-regardless of what the papers say. Registered names arent a big deal, unless you are breeding the dog, which I dont recommend.
  13. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Some dude up in Indiana got arrested for breeding a sheep. I don't recommend it either. Just isn't right.
  14. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    ROFL oh man, that one caught me off gaurd
  15. Attila

    Attila Guest

    LOL sorry I couldn't resist it.
  16. NCPatchwork

    NCPatchwork CH Dog

    I've heard of a few people doing it, but its just so that they know the dog I suppose...I guess its more of a preference on the breeder's part.
  17. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    You hit the nail on the head there bro. It is my fault for not looking the reg. certificate over very good!! It seems that the only way I learn is by screwing up, and even then sometimes it takes a few times!! I have sold a few pups and never even crossed my mind to not allow the new owner to name the dog what they wanted to. Crazy!

  18. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Thanks Jay,
    I have had to learn by trial and error too. I don't sell pups with names either. I would expect it from an adult but I would expect to have the option of changing the name. To me if you want to keep your name associated with a dog you should keep it in your yard. After all if that dog goes sour or bad after you sell it would you really want your name still on it. I think it is not only rude for them to do that but kind of stupid as well.
  19. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    I didn't get to name Jedi when we bought him. (Except for the call name.)

    Honestly, I could see why a breeder would do that. It allows them to pick what is, in their mind, a classy name for the dog. And it also allows them to make sure their kennel name is going on the papers, instead of relying on the buyer to stay honest. (Although there is a way around everything for the dishonest.) Last time I bought a dog, I pitched my ideas for a registered name to the breeder, and we agreed on one together. But it was also agreed upon before Loki ever came home with us.
  20. Suki

    Suki Guest

    I agree. Choose your own name, (Call name), and call your dog what ever you'd like. My breeder picked the registered name. I chose the call name. No big deal, as mentioned.

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